
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 2004 ) 40/842

期別 題目 頁數 作者
2004 / 第1期[組織管理]權力情境與權力結構對企業決策之影響-不同方法之實証(The Influence of Power Situation and Power Structure on Decision Making in Organizations—A Multi-method Approach)(1,000KB)9吳志正(Jyh-Jeng Wu)
2004 / 第1期[財務管理]美國存託憑證報酬與風險傳遞之研究(Return and Volatility Transmissiona between ADRs and the Underlying Factors)(751KB)37周冠男、徐之強、吳昭勳(Robin K. Chou、Chih-Chiang Hsu、Chao-Shuin Wu)
2004 / 第1期[組織管理]企業組織支援系統對大陸台商幹部之工作-家庭衝突之研究(The Impact of Support Systems of Enterprise Organizationson Taiwanese Expatriates’ Work-family Conflict)(846KB)63趙必孝、陳以亨、林虹君、張健豪()
2004 / 第1期[資訊管理]ERP系統架構支援B2B EC之實質營運管理-混合定性和定量分析研究(ERP System Support to B2BEC for Operational: Using Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques)(5,692KB)93張心馨(Hsin Hsin Chang)
2004 / 第1期[組織管理]資訊委外人員特殊與一般自我效能模型的驗證:台灣地區公營機構為例(An Empirical Study on the Specific and Generalized Self-efficacy Models of the Employees in Charge of Informational Outsourcing:The Case of Taiwan Government Organizations)(841KB)135萬金生(Chin-Sheng Wan)
2004 / 第1期[財務管理]影響台灣股市日內股價變動因素之探討(Investigating the underlying factors affecting intradaily price change behavior on the Taiwan Stock Exchange)(555KB)173江明憲、鄭淯隆(Min-Hsien Chiang、Yu-Lung Cheng)
2004 / 第2期[財務管理]損人不利己的聯合行為:麵粉卡特爾的案例分析(Disadvantage Collusion: A Case Study on Flour Cartel)(963KB)203馬泰成()
2004 / 第2期[組織管理]使用幽默對魅力領導行為與效應的調節作用之研究---- 以高雄地區企業高階經理人為例 ----(Humor as a Moderator of Charismatic Leadership behavior and its effects)(1,416KB)223蘇英芳、鄭國枝、黃 賀(Ying-Fang Su、Kuo-Chih Cheng、Jason Huang)
2004 / 第2期[行銷管理]影響企業品牌傘策略背書效果的因素(The Factors of Endorsing Effects in Corporate Umbrella Branding Strategies)(961KB)269別蓮蒂、鄭秀倫(Lien-Ti Bei、Sharon Cheng)
2004 / 第2期[財務管理]信用評等:期間與產業差異分析(Study Period and the Industry Effect of Credit Rating)(738KB)307薛立言、張志向(L. Paul Hsueh、Chih-Shian Chang)
2004 / 第2期[組織管理]從認同到開創:創業家的動態釋意歷程(From Identity to Entrepreneurship: the dynamic processes of entrepreneurs)(2,240KB)337林家五、黃國隆、鄭伯壎(Chia-wu Lin、Kuo-long Huang、Bor-shiuan Cheng)
2004 / 第2期[組織管理]社會支持系統與老人生活滿意度之關係—以高雄市老人為例(The Relationship Between Social Supports and Life Satisfaction forElderly in Kaohsiung)(1,142KB)399葉淑娟、施智婷、莊智薰、蔡淑鳳(Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh、Chih-Ting Shih、Chih-Hsun Chuang、Shwu-Feng Tsay)
2004 / 第3期[財務管理]會計資訊對外資持股調整影響之研究(On the Adjustments of QFII Holding and Financial Variables)(922KB)441高蘭芬(Lanfeng Kao)
2004 / 第3期[其他]我國公辦民營醫院控制機制與經營績效之研究—以契約生命週期觀點(A Study of Management Mechanisms and Performance in Management Contracts of Government-Owned Hospitals: Life Cycle Model Perspective)(1,620KB)465李雅櫻、彭朱如(Li, Ya-Ying、Peng, Tzu-Ju)
