
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 2013 ) 22/842

期別 題目 頁數 作者
2013 / 第1期[財務管理]組合式保證金系統之改良與比較:以TAIFEX交易資料實證(Portfolio-Based Margining Systems, Amelioration and Comparison: Evidence by TAIFEX Trading Data)(758KB)11黃瑋苓、劉德明(Wei-Ling Huang, Derming Lieu)
2013 / 第1期[生產管理]以資訊科技能力為基之全面品質管理系統與流程績效關係模式研究(Exploring the Relationship Model between Total Quality Management Systems and Process Performance Based on Information Technology Capability)(572KB)55周中理(Chung-Li Chou)
2013 / 第1期[其他]市場結構與績效—以產業結構之網絡分析觀點(Market Structure and Performance: Perspective from Network Analysis of Industry Structure)(325KB)85施信佑(Hsin-Yu Shih)
2013 / 第1期[財務管理]家族企業特性與經理人過度自信對其舉債決策之影響(The Impact of Family Business Characteristics and Managers’ Overconfidence on Their Capital Structure Decisions)(603KB)123張力、蔡函芳、林翠蓉、王禹軒、洪榮華(Li Chang, Han-Fang Tsai, Tsui-Jung Lin, Yu-Hsuan Wang, Jung-Hua Hung)
2013 / 第1期[財務管理]與物價指數連動之擔保債權憑證的評價模型(A Pricing Model of Inflation-indexed Collateralized Debt Obligations)(1,027KB)165陳芬英、彭星與(Fen-Ying Chen, Hsing-Yu Peng)
2013 / 第1期[經濟]董事經驗對企業海外直接投資績效之影響-以美國企業國際併購宣告為例(The Impact of Board Experience on the Performance of Foreign Direct Investment: the Case of International Acquisition Announcements)(593KB)199陳麗宇、賴蓉禾(Li-Yu Chen, Jung-Ho Lai)
2013 / 第2期[財務管理]金融海嘯主要事件對信用違約交換之影響(Impacts on Credit Default Swaps by Major Events of Financial Crisis)(1,130KB)255黃宜侯、沈中華、陳志鈞(Alex Yi-Hou Huang、Chung-Hua Shen、Chih-Chun Chen)
2013 / 第2期[財務管理]董監事股權質押與公司治理之研究(Share Collateralization by Directors and Corporate Governance)(703KB)299陳安琳、高蘭芬、陳怡凱、陳烷鈺(Anlin Chen、Lanfeng Kao、Yi-Kai Chen、Wan-Yu Chen)
2013 / 第2期[其他]制度變遷與組織型態創設:身心障礙者社會企業的浮現歷程研究(Institutional Changes and New Organizational Forms Creation: The Emergence of the Disability Social Enterprises)(1,050KB)339蔡依倫、高明瑞(I-Lun Tsai、Ming-Rea Kao)
2013 / 第2期[其他]台灣產業史的軌跡-以製傘業為例(The Footprints of Taiwan Industrial History-A Case of Umbrella Making Industry)(854KB)369楊俊煌、王美雅、徐木蘭(Chun-Huang Yang、Mei-Ya Wang、Mu-Lan Hsu)
2013 / 第2期[科技管理]高階團隊異質性、策略意圖積極性、與創新能耐(Top Management Team Heterogeneity, Strategic Intent Aggressiveness, and Innovative Capabilities)(428KB)413鄭仁安(Jen-An Cheng)
2013 / 第3期[資訊管理]有服務品質就足夠嗎?顧客體驗對網站滿意度之影響(Is Service Quality Enough? The Impact of Customer Experience on Website Satisfaction)(552KB)479顧宜錚、李家瑩、黃相翎(Yi-Cheng Ku、Chia-Ying Li、Hsiang-Ling Huang)
2013 / 第3期[資訊管理]影響個人提供線上社會支持因子之探討:以PTT癌症板為例(Exploring Driving Factors of Providing Online Social Support: An Example of PTT Anti-Cancer Board)(585KB)511徐士傑、邱兆民、洪郁雯、陳儷慧(Shih-Chieh Hsu、Chao-Min Chiu、Yu-Wen Hung、Li-Huei Chen)
2013 / 第3期[財務管理]預算控制與管理會計系統是否能提昇產品創新績效?(How Can Budget Control and Management Accounting System Improve Product Innovation Performance?)(588KB)545鄭國枝、楊美玲、蘇錦俊、丁念茹(Kuo-Chih Cheng、Mei-Ling Yang、Chin-Chun Su、Nien-Ju Ting)
2013 / 第3期[其他]向下影響戰術、向上維持戰術與師徒利益關係之研究(Relationships between Downward Influence Tactics, Upward Maintenance Tactics and Mentoring Benefits)(747KB)579董玉娟、林義屏、吳嘉芬(Yu-Chuan Tung、Yi-Ping Lin、Chia-Fen Wu)
2013 / 第3期[其他]台灣外派中國女性主管的心理資本與社會資本(The Psychological Capital and Social Capital of Taiwanese Female Expatriate in China)(603KB)625林子銘、蕭裕中、黃于玲(Tzu-Ming Lin、Yu-Chung Hsiao、Yu-Ling Huang)
2013 / 第3期[其他]組織間模仿與關係專屬性投資—績效期望之干擾效果(Inter-Organizational Imitative Behavior and Relationship-Specific Investment: The Moderating Effect of Performance Aspiration)(457KB)661許文宗、王俊如(Wen-Tsung Hsu、Chun-Ju Wang)
2013 / 第4期[資訊管理]繼續還是不繼續?網路文學作品持續閱讀與沉迷程度之影響(Continue or Discontinue? Cyber Literature Continuance Readership and the Effect of Addiction)(585KB)705韓揚銘、劉瑞啟、范錚強(Y. M. Han, Jui-Chi Liu, C. K. Farn)
2013 / 第4期[資訊管理]正向情緒與誘餌效應對消費者決策行為的影響(Investigating The Interaction Between Positive Emotion And Decoy Effect on Consumer Decision Making)(1,082KB)743黃瑜峰、陳韋婷、郭峰淵(Yu-Feng Huang, Wei-Ting Chen, Feng-Yang Kuo)
2013 / 第4期[財務管理]建構金融機構關係下之不動抵押貸款價值模型(Constructs the Financial Institution Relationship of the Mortgage Valuation Model)(596KB)769徐守德、陳勤明、洪志興(David So-De Hsyu, Chin-Ming Chen, Chih-Hsing Hung)
2013 / 第4期[財務管理]台商母公司研發資產與大陸子公司財務績效之關聯性:論企業策略之調節角色(The Relation between R&D Assets of Taiwan’s Parent Firms and the Financial Performance of their Subsidiaries in Mainland China: The Moderating Role of Business Strategy)(743KB)799蔡柳卿、楊朝旭、彭智偉(Liu-Ching Tsai、Chaur-Shiuh Young、Chih-Wei Peng)
2013 / 第4期[其他]高值化創新、自有品牌與經營績效: 臺灣電子產業之實證研究(High-Valued Innovation, Self-Branding and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study of the Electronic Industry in Taiwan)(524KB)853楊宜興、陳虹天(Phil Yi-Hsing Yang、Andrew Hong-Tien Chen)