
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 2006 ) 30/842

期別 題目 頁數 作者
2006 / 第1期[行銷管理]高科技產業產品價值創造與行銷價值專屬化之最適資源配置(The Optimal Resources Allocation between Product Value Creation and Marketing Value Appropriation Activities in High-Tech Industry)(640KB)11任立中、林婷鈴、陳靜怡、李吉仁(Jen, Lichung、Lin, Ting-Ling、Chen, Ching-I、Lee, Ji-Ren)
2006 / 第1期[組織管理]智慧資本、價值創造與企業績效關聯性之研究(Intellectual Capital, Value Creation and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Taiwanese Industries)(1,082KB)43楊朝旭(Chaur-Shiuh Young)
2006 / 第1期[策略管理]企業興業與成長:比較個案研究(Business Entrepreneurship and Growth:A Comparative Case Study)(817KB)79洪世章、蔡碧鳳(Shih-Chang Hung、Bih-Feng Tsai)
2006 / 第1期[組織管理]從產業生態觀點構形中小企業國際化之行為:類型學取向—以投資越南的四個製造業為例(Configurating the Internationalization Behaviors of Taiwanese SMEs in the Industrial Ecology Viewpoint by Conceptual Typology Approach - Four Manufacturing Industries in Vietnam)(945KB)119鄭祥麟、黄北豪、蔡敦浩(Hsiang-Lin Cheng、Pei-How Huang、D. Stephen Tsai)
2006 / 第1期[策略管理]台灣機械工業發展策略效果之模糊多評準決策(Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Evaluating the Performance of Machinery Industrial Development Strategies in Taiwan)(1,148KB)161王建彬、袁建中、曾國雄(Chien-Pin Wang、Benjamin J.C. Yuan、Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng)
2006 / 第1期[策略管理]地主國產業群聚、進入地主國動機對進入模式選擇及經營績效影響之研究以我國赴歐投資廠商為對象之實證研究(The Impact of Host-Country Industry Cluster and Entry Motivation on the Entry Mode Selection and Overseas Performance: An Empirical Study toward Taiwan-owned European MNCs)(559KB)193譚大純、陳正男(David D. C. Tarn、Cheng-Nan Chen)
2006 / 第1期[電子商務]組織協調機制之網路觀點探討與命題發展-以電子商務旅遊業為例(The Study on Organization Coordination Mechanisms Using the Networking Perspective and Proposition Development- Example of e-Commerce Traveling Business)(680KB)229唐震、張紹勳、張慧(Tang Jenn、Chang Shao-Shiun、Chang Huay)
2006 / 第1期[組織管理]供應商代管庫存與跨國供應鏈模式之探討:以緊固件產業為例(Exploring VMI and international Supply Chains: A Case of Fastener Industry)(657KB)271屠益民、侯君溥、鄧祖漢(Yi Ming Tu、Chun Fu Ho、Rodney Teng)
2006 / 第2期[組織管理]產業群聚對廠商行為及組織績效影響之研究–以台灣高科技產業為例(Industrial Cluster, Firm’s Behavior, and Organizational Performance – An Empirical Study of Taiwan’s High-Tech Industries)(573KB)315陳忠仁、張陽隆(Chung-Jen Chen、Yang-Lung Chang)
2006 / 第2期[組織管理]影響研究機構跨功能團隊績效之組織因素之研究(The Study of Organizational Factors on the Performance of Cross Function Team in Research Institutes)(484KB)339耿筠、謝立詩(Yun Ken、Li Shih Hsieh)
2006 / 第2期[知識管理]資訊型態與互動方式對團隊共識與績效的影響(Effects of Information Distribution and Interaction types on Group Consensus and Performance)(575KB)367李怡穎、楊仁壽(Yi-In Lee、Jen-shou Yang)
2006 / 第2期[策略管理]台商大陸子公司決策自主權影響因素之研究(The Determinants of Decision-making Autonomy of Taiwanese Firm’s Subsidiaries in China)(519KB)397廖明坤、于卓民、司徒達賢(Ming-Kung Joseph Liao、Chwo-Ming Yu、D. H. William Seetoo)
2006 / 第2期[資訊管理]全面品質管理之市場導向、學習導向與品質導向三者配合的重要性─以軟體產業為例(The Importance of Fit among Market Orientation, Learning Orientation, and Quality Orientation in TQM ─An Example from Software Industry)(501KB)429王存國魏小蘭陳小芬(Eric T.G. WangHsiao-Lan WeiJessica H.F. Chen)
2006 / 第2期[行銷管理]公司特性、地主國特性、標準化策略與國際行銷績效之關係(The Effects of Firm Characteristics and Host Country Characteristics on Standardization Strategy and International Marketing Performance)(519KB)451吳長生、洪順慶(Paul C. S. Wu、Shun-Ching Horng)
