
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 2009 ) 32/842

期別 題目 頁數 作者
2009 / 第1期[財務管理]預測股價指數波動率-新VIX與長期記憶模型之比較(Forecasting Stock Index Volatility: A Comparsion between New VIX and Long Memory Model)(1,245KB)11王毓敏、謝志正(Yu-Min Wang、Chih-Cheng Hsieh)
2009 / 第1期[財務管理]地震對亞太地區股票市場所引起的蔓延效應之研究(Contagion Effects of Earthquake on the Asian Pacific Stock Markets)(1,657KB)47李顯儀、吳幸姬(Hsien-Yi Lee、Hsing-Chi Wu)
2009 / 第1期[計量分析]應用獨立成分分析與蕭華特管制圖於統計製程監控(Statistical Process Monitoring Using Independent Component Analysis and Shewhart Control Chart)(1,291KB)81呂奇傑、邱志洲、李天行、阮致勳(Chi-Jie Lu、Chih-Chou Chiu、Tian-Shyug Lee、Chih-Hsun Juan)
2009 / 第1期[財務管理]現金增資盈餘操弄與股市反應 - 理論與實證(Seasoned Equity Offerings’ Earnings Manipulation and Stock Market Reaction: Theory and Evidences)(1,363KB)115李春安、賴藝文、蕭小芬(Chun-An Li、Yih-Wenn Laih、Hsiao-Fen Hsiao)
2009 / 第1期[組織管理]台灣政體對大陸社會形象建構之分析:《海基會》台商經貿糾紛個案之常規政策為例(Social Image of Mainland China Framed by Taiwan’s Polity:The SEF’s Regular Policy on the Disputes Cases of Taiwan-based Businesses)(1,218KB)159李清潭、曾惠蓮(Chin-Tarn Lee、Hui-Lien Tseng)
2009 / 第1期[知識管理]以知識管理觀點為基礎探討組織動態能力之影響因素(Affecting Factors of Organization’s Dynamic Capabilities—the Knowledge Management Perspective)(1,208KB)195劉勇志、楊耀傑、王貴英(Yung-Chih Liou、Yao-Chieh Yang、Kuei-Ing Wang)
2009 / 第1期[策略管理]中華文化的策略觀點(The Classical Chinese Perspective of Strategy)(1,158KB)229林峰立(Feng-Lee Lin)
2009 / 第1期[其他]機構品質可以影響住民士氣嗎?以高雄市安養護機構為例(Can Organizational Quality Influence on Residential Morale? Evidence from Nursing Facilities in Kaohsiung)(1,381KB)251蔡淑鳳、吳濟華、葉淑娟(Shwu-Feng Tsay、Jih-Hwa Wu、Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh)
2009 / 第2期[組織管理]員工在組織重整初期不確定性認知、重整效能認知及個人面對變革態度對其工作態度影響之縱斷面研究-一項組織社會化理論的觀點(A Longitudinal Field Study of the Effects of Employees’ Perceived Uncertainty, Perceived Restructuring Effect, Attitude toward Change on Their Work Attitude in the Early Stage of Organizational Restructuring)(856KB)295林文政、陳慧娟(Wen -Jen Lin、Hui-Chuan Chen)
2009 / 第2期[財務管理]運用顧客終身價值模型及ARIMA分析評估顧客價值:台灣百貨公司個案分析(Using Customer Lifetime Value Models and ARIMA Analysis to Value Customers: A Case Study of Department Store in Taiwan)(627KB)339陳妙玲、陳信宏(Miao-Ling Chen、Hsin-Hung Chen)
2009 / 第2期[組織管理]組織公正、負面情感以及組織公民行為之關係研究:以主管不當監督為中介變項(The Relationship Among Organizational Justice, Negative Affectivity, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Abusive Supervision)(685KB)367余明助、郭嘉博(Ming-Chu Yu、Chia-Po Kuo)
2009 / 第2期[組織管理]中小企業集群研究的演變與新進展(Evolution and New Development of Studies on SMEs Cluster)(684KB)397符正平、常路(Zhengping Fu、Lu Chang)
2009 / 第2期[財務管理]兩稅合一制度對企業資本結構影響之研究(The Effects of the Integrated Income Tax System on the Corporate Capital Structure)(769KB)419曾玉琦、吳清在(Yee-Chy Tseng、TsingZai C. Wu)
2009 / 第2期[會計]台灣會計學術研究回顧與展望(Review and Prospects of Taiwan Accounting Academic Research)(668KB)453張瑞當、沈文華、張菁萍、魏若婷(Ruey-Dang Chang、Wen-Hua Shen、Ching-Ping Chang、Jo-Ting Wei)
2009 / 第2期[財務管理]應用Generalized M-vector模型於台灣公債市場免疫策略之實證(Generalized M-vector Models and Portfolio Immunization: Evidence from Taiwan Government Bond Market)(685KB)483周建新、于鴻福、張千雲、李欣芳(Jian-Hsin Chou、Hong-Fwu Yu、Chien-Yun Chang、Hsin-Fang Lee)
