
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 2007 ) 33/842

期別 題目 頁數 作者
2007 / 第1期[策略管理]企業成長、策略選擇與策略改變(Firm Growth, Strategic Choice and Strategic Change)(1,126KB)11洪世章、譚丹琪、廖曉青(Shih-Chang Hung、Danchi Tan、Hsiao-Ching Liao)
2007 / 第1期[策略管理]公司治理機制對創新、多角化策略及公司績效之影響-研發密集產業之實證(The Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Innovation and Diversification Strategies as well as on Performance: R&D-Intensive Industry)(1,051KB)37洪榮華、陳香如、林慧珍(Jung-Hua Hung、Hsiang-Ju Chen、Hui-Chen Lin)
2007 / 第1期[組織管理]供應鏈成員參與決策、資訊科技應用、製造主管參與決策與組織績效之相關性研究(On the Relationships of the Participation in Decision Making of the Supply Chain Member and Manufacturing Executives, Information Technology Application, and Organizational Performance)(1,097KB)61林清河、曾河嶸、朱彥明(Chinho Lin、Hojung Tseng、Yenming Chu)
2007 / 第1期[生產管理]生產系統同步化的動態分析與設計(Dynamic Design and Analysis for A Synchronized production System)(1,047KB)95曾雅彩、屠益民(Ya-tsai Tseng、Yi-ming Tu)
2007 / 第1期[資訊管理]台灣中小企業跨組織資訊系統採用困難的探討:概念性分析(Adoption Difficulties of Inter-Organizational Information Systems at Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan:A Conceptual Analysis)(1,039KB)117陳信宏、季延平(Shin-Horng Chen、Yen-Ping Chi)
2007 / 第1期[組織管理]職位特質與任用需求對多國企業子公司高階主管任用決策之影響-以臺商投資中國大陸為例(The Impact of Position-Specific Factors and Staffing Orientation on Staffing Decisions for High-Level Managers at Subsidiaries – The Case of Taiwanese Firms in China)(1,101KB)143鄒筱涵、于卓民、司徒達賢(Hsiao-Han Sophie Tsou、Chwo-Ming Joseph Yu、Dahhsian William Seetoo)
2007 / 第1期[財務管理]股票購回影響因素之理論與實證: 資訊不對稱觀點分析(A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Open-market Share Repurchase: Based on the Viewpoint of Asymmetric Information)(1,028KB)175蔡怡純、陳明吉、馬黛(I-Chun Tsai、Ming-Chi Chen、Ta Ma)
2007 / 第1期[組織管理]銷售行動控制量表的發展與評量(Development and Evaluation of Sales Action Control Scale)(1,052KB)197鍾燕宜、陳景元(Yen-Yi Chung、Ching-Yuan Chen)
2007 / 第2期[會計]稽核人員獨立性與稽核決策之分析(Auditor’s Independence and Audit Decision)(4,250KB)245郭瑞基、蔡揚宗、王泰昌(Ruey-Ji Guo、Yang-Tzong Tsay、Taychang Wang)
2007 / 第2期[財務管理]銀行間新台幣兌美元外匯交易流動性與交易成本的分析:台北與元太外匯經紀公司的比較(Liquidity and Trading Costs in the NTD/USD Interbank Foreign Exchange Market: Taipei versus Cosmos Inc.)(2,311KB)299張元晨(Yuan-Chen Chang)
2007 / 第2期[財務管理]極大化平滑度與精確度之利率期限結構估計(Estimating the Term Structure of Interest Rates with Maximum Smoothness and Accuracy)(3,165KB)323周建新、陳振宇(Jian-Hsin Chou、Zhen-Yu Chen)
2007 / 第2期[財務管理]國際轉撥計價決策架構與績效評估之研究-台灣多國籍企業之實證分析(The Research of International Transfer Pricing Decision and Performance-Empirical Analysis of Taiwan Multi-National Corporations)(4,390KB)357張進德(Jinnder Chang)
2007 / 第2期[會計]受稅率影響之異常財務盈餘與公司價值之關係(A Study of the Impact of Abnormal Financial Earnings on Firm Value:A Perspective of After-tax Valuation)(4,692KB)393林松宏、黃瑞靜(Song-Horng Lin、Jui-Ching Huang)
2007 / 第2期[人力資源]中國大陸台資企業國際化人力資源管理策略之研究-標準化策略/本土化策略之實證分析(International Human Resource Strategy in Taiwan-Invested Enterprises in)(3,332KB)433諸承明、余坤東、胡秀華(Chen-Ming Chu、Kung-Don Ye、Hsiu-Hua Hu)
2007 / 第2期[組織管理]工作適性的組織、群體及職務層次對工作滿意的同時效果—以台灣旅館業餐飲部員工為例(The Simultaneous Effects of Fit With Organizations, Groups, and Jobs on Job Satisfaction: A Case Involving the Food and Beverage Employees of the Hotel Industry in Taiwan)(3,694KB)465黃培文(Pei-Wen Huang)