2004 / 第3期[財務管理]市場佔有率、成長率與獲利率相關性之多變量分析:以新竹科學園區廠商為例(A Multivariate Analysis of the Relationship Among Market Share,Growth and Profitability—The Case of the Science-Based Industrial Park)(1,308KB)507朱博湧、曾國雄、鄧美貞、邱英雄(Po-Young Chu、Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng、Mei-Jane Teng、Hero Chiu)
2004 / 第3期[財務管理]新舊承銷制度下首次公開發行股票異常報酬率之比較研究(A Comparative Investigation on Abnormal Returns of IPOs under Different Underwriting Mechanisms)(854KB)535吳欽杉、許月瑜(Chin-Shun Wu、Yueh-Yu Hsu)
2004 / 第3期[組織管理]新產品研發技術效率及其影響因素之研究(A Study on Technical Efficiency of New Product Development and Its Determinants)(763KB)573李文福、蔡秋田(Wen-Fu Lee、Chiu-Tien Tsai)
2004 / 第3期[人力資源]訓練移轉相關因素之研究(Factors Affecting Training Transfer)(764KB)595陳以亨、黃芝華(I-heng Chen、Zh-hua Huang)
2004 / 第4期[組織管理]以利害相關人的觀點實證研究綠色創新的採行與組織績效之關係:LISREL模式(An empirical study on the relationship of green innovation adoption and organizational environmental performance under stakerholders perspective: the model of LISREL)(823KB)633黃義俊、高明瑞(Yi-Chun Huang、Ming-Rea Kao)
2004 / 第4期[組織管理]投機行為分析—價值差距、資訊差距與潛在懲罰力之影響(Opportunistic Behavior Analysis— Effects of Value Gap,Information Gap, and Potential Punishment Power)(803KB)675司徒達賢、熊欣華(Dah Hsian Seetoo、Hsin-Hua Hsiung)
2004 / 第4期[人力資源]以國際勞動基準做為國際貿易的「遊戲基礎」?:爭辯與行動(International Labor Standards as the Playing Ground of International Trade? : Debate and Action)(1,105KB)709吳育仁(Yu-Jen Wu)
2004 / 第4期[行銷管理]顧客涉入程度對服務品質與關係品質之干擾效果:以電腦賣場與內部商店為例(The Customers Involvement’s Moderating Effects on The Service Quality and Relationships Quality-An Empirical Study on Computer Mall and Internal Store)(2,738KB)755方世榮、張嘉雯(Shyh-Rong Fang、Chia-Wen Chang)
2004 / 第4期[組織管理]人際網絡結構因素對工作滿足之影響(Social Network Structure and Job Satisfaction)(694KB)795羅家德、朱慶忠(Luo, Jar-Der、Chu, Chin-Chung)
2004 / 第4期[財務管理]BOT計劃投資時點選擇之價值評估-以大鵬灣國家風景區為例(Valuation of Investment Timing for a BOT Project – The Case of Tapeng Bay National Scenic Area)(885KB)825陳明吉、蘇培魁、羅容恆(Ming-Chi Chen、Pei-Kuei Su、Henry Y. Lo)
2004 / 第5期[財務管理]The Motives of Corporate Use of Derivatives: Evidence from Taiwan(The Motives of Corporate Use of Derivatives: Evidence from Taiwan)(196KB)1Shao-Chi Chang、Jung-Ho Lai、Yi-Ping Huang(Shao-Chi Chang、Jung-Ho Lai、Yi-Ping Huang)
2004 / 第5期[行銷管理]The Effectiveness of Coupon Booklets When for Self-Requested Brands(The Effectiveness of Coupon Booklets When for Self-Requested Brands)(244KB)19Song Zan Chiou-Wei(Song Zan Chiou-Wei)
2004 / 第5期[組織管理]Towards Corporate Social Responsibility(Towards Corporate Social Responsibility)(179KB)45Fred Robins(Fred Robins)
2004 / 第5期[知識管理]Measuring Success in Knowledge Management: An Australian Case Study Perspective(Measuring Success in Knowledge Management: An Australian Case Study Perspective)(163KB)63Rod Dilnutt(Rod Dilnutt)