2009 / 第2期[財務管理]短期利率條件分配之尾部差異性檢定與風險值(Testing for the Difference in the Tails and VaR of Taiwan’s Short-Term Interest Rate)(842KB)517江明珠、李政峰、廖四郎、徐守德(Ming-Chu Chiang、Cheng-Feng Lee、Szu-Lang Liao、So-De Shyu)
2009 / 第3期[個案]花仙子公司績效衡量與管理系統的發展(Development of Farcent’s Performance Measurement and Management System)(1,801KB)573王立志、曾雅彩(Li-Chih Wang、Ya-Tsai Tseng)
2009 / 第3期[個案]沛錦科技的創業歷程─創業家精神與新創機會評估(The Startup Process of Imaging-Tek-Entrepreneurship and New Venture Evaluation)(2,621KB)603陳小芬、楊書成、黃莉婷、陳建宏、戴基峰(Jessica H. F. Chen、Henry S. C. Yang、Li-Ting Huang、Jian-Hung Chen、Jeffrey C. F. Tai)
2009 / 第3期[個案]瑪夏爾果醬(Mashar Homemade Jam)(1,162KB)633劉士豪、廖秀莉(Su-Houn Liu、Hsiu-Li Liao)
2009 / 第3期[個案]東遠精技─向大海前進的領航者(TMA CHAMP ENT. CORP.-A Navigator on the Sea)(1,360KB)657邱光輝、許建隆(Kuang-Hui Chiu、Chien-Lung Hsu)
2009 / 第3期[個案]布農部落休閒農場─文化產品與感動行銷設計(Bunun Leisure Farming: Designing Cultural Products and Affection Processes)(1,606KB)685黃思明、黃蘭茵(Syming Hwang、Lanyin Hwang)
2009 / 第3期[個案]友訊科技─三個有關於進入俄羅斯市場的故事(D-Link-Three Stories Related with Entering Russia Markets)(1,060KB)715倪衍森、陳育欣(Yen-Sen Ni、Yu-Hsin Chen)
2009 / 第3期[個案]遊戲公司的營運管理─酷奇思數位園(The Operational Management of a Game Company-A Case of Cookys Digital Park)(832KB)741傅振瑞、范懿文、王凱、陳純德、劉淑芬(Jen-Ruei Fu、Yi-Wen Fan、Kai Wang、Chwun-De Chen、Su-Fen Liu)
2009 / 第3期[個案]創業堅持與Web 2.0特性下的商業模式─達摩媒體(Entrepreneurial Persistence and Business Model in the Context of Web 2.0-A Case Study of DotMore Media)(1,699KB)769李信興(Hsin-Hsin Lee)
2009 / 第4期[組織管理]評估政府資助中小企業技術創新之效果-以「小型企業創新研發計畫」為例(The Effect of Government Subsidies on SMEs-The case of Small Business Innovation Research program)(774KB)813黃仟文、朱斌妤、李鳳梧(Chien-Wen Huang、Pin-Yu Chu、Fung-Wu Lee)
2009 / 第4期[組織管理]團隊多元化與團隊創新績效之關聯性研究:以團隊外部活動與團隊凝聚力為中介歷程(The Relationships of Team Diversity and Innovative Performance: The Mediating Effects of External Activity and Team Cohesiveness)(658KB)847黃櫻美、林淑姬、林月雲(Yin-Mei Huang、Shu-Chi Lin、Yeh-Yun Lin)
2009 / 第4期[財務管理]確定提撥率對勞工最適資產配置之影響(The Impact of Defined Contribution Rate on Labor’s Optimal Asset Allocation)(839KB)883謝企榮、徐守德、林育志、李家銘(Chi-Jung Hsieh、David S. Shyu、Luke Lin、Jie-Min Lee)
2009 / 第4期[會計]台灣股市投資人競價策略與價格優劣之比較(rading Price Strategies and Advantages of Institutional and Individual Investors in the Taiwan Stock Market)(1,269KB)927蕭朝興、尤靜華、林庭宇(Chaoshin Chiao、Ching-Hua Yu、Ting-Yu Lin)
2009 / 第4期[其他]從國家創新系統探討大學技術移轉之發展—美國、日本與台灣技轉中心之比較(The Impact of National Innovation System on the Development of University Technology Transfer – Comparison among U.S.A, Japan and Taiwan)(800KB)971江雪嬌(Hsueh-Chiao Chiang)
2009 / 第4期[會計]團隊社會資本與新產品開發績效:知識分享機會、意願與能力之中介效果(Social Capital and New Product Development Performance: The Mediation Effect of Knowledge Sharing Opportunity, Motivation and Capability)(797KB)1001謝如梅、方世杰、劉常勇、蔡馥陞(Ru-Mei Hsieh、Shih-Chieh Fang、Chang-Yung Liu、Fu-Sheng Tsai)
2009 / 第4期[財務管理]無股價企業信用風險模式之建立:Merton模型與Ohlson模型之結合(Credit Risk Model Establishment for Private Firms: The Integration of Merton Model and Ohlson Model)(818KB)1045張大成、林郁翎、蘇郁嵐(Ta-Cheng Chang、Yu-Ling Lin、Yu-Lan Su)
2009 / 第4期[組織管理]以模糊分析網絡流程建立靈活性新服務發展策略模式(Using Fuzzy Analytical Network Process to Construct New Service Development Strategy Model on Agility)(888KB)1083林凌仲、徐村和(Ling-Zhong Lin、Tsuen-Ho Hsu)