2007 / 第3期[財務管理]動能投資策略之獲利性與影響因素(The Profitability and the Determinants of Momentum Investment Strategy)(3,503KB)515洪茂蔚、林宜勉、劉志諒(Mao-Wei Hung、Yi-Mien Lin、Chih-Liang Liu)
2007 / 第3期[財務管理]所得稅費用盈餘管理之市場反應(Evidence of Market Responses to Tax-Induced Earnings Management)(4,397KB)547林嬌能、王萬成(Gai-Neng Lin、Wan-Cheng Wang)
2007 / 第3期[財務管理]股市報酬條件分配的不對稱效果(Asymmetric Effects in the Conditional Distribution of the Equity Returns)(3,991KB)579呂進瑞、韓宜蓁(Jin-Ray Lu、Yi-Chen Han)
2007 / 第3期[財務管理]實質匯率持續性的實證研究(Persistence in Real Exchange Rates: An Empirical Examination)(5,743KB)613張銘仁(Ming-jen Chang)
2007 / 第3期[資訊管理]從情境觀點探討企業採用跨組織資訊系統之困難-台灣電腦代工廠的個案研究(Interpreting the Difficulties of Inter-Organizational Systems Adoption in Taiwanese PC Company: A Contextualist Perspective)(3,493KB)637管郁君、陳信宏(Eugenia Y. Huang、Shin-Horng Chen)
2007 / 第3期[資訊管理]運用隱喻抽取概念技術(ZMET)來建立線上角色扮演遊戲玩家的共識地圖(Using Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) to Establish Consensus Map for Online Role Playing Game Players)(4,184KB)667劉明德、方之光、張裕幸、謝佩如(Ming-Te Liu、Zhi-Guang Fang、Yuh-Shihng Chang、Pei-Rue Shieh)
2007 / 第4期[財務管理]新上市公司股票投資人狂熱行為之研究(The Fad Investing on Initial Public Offerings)(4,268KB)713王朝仕,陳振遠,陳安琳(Chao-Shi Wang,Roger C. Y. Chen,Anlin Chen)
2007 / 第4期[財務管理]兩稅合一對企業融資政策之影響(Influences of Integration of Individual and Corporate Taxes on Corporate Financing Decisions)(3,080KB)751洪榮華、曾子耘、吳建偉(Jung-Hua Hung,Tzu-Yun Tseng,Chien-Wei Wu)
2007 / 第4期[財務管理]利率期限結構估計模型與公債交易策略(Term Structure Fitting Models and Bond Trading Strategies)(5,286KB)779周建新于鴻福劉嘉烜(Jian-Hsin Chou,Hong-Fwu Yu,Chia-Hsuan Liu)
2007 / 第4期[財務管理]股票衍生性商品組合保證金系統之建構與比較(A New Margining System for Portfolios that Include Stock Options: Theory and Comparison)(4,022KB)817劉德明,戴良安(Derming Lieu,Liang-Ann Tai)
2007 / 第4期[策略管理]策略演化觀點之跨國企業策略事業部撤離模式(The Strategic Evolution Perspective on a Process Model of Strategic Business Exit from a Multinational Firm)(3,318KB)855徐村和,楊東震,李倉頡(Tsuen-Ho Hsu,Dong-Jenn Yang,Tsang-Chieh Lee)
2007 / 第4期[組織管理]社會網絡對離職意願之影響(The Impacts of Social Network on the Tendency to Turnover)(4,155KB)885羅家德,鄭孟育(Jar-Der Luo,Meng-Yu Cheng)
2007 / 英文特刊[人力資源]台灣企業派外人員個人壓力管理對工作壓力、適應與工作態度的調節效果(The Moderating Effects of Personal Stress Management on Job Stress, Adjustment, and Job Attitude:Taiwanese Expatriates)(3,519KB)11余明助(Ming-Chu Yu)
2007 / 英文特刊[人力資源]國際企業子公司的策略控制與跨文化決定因素(SUBSIDIARY’S STRATEGIC CONTROL AND ITS CROSS-CULTURAL DETERMINANTS)(4,570KB)39趙必孝,王喻平,白路易(Bih-Shiaw Jaw, Christina Yu-Ping Wang, White, Louis P.)
2007 / 英文特刊[人力資源]教育訓練委外有效性之決定因素與調節變項(Effectiveness of Outsourced Training: Determinants and Moderators)(2,754KB)79柯志哲(Jyh-Jer Roger Ko)
2007 / 英文特刊[組織管理]台灣上市公司家族控制、CEO權力與CEO接班關係之研究(Family Control, CEO Power and CEO Succession in Taiwan’s Public Companies)(4,612KB)103劉韻僖(Yunshi Liu)
2007 / 英文特刊[組織管理]非營利組織倫理兩難之管理(Managing Ethical Dilemmas in Non-Profit Organizations)(2,983KB)139勞大衛,葉匡時(David A. Robinson,Kuang S. Yeh)
2007 / 英文特刊[生產管理]利用DEA方法確立世界鋼鐵產產業之標竿目標與標竿夥伴(Applying DEA Approach to Identify Benchmarking Objectives and Partners in the World Steel Industry)(5,203KB)161吳萬益,林淑梅,黃暄仁(Wann-Yih Wu, Shu-Mei Lin, Hsuan-Jen Huang)