
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 2008 ) 25/846

期別 題目 頁數 作者
2008 / 第1期[生產管理]供應鏈的協同作業及組織特徵對供應鏈管理績效之影響(The Effect of Collaboration Operations and Business Characteristics on Supply Chain Management Performance)(4,009KB)9張心馨、張淑昭、東惠瑛(Hsin Hsin ChangSu-Chao ChangHui-Eng Tong)
2008 / 第1期[組織管理]台灣資訊產業上市公司國際化程度與公司治理關係之探討(The Relationship between Internationalization and Corporate Governance in Taiwan High-Technology Listed Corporations)(3,325KB)51劉韻僖、林玟廷(Yunshi Liu、Wen-Ting Lin)
2008 / 第1期[組織管理]中小企業跨層次社會網絡與績效之關係(Study on the relationship between cross-level social networks and performance of SME)(3,501KB)83方世榮、張文賢、林正智(Shyh-Rong FangWen-Hsien ChangZeng-Zhi Lin)
2008 / 第1期[行銷管理]以顧客關係管理觀點探討顧客保留之前因、中介與干擾模型研究(A Study into the Antecedent, Mediator and Moderator of Customer Retention Behavior from CRM’s Perspective)(3,272KB)119史習安、詹惠君、朱國明、黃俊英(Hsi-An Shih、Hui-Chun Chan、Kuo-Ming Chu、Jun-Ying Huang)
2008 / 第1期[行銷管理]關係品質與顧客購買行為:決策不確定性的干擾及中介雙重角色(Relationship Quality and Customer Purchase Behavior: Decision-making Uncertainty as Dual Roles of the Moderator and Mediator)(2,900KB)149劉宗其、吳立偉(Tsung-Chi Liu、Li-Wei Wu)
2008 / 第1期[組織管理]廠商策略移動路徑及其績效—台灣IC產業實證分析(Strategic Moving Path and Performance--An Empirical Study of the Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan)(3,622KB)175許書銘、楊詠庭(Sue-Ming Hsu、Yung-Ting Yang)
2008 / 第2期[其他]一般管理領域熱門研究議題分析(A Study of Hot Research Topics in The Field of General Management)(2,212KB)221洪世章、陳世哲、林朱燕、涂敏芬(Shih-Chang Hung、Shyh-Jer Chen、Chu-Yen Lin、Ming-Fen Tu)
2008 / 第2期[組織管理]中國大陸家族企業研究之回顧與展望:1988-2007(1988-2007:Review and Perspective of Family Business in Mainland China)(3,193KB)247李新春、王宣喻(Xin-Chun Li、Xuan-Yu Wang)
2008 / 第2期[其他]戰略管理研究在中國:回顧與展望(Strategic Management Research in Mainland China: Current Status and Future Prospects)(1,999KB)279張書軍、傑.B.巴尼(Shu-jun Zhang、Jay B. Barney)
2008 / 第2期[其他]綜觀中國零售研究文獻和趨勢分析(Literature Review and Trend Analysis on Retailing Research in China)(2,793KB)295吳佩勳、吳業紅(Jane Peihsun Wu、Yehong Wu)
2008 / 第2期[其他]創業研究的新趨向—敘說探究之應用(A New Approach in Entrepreneurship Research: Application of Narrative Inquiry)(2,957KB)321蔡敦浩、利尚仁、林韶怡(Dun-Hou Tsai、Shang-Jen Li、Shao-Yi Lin)
2008 / 第2期[其他]企業自然環境管理研究之回顧與展望(Review and Foresight of Research for the Natural Environmental Management on Business)(3,821KB)351高明瑞、黃義俊、張乃仁、蔡依倫(Ming-Rea Kao、Yi-Chun Huang、Nai-Jen Chang、I-Lun Tsai)
2008 / 第3期[財務管理]不同拍賣機制對不良資產價格之影響(A Study of Influence of Different Auction Mechanism to No-performing Assets)(3,772KB)401彭芳琪、張金鶚、陳明吉(Fang-Chi Peng、Chin-Oh Chang、Ming-Chi Chen)