2004 / 第5期[其他]Success Factors of Innovation Networks: A German Case Study(Success Factors of Innovation Networks: A German Case Study)(166KB)79Andreas H. Levermann、Stefan W. Kohn(Andreas H. Levermann、Stefan W. Kohn)
2004 / 第5期[經濟]Technological Progresses and Cost efficiencies in commercial banks: The emerging markets comparison(Technological Progresses and Cost efficiencies in commercial banks: The emerging markets comparison)(287KB)89Yueh H. Chen、Tzu-Wei Wang(Yueh H. Chen、Tzu-Wei Wang)
2004 / 第5期[行銷管理]Developing a Customer-Oriented Service Evaluation System(COSES) for the Public Sector(Developing a Customer-Oriented Service Evaluation System(COSES) for the Public Sector)(225KB)107Chi-Kung Chen、Chang-His Yu、Shiow-Jiuan Yang、Hsiu-Chen Chang(Chi-Kung Chen、Chang-His Yu、Shiow-Jiuan Yang、Hsiu-Chen Chang)
2004 / 第5期[知識管理]Knowledge management in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises: A Conceptual Framework for Research(Knowledge management in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises: A Conceptual Framework for Research)(179KB)125Kavoos Mohannak(Kavoos Mohannak)
2004 / 第5期[財務管理]Hedging the Exchange Rate Risk in International Portfolio Diversification: Currency Forwards versus Currency Options(Hedging the Exchange Rate Risk in International Portfolio Diversification: Currency Forwards versus Currency Options)(302KB)145Raimond Maurer、Shohreh Valiani(Raimond Maurer、Shohreh Valiani)
2004 / 第5期[行銷管理]A study of the relationship between of Internal Marketing, Job Satisfaction and Customer-Oriented(A study of the relationship between of Internal Marketing, Job Satisfaction and Customer-Oriented)(243KB)181Jun-Fang Liao、Cedric H. J. Wu、Jou, Yih-Hen、Yu-Ying Huang(Jun-Fang Liao、Cedric H. J. Wu、Jou, Yih-Hen、Yu-Ying Huang)
2004 / 第6期[人力資源]教學醫院醫師生產力之預測模型(The model for predicting physician productivity in the teaching hospitals)(731KB)9許光宏、陳怡婷、施佳邦、李文義、吳瓊珠(Kuang-Hung Hsu、Yi-Ting Chen、Chia-Pang Shih、Wenyih Lee、Chiung-Chu Wu)
2004 / 第6期[知識管理]探討文字採掘技術在管理者知識地圖之應用(Applying Text Mining in the Construction of Top Managers’ Knowledge Maps)(2,247KB)35陳文華、施人英、吳壽山(Wun-Hwa Chen、Jen-Ying Shih、Soushan Wu)
2004 / 第6期[其他]台灣遠距醫療未來傳遞送模式之探討(The future telemedicine system in Taiwan: a lesson from past 9-year experience)(667KB)65譚秀芬、吳明容、曾泓富(Hsiu-Fen T. Tan、Ming-Ron Wu、Hung-Fu Tseng)
2004 / 第6期[其他]全膝關節置換術之併發症/合併症篩選研究(A Screening Program for Identifying TKR Complication/Comorbidity)(1,884KB)93吳仁和、黃竫芬、黃彥結、辛信興(Jen-Her Wu、Jing-Fen Huang、Yen-Chieh Huang、Shin-Shing Shin)
2004 / 第6期[其他]健康照護組織服務流程管理系統之設計-以養生文化為例()(1,015KB)119張禾坤、陳癸文、施大偉、馬成珉、周永明()
2004 / 第6期[其他]醫院評鑑網路申報系統建置(Web-based Management for Hospital Accreditation Application in Taiwan)(586KB)141王惠玄、林俊逸、邱炯訓(H. Irene Wang、Chun-Yi Lin、Chiung-Hsun Chiu)