
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 2005 ) 38/842

期別 題目 頁數 作者
2005 / 第1期[其他]國內管理學專業期刊評比排序之研究(Diversity in Management Journals in Taiwan: Ranking of Journal Quality Perceptions)(1,342KB)15陳世哲、李昇暾、林修葳、洪世章、張錦特、葉仕國、盧瑞芬、謝依靜、曹瓊文、吳淑鈴(Shyh-Jer Chen、Sheng-Tun Li、Hsiou-Wei Lin、Shih-Chang Hung、Ching-Ter Chang、Shih-Kuo Yeh、Jui-Fen Rachel Lu、Yi-Ching Hsieh、Chiung-Wen Tsao、Shu-Ling Wu)
2005 / 第1期[財務管理]企業國際化與經營績效關係之研究-亞洲金融風暴分析(Internationalization and Operating Performance: An Analysis of the Asian Financial Crisis)(1,016KB)49李揚、郭憲章、楊淨麟(Yang Li、Hsien-Chang Kuo、Jiun-Lin Yang)
2005 / 第1期[組織管理]績效、公司治理與高階管理者離職關係之實證研究(An Empirical Study on the Relationship among Performance, Corporate Governance, and Top Executive Turnover)(1,352KB)75李佳玲、葉穎蓉、何晉滄(Chia-ling Lee、Ying-Jung Yeh、Chin-Tsang Ho)
2005 / 第1期[行銷管理]廣告的訊息訴求方式、訊息正反性、訊息來源可信度與消費者認知需求對廣告效果之影響(The Effects of Advertising Message Appeals, Message Framing, Message Source Credibility, and Need for Cognition on Advertising Performance)(918KB)107陳正男、丁學勤、林素吟、劉若蘭(Cheng-Nan Chen、Shueh-Chin Ting、Su-Yin Lin、Jo-Lan Liu)
2005 / 第1期[行銷管理]折扣比例、品牌形象和產品種類對消費者知覺品質和知覺風險的影響(The Effects of Price Discount, Brand Image, and Product Category on Consumers’ Perceived Quality and Perceived Risk)(987KB)143蔡東峻、李曉青(Dungchun Tsai、Hsiao-Ching Lee)
2005 / 第1期[資訊管理]資訊部門的權力來源:以策略權變理論來分析(Information department’s power: A study based on strategic contingencies’ theory)(1,578KB)177黃貞芬、林東清(Chen-Fen Huang、Tung-Ching Lin)
2005 / 第1期[資訊管理]企業資源規劃系統的導入:從脈絡論分析個案研究(ERP Implementation: Case Analysis from a Contextualist Perspective)(1,567KB)217陳小芬、王存國(Jessica H.F. Chen、Eric T.G. Wang)
2005 / 第1期[策略管理]專案負責人能力、專案執行力與專案效益之探討-以政府專案計畫為例(A Study of Project Leader’s Competence, Execution Discipline, and Performance – A Case of Government Projects)(1,073KB)247許如欽(Ru-Ching Hsu)
2005 / 第2期[策略管理]建構無線通信產業發展行動上網和行動商務之價值網體系-探討日本行動市場的營運模式與策略分析(Development of the Value Net System within Mobile Internet and Commerce for Mobile Operators Usage: A Study of Mobile Market and Strategy Analysis in Japan)(2,654KB)299張心馨(Hsin Hsin Chang)
2005 / 第2期[策略管理]台灣地區機車業競爭態勢、經營行為與市場績效關聯性之研究:兼論對公平交易法之政策涵義(The Market Structure, Conduct and Performance of the Taiwan Motorcycle Industry:Policy Implications Related to Fair-Trade Law)(1,311KB)349劉祥熹、汪俊傑(Hsiang-Hsi Liu、Chun-Jieh Wan)
2005 / 第2期[知識管理]知識創造來源、知識管理能力及知識屬性對創新績效影響之研究 – 組織學習理論觀點(The Effect of Knowledge Sourcing, Knowledge Management, and Knowledge Type on the Innovation Performance – An Organizational Learning Perspective)(2,778KB)389陳忠仁、蔡淑茹(Chung-Jen Chen、Shu-Ju Tsai)
2005 / 第2期[行銷管理]文化認同下異國形象廣告效果之探討:以哈日風潮為例(The Effect of Exotic Advertising based on Cultural Identity: The Case of Japanese Fever in Taiwan)(1,455KB)417黃吉村、劉宗其(Chi-Tsun Huang、Tsung-Chi Liu)