2008 / 第3期[生產管理]應用模糊層級分析法比較專家判斷之差異:以台灣業界科技專案為例(Applying Fuzzy AHP to Comparison of Expert Judgments: An Empirical Study of Technology Projects in Taiwan)(4,433KB)429黃啟誠、朱斌妤、蔣侑修(Chi-Cheng Huang、Pin-Yu Chu、Yu-Hsiu Chiang)
2008 / 第3期[財務管理]消費者信用貸款違約風險評估模型之研究-以CART分類與迴歸樹建模(On the Research of Default Risk Model of Consume Credit Loan-Using CART(Classification and Regression Tree))(5,752KB)465梁德馨、葉建良(Te-Hsin Liang、Chien-Liang Yeh)
2008 / 第3期[財務管理]台灣上市公司所有權結構與極端風險關係之分量迴歸分析(The Relationship between Ownership Structure and Extreme Risk for the Firms Listed on the TSEC: A Quantile Regression Analysis)(4,672KB)507菅瑞昌、闕河士(Andy Chien、Horace Chueh)
2008 / 第3期[其他]醫療服務業關係品質與關係利益對顧客忠誠度的影響(The Impact of Relationship Quality and Relational Benefit on Customer Loyalty in Healthcare Industry)(4,309KB)543翁瑞宏、黃靖媛、邱柏松(Rhay-Hung Weng、Ching-Yuan Huang、Pe-Song Chiu)
2008 / 第3期[策略管理]技術特性、廠商特性與決策者特質對廠商大陸市場進入模式之影響(The Impact of Technology, Firm and CEO Characteristics on Mainland China Market Entry Mode Choice)(5,056KB)575陳世傑、李文瑞、胡秀華、黄啓瑞、陳律睿(Shih-Chieh Chen、Wen-Ruey Lee、Hsiu-Hua Hu、Chi-Jui Huang、Lu-Jui Chen)
2008 / 第4期[會計]資訊不對稱下會計師任期與審計品質之均衡分析(An Equilibrium Analysis of Auditor Tenure and Audit Quality under Asymmetric Information)(4,495KB)631王泰昌、曾怡潔、劉嘉雯(Taychang Wang、Yijie Tseng、Chiawen Liu)
2008 / 第4期[會計]員工分紅、公司治理與未來績效(Employee bonus, corporate governance, and future performance)(4,934KB)671許崇源、陳昭蓉(Chung-Yuan Hsu、Chao-Jung Chen)
2008 / 第4期[會計]管理特質對企業績效之影響(The Impact of Management Characteristics on Firm Performance)(6,217KB)703林秀鳳、李建然(Hsiu-Feng Lin、Jan-Zan Lee)
2008 / 第4期[會計]從推敲可能模式的觀點探討共同性指標之偏誤—以平衡計分卡為例(Adopting the Perspective of Elaboration Likelihood Model to Discuss Common Measures Bias-Using Balanced Scorecard as an Example)(5,076KB)743張允文、方俊儒、沈文華、羅怡婷(Yeun-Wen Chang、Chun-Ju Fang、Wen-Hua Shen、Yi-Ting Luo)
2008 / 第4期[會計]公司治理與財務健全度對企業價值影響之研究-多元適應性雲形迴歸之運用(Corporate Governance, Financial Health and Business Values:An Empirical Study with Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines)(5,344KB)787林妙雀、顏怡音、陳雪芳(Miao-Que Lin、Yi-Yin Yen、Hsueh-Fang Chen)
2008 / 第4期[會計]控制會計保守與盈餘成長估計權益資金成本之研究(Controlling Accounting Conservatism and Earnings Growth to Estimate the Implied Cost of Equity Capital)(4,125KB)823彭火樹、陳美惠(Huoshu Peng、Mei-Hui Chen)
2008 / 第4期[會計]會計盈餘反應訊息時效性之不對稱與董監酬勞關係(Asymmetric timeliness of earnings and board of directors’ profit sharing remuneration)(5,753KB)851許文馨、詹凌菁(Audrey Wen-hsin Hsu、Ann Chan)