2006 / 第2期[行銷管理]情緒類別及等待發生時點對等待時間知覺的影響(The effect of affective states and the delays at different phases of a service delivery on the perceived waiting time)(558KB)487周逸衡、黃毓瑩、陳華寧、楊俊明(Jacob Y.H. Jou、Yu-Ying Huang、Hua-Ning Chen、Jun-Ming Yang)
2006 / 第2期[電子商務]網路購物顧客價值對顧客關係品質的影響之實証研究(The Impact of Customer Value on Customer Relationship Quality: An Empirical Study of Online Shopping)(552KB)517陶蓓麗、程瑞南(Pui Lai To、Rui-Nan Chen)
2006 / 第3期[會計]過度自信與股市交易行為關聯性之實證研究—以國內證券商為例(Overconfidence and Trading Behavior in Stock Market- An Empirical Study on Securities Firms in Taiwan)(602KB)569劉永欽、洪榮華(Yong-Chin Liu、Jung-Hua Hung)
2006 / 第3期[財務管理]資訊、雜訊與新上市公司股票績效(Information, Noise, and the Performance of IPO)(772KB)605陳振遠、王朝仕、湯惠雯(Roger C. Y. Chen、Chao-Shi Wang、Hui-Wen Tang)
2006 / 第3期[財務管理]證券市場績效對公司價值與資本結構之影響—台灣政權輪替前後期間之實證(The Impact of Stock Market Performance on the Firm’s Value and Capital Structure: An Empirical Study of the Taiwan Governmental Change)(1,370KB)639王麗惠(Lie-Huey Wang)
2006 / 第3期[財務管理]公司最適控制之退休金提撥決策-以確定提撥為例(The Optimal Control of Corporate Pension Funding:A Study of Defined Contribution Pension Plan)(490KB)669王子維、陳月霞(Tzu-Wei Wang、Yueh H. Chen)
2006 / 第3期[會計]國內會計師產業知識之衡量基礎(The Measurement Unit of Auditor Industry Expertise in Taiwan)(588KB)685陳政芳、李啟華(Jengfang Chen、Chihua Li)
2006 / 第3期[人力資源]影響銀行主管管理職能評鑑認知因素的探索研究(An Exploratory Study of Factors Affecting Banking Managers’ Perception on the Managerial Competency Assessment System)(1,089KB)713林文政、鄧國宏、劉麗華(Wen-Jeng Lin、Kuo-Hung Teng、Li-Hwa Liu)
2006 / 第3期[其他]組織特質、管理風格、與長期照護品質之關係(The Relationship among Organizational Characteristics, Management Style, and Nursing Home Quality)(3,180KB)751葉淑娟(Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh)
2006 / 第4期[電子商務]網際網路興起對數位產品決策與通路策略之影響(The Availability of Internet Outlets and Monopolistic Manufacturers’ Optimal Product and Channel Strategies in a Digital Good Industry)(727KB)807周善瑜、張智勇、蕭櫓(Shan-Yu Chou、Chih-Yung Chang、Lu Hsiao)
2006 / 第4期[策略管理]以經驗經濟學之角度再探電子商務經營模式與營運策略(The Developments of E-Commerce Business Model and Operational Strategies from Experience Economy Perspective)(694KB)847盧希鵬、林娟娟、許晉龍、李明仁(Hsi-Peng Lu、Chuan-Chuan Lin、Chin-Lung Hsu、Ming-Ren Lee)
2006 / 第4期[知識管理]代工聯盟中產品開發能力之提昇:知識管理過程觀點(The Enhancement of Product Development Capabilities in OEM/ODM Alliances: Knowledge Management Process Perspective)(634KB)881黃延聰(Yen-Tsung Huang)
2006 / 第4期[策略管理]策略群組結構的演化(Evolution of Strategic Group Structures)(1,083KB)915鍾憲瑞、陳俊忠(Hsien-Jui Chung、Chun-Chung Chen)
2006 / 第4期[組織管理]魅力領導、家長式領導、德性領導與領導效應之研究(Charismatic,Paternalistic,and Virtue Leadership and Follower Effects)(1,127KB)939蘇英芳、黃賀(Ying-Fang Su、Jason Huang)
2006 / 第4期[組織管理]工作要求與工作控制的交互作用對員工適應的影響:自我警覺的角色(The interactive effects of job demand and job control on employees’adjustment: The role of self-monitoring)(534KB)969林少龍(Shao-Lung Lin)
2006 / 第4期[計量分析]運用層級貝氏方法建構以失效測量為基礎的可靠度預測模式(Construction of Reliability Prediction Model by Using the Hierarchical Bayesian Approach)(958KB)995邱志洲、游濬遠、廖子毅、高淩菁(Chin-Chou Chiu、Chun Yuan Yu、Chih-Yi Liaw、Ling Jing Kao)