2005 / 第2期[財務管理]上市公司內部人日內買賣時點選擇能力之分析(Analysis on Selecting Intra-day Transaction Timing by Insiders)(1,220KB)451胡星陽、陳建宏(Shing-yang Hu、Chien-hung Chen)
2005 / 第2期[其他]應用模糊理論建立旅遊風險分析矩陣(Fuzzy Set Theory for Building Analysis Matrixes of Travel Risk)(1,163KB)479徐村和、林凌仲(Tsuen-Ho Hsu、Ling-Zhong Lin)
2005 / 第2期[其他]工業爐系統整合之市場定位研究—多元尺度分析法之應用(A Study of Market Positioning on Integrated Industrial Furnace Systems: An Application of Multidimensional Scaling)(1,078KB)511吳仁和、王育民、李瑞國、盧淵源(Wu Jen-Her、Wang Yu-Min、Li Ruei-Guo、Lu Iuan-Yuan)
2005 / 第2期[計量分析]標準化迴歸係數的正確解釋(Proper Interpretation of Standardized Regression Coefficients)(661KB)533林新沛(San-Pui Lam)
2005 / 第3期[會計]從政府認證角色探討創業投資對促進高科技產業發展之影響(A Study of Government Certification From the Impact of Venture Capital on Industry Development)(1,315KB)563王明隆、邱正仁、林義捷、林憶樺(Andrew M. Wang、Jeng-Ren Chiou、Yi-Chieh Lin、Yi-Hua Lin)
2005 / 第3期[財務管理]創投公司對所投資公司的增資決定之研究(The Second Round Investment Decision-Making of Venture Capital Firms)(1,348KB)589盧瑞陽(Ray-Young Lu)
2005 / 第3期[會計]研究發展支出與資本支出的價值攸關性:以企業生命週期論析(The Value-Relevance of R&D and Capital Expenditure:A Test of the Life Cycle Hypothesis)(2,149KB)617金成隆、林修葳、邱煒恒(Chen-Lung Chin、Hsiou-wei William Li、Woei Herng Chiou)
2005 / 第3期[財務管理]考慮信用風險之台灣認購權證評價(Pricing Taiwan Covered Warrants Subject to Credit Risk)(1,442KB)645江明憲、蘇芳姬(Min-Hsien Chiang、Fang-Chi Su)
2005 / 第3期[財務管理]共同基金績效之衡量-模擬分析法之應用(The Performance Measures for Mutual Funds: A Simulation Approach)(1,869KB)667高蘭芬、陳安琳、湯惠雯、曹美蘭(Lanfeng Kao、Anlin Chen、Hui-Wen Tang、Meilan Tsao)
2005 / 第3期[知識管理]從知識市場效率觀點探討組織知識之創造(Organizational Knowledge Creation: Knowledge-market Efficiency Perspective)(1,699KB)695方世杰、蔡淑梨、羅育如(Shih-Chieh Fang、Su-Lee Tsai、Yu-Lu Lo)
2005 / 第3期[電子商務]影響線上學習市場使用意向模式建構之研究:模糊類神經網路方法之應用(The Research of Model Construction Affecting Use Intention in e-Learning Market--Application of Fuzzy-Nerual Network Method)(1,867KB)721林文寶、楊淑斐(Lin Wen-Bao、Yang Shu-Fei)
2005 / 第3期[電子商務]如何增進線上學習成效:線上實務社群的浮現觀點(How to Improve the Outcomes of Online Learning: An Emergent Perspective of Communities of Practice)(2,466KB)749王思峰、李昌雄(Sy-Feng Wang、Tsang-Hsiung Lee)
2005 / 第4期[財務管理]買賣價差會影響投資人的持有期間與股票報酬率嗎?(Do Bid-Ask Spreads Affect Investors’ Holding Period and Stock Returns?)(477KB)791闕河士、陳俊成(Horace Chueh、Chun-Cheng Chen)
2005 / 第4期[財務管理]個股波動不對稱性之實證研究:以台灣股票市場為例(An Empirical Study on the Asymmetric Volatility of Individual Stocks: the Case of Taiwan Stock Market)(533KB)811林楚雄(Chu-hsiung Lin)
2005 / 第4期[財務管理]B-S模式與隨機波動性定價模式之比較:台指選擇權之實證(A Comparison between B-S Model and Stochastic Volatility Option Pricing Models: Empirical Evidence from TAIEX Options)(607KB)837許溪南、林昭賢、陳浚泓(Hsinan Hsu、Chao Hsien Lin、Jiun-hung Chen)
