
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 2023 ) 18/846

期別 題目 頁數 作者
2023 / 第1期 數位轉型教學個案專刊[專刊]Abc牙醫:讓數位科技成為病人的牙醫管家(Abc Dental Group: Become the Dental Concierge of Patients with IT Technologies)(5,560KB)3陳建宏、王致遠(Chien-Hung Chen, Chih-Yuan Wang)
2023 / 第1期 數位轉型教學個案專刊[專刊]埔里的茭白筍農們—智慧LED燈照系統(Water Bamboo Farmers in Puli - Intelligent LED Light System)(3,419KB)47楊智其、陳小芬、蔡勇斌、陳谷汎(Chihchi Yang, Jessica Hsiaofen Chen, Yungpin Tsai, Kufan Chen)
2023 / 第1期 數位轉型教學個案專刊[專刊]和明紡織導入AI圖形辨識開創新商模(Hermin Textile Import AI Pattern Recognition Create New Business Models)(1,614KB)77黃銘章、謝佳宏、連雅慧、顏惠結(Ming-Chang Huang, Chia-Hung Hsieh, Ya-Hui Lien, Hwei-Chieh Yen)
2023 / 第1期 數位轉型教學個案專刊[專刊]元健大和的數位轉型之路:雲端創新服務系統(The Journey of Digital Transformation: DIGIBIONIC’s Cloud-based Innovation Service System)(1,656KB)109胡美智、吳志賢、許邑璟(Mei-Chih Hu, Chih-Hsien Wu, Yi-Ching Hsu)
2023 / 第1期 數位轉型教學個案專刊[專刊]美食地圖:寧夏夜市的數位轉型(Food Mapping: Digital Transformation of Ningxia Night Market)(1,257KB)141歐素華、林定國、蘇金美(Su-Hua Ou, Ding-Kung Lin, Sin-Mei Su)
2023 / 第1期 數位轉型教學個案專刊[專刊]凱舟濾材-中小企業透過數位技術防堵BEC詐騙(Caware Filtering Corporation- SME Use Digital Technology to Prevent BEC Fraud)(2,801KB)171張敏華、黃子佳、戴佑真(Min-Hua Chang, Tzu-Chia Huang, You-Zhen Dai)
2023 / 第2期[資訊與作業管理]政府基於協力網絡的平台型新興傳染疾病生態系統模式—以COVID-19為例(Government as a Collaborative Network-Based Emerging Infectious Disease Platform Ecosystem: Lessons from COVID-19)(2,010KB)213林君憶、洪為璽、季延平(Chun-Yi Lin, Wei-Hsi Hung, Yan-Ping Chi)
2023 / 第2期[財務會計]價值、動能投資與崩盤風險:台灣股票市場的實證(Value, Momentum, and Crash Risk in the Taiwan Stock Market)(514KB)283劉信陸、柯冠成、林宜楨、羅文綺(Hsin-Lu Liu, Kuan-Cheng Ko, Yi-Jhen Lin, Wen-Chi Lo)
2023 / 第2期[財務會計]收入關鍵查核事項之首年價值攸關性(The Value Relevance of the First Year’s Revenue Key Audit Matter)(1,289KB)309張瑀珊、顏信輝(Yu-Shan Chang, Sin-Hui Yen)
2023 / 第2期[一般管理]正向心理資本量表性別測量恆等性之分析(Analyses of Measurement Equivalence across Gender of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire)(1,250KB)359胡昌亞、黃瑞傑、陳燕諭、程孝盈、田錦宏(Changya Hu, Jui-Chieh Huang, Yen-Yu Chen, Hsiao-Ying Cheng, Jonah Tyan)
2023 / 第3期[一般管理]突破性技術創新的制度化: 建立一個整合性的概念框架(A Conceptual Framework for Institutionalization of Radical Technological Innovation)(737KB)403李傳楷、馬鈺欣(Chuan-Kai Lee, Yu-Hsin Ma)
2023 / 第3期[財務會計]中美貿易戰事件、社會責任資訊揭露與公司治理對股價異常報酬影響—以科技業為例(The Effect of the Trade War between China and the United States, Social Responsibility Information Disclosure, and Corporate Governance on Abnormal Stock Returns - Evidence from Technology Industry)(2,032KB)447陳英祥、林靖傑、林文祥、姚名鴻(Ying-Hsiang Chen, Ching-Chieh Lin, Wen-Hsiang Lin, Ming-Hung Yao)
2023 / 第3期[財務會計]董事會特質、企業風險管理與券商分析師盈餘預測準確度之關聯性(Board Characteristics, Enterprise Risk Management and Security Analysts’ Forecasts Accuracy)(7,957KB)481張雅淇、王雅琦(Ya-Chi Chang, Ya-Chi Wang)
2023 / 第3期[財務會計]中小企業貸款市場的競爭比賽能否提高融資效率?台灣隱性政策干預的研究(Can Horse Racing in the SME Loan Market Bolster Financing Efficiency? A Study of an Implicit Policy Intervention in Taiwan)(4,523KB)545張雅凱、盧紀燁、蔡秉玠、翁培師(Ya-Kai Chang, Chi-Yeh Lu, Pin-Chieh Tsai, Pei-Shih Weng)
2023 / 第4期[創新與創業管理]平台基礎生態系中的企業分工與專屬性資產:英特爾、品牌企業、代工廠商的個案分析(The Interfirm Division of Labor and Specific Assets in the Platform-based Ecosystem: The Case Study of Intel, Brand Firm and Contract Manufacturer)(2,721KB)593許經明、劉信言(Jing-Ming Shiu, Hsin-Yen Liu)
2023 / 第4期[財務會計]鮭魚返鄉:歡迎台商回流方案對企業資金成本及配置政策之影響(Salmon Run: The Effect of Welcome Back Action Plan on Corporate Capital Cost and Distribution Decision)(1,809KB)635盧建霖(Chien-Lin Lu)
2023 / 第4期[資訊與作業管理]資訊科技員工的完美主義對正負工作成果的影響(Effects of Perfectionism on Positive and Negative Job Outcomes among Information Technology Employees)(2,526KB)669王維聰、林櫻蓮(Wei-Tsong Wang, Ying-Lien Lin)
2023 / 第4期[資訊與作業管理]群體社會資本建立對於民眾揭露個人健康資訊行為之影響(The Influence of Social Capital on Personal Health Information Disclosure)(863KB)705洪新原、洪幼力、賴芊樺、游蓓怡(Shin-Yuan Hung, Yu-Li Hung, Qian-Hua Lai, Annie Pei-I Yu)