2005 / 第4期[財務管理]外匯市場的買價與賣價的動態調整過程:以日圓/美元市場為例(Dynamic Interaction of Bid and Ask Quotes in the Japanese Yen-Dollar Foreign Exchange Market)(532KB)873高櫻芬(Yin-Feng Gau)
2005 / 第4期[財務管理]日本股票市場之破產風險是否為系統性風險?(Is the Risk of Bankruptcy a Systematic Risk in Japan?)(511KB)897蕭朝興、陳姍余(Chaoshin Chiao、Shanyu Chen)
2005 / 第4期[知識管理]知識管理與人力資源管理間互動關係之探討---以台灣高科技公司為例(The relationship between knowledge management and human resource management in Taiwanese high-tech corporations)(590KB)925史習安、黃靖文(Hsi-An Shih、Jing-Wen Huang)
2005 / 第4期[人力資源]國際交換學生海外適應與生活滿意度關係之研究:社會支持觀點(An Inquiry into The Relationship between Overseas Adjustments and Life Satisfaction of International Exchange Students: Social Support as an Antecedent Variable)(564KB)959黃英忠、鍾安宜、翁良杰、張文菁(Ing-Chung Huang、Anyi Chung、Liang-Chieh Weng、Wen-Ching Chang)
2005 / 第4期[經濟]高雄港港埠營運自然獨占之檢定(A Test of Natural Monopoly for KaoPort Operations)(596KB)983張玉山、孫智嫻(Yue-Shan Chang、Jyih-Sian Sun)
2005 / 英文特刊[財務管理]Asymmetric reaction in the Taiwan stock market: Overreaction to bad news and underreaction to good news(Asymmetric reaction in the Taiwan stock market: Overreaction to bad news and underreaction to good news)(183KB)7Mei-Chen Lin(Mei-Chen Lin)
2005 / 英文特刊[財務管理]Examining Multiple Volatility and Co-movement States as Well as Beta Coefficients of International Stock Markets(Examining Multiple Volatility and Co-movement States as Well as Beta Coefficients of International Stock Markets)(428KB)41Ming-Yuan Leon Li、Hsiou-Wei William Lin(Ming-Yuan Leon Li、Hsiou-Wei William Lin)
2005 / 英文特刊[財務管理]The Quoting Behavior of a Specialist on the NYSE(The Quoting Behavior of a Specialist on the NYSE)(143KB)73Min-Hsien Chiang(Min-Hsien Chiang)
2005 / 英文特刊[財務管理]The Effects of Advertised Reference Price on Consumer Price Judgments in Online and Offline Retailing Environments(The Effects of Advertised Reference Price on Consumer Price Judgments in Online and Offline Retailing Environments)(145KB)105Yuan-shuh Lii、L. P. Douglas Tseng(Yuan-shuh Lii、L. P. Douglas Tseng)
2005 / 英文特刊[財務管理]A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Taiwan’s Newly Reorganized Banks(A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Taiwan’s Newly Reorganized Banks)(182KB)115Dauw-Song Zhu、Chien-Ta Ho、Li-Hsia Lin(Dauw-Song Zhu、Chien-Ta Ho、Li-Hsia Lin)
2005 / 英文特刊[會計]The Impacts of Competitive Strategy on the Demand for Management Accounting System Information Characteristics: The Intervening Effects of Decentralization and Environmental Uncertainty(The Impacts of Competitive Strategy on the Demand for Management Accounting System Information Characteristics: The Intervening Effects of Decentralization and Environmental Uncertainty)(152KB)159Bing-Chyan Chiou(Bing-Chyan Chiou)