
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 2003 ) 24/846

期別 題目 頁數 作者
2003 / 第1期[資訊管理]從科技二元論的角度探討個人資訊科技接受度之前因:結構方程模型分析(A Study of the Antecedents of Technology Acceptance from the Perspective of the Technology Duality Theory: Analysis of Structural Equation Modeling)(1,203KB)15吳玲玲(Ling-Ling Wu)
2003 / 第1期[財務管理]台灣銀行業合併換股比率之實證研究(An Exchange Ratio Determination Model for Bank Mergers : Taiwan’s Case Studies)(889KB)49郭照榮、陳曉蓉、曾曉萍(Chau-Jung Kuo, Hsiao-Jung Chen, Hsiao-Ping Tsen)
2003 / 第1期[會計]政府財務報告之品質特性與實際使用程度之關聯性(An Empirical Study in the Qualitative Characteristics and the Use of Government Financial Reporting)(1,226KB)77鄭如孜、林嬋娟(Ju-Tzu Cheng, Chan-Jane Lin)
2003 / 第1期[財務管理]國家與產業因素對國際投資組合決策的影響-亞洲新興市場的實證結果(The Influence of Country and Industry Factors on International Diversification-Empirical Evidence from Asian Emerging Markets)(1,053KB)107董澍琦、楊聲勇、楊明晶、謝岳志(Shuh-Chyi Doong, Sheng-Yung Yang, Ming-Jing Yang, Yueh-Chih Hsieh)
2003 / 第1期[財務管理]股市監視制度之影響:市場流動性效果暨流動性與超額報酬之關聯(The Effect of Surveillance System: Market Liquidity and Relationship between Liquidity & Excess Return)(1,360KB)137林淑玲、葉銀華、吳壽山、黃建龍(Shu-Ling Lin, Yih-Hua Yen, Sou-Shan Wu, Gen-Long Hung)
2003 / 第1期[財務管理]債信評等模型主觀評估內部一致性暨外部一致性之探討:以銀行及證券實務專家之差異分析為例(The Internal and External Consistency on Credit Rating the Difference between Bankers and Security Analysis)(824KB)177郭敏華(Min-Hua Kuo)
2003 / 第2期[組織管理]軍事院校辦學績效評估之研究—以國防管理學院為例(Performance Measurement in Military Education Sector-The Case of National Defense Management College)(987KB)219孫遜(Shinn Sun)
2003 / 第2期[生產管理]品質管理之類型與其分類構面之研究:以自行車產業為例(The Classification of Quality Management System-An Empirical Study for Bicycle Industry in Taiwan)(1,052KB)251許如欽(Ru-Ching Hsu)
2003 / 第2期[行銷管理]口耳相傳訊息之傳播及對消費者購買行為之影響:文獻回顧與分類(Word-of-Mouth Communication and It’s Effects on Consumer Buying Behavior: A Review)(1,023KB)283練乃華、留淑芳(Nai-Haw Lien, Shu-Fang Liu)
2003 / 第2期[策略管理]廠商資源與國際化網路策略之關係:台商赴海外投資之實證研究(The Relationship between Types of Firm’s Resources and the Network Strategies of Internationalization: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Corporations’ Foreign Direct Investment)(1,214KB)309曾紀幸(Chi-Hsing Tseng)
2003 / 第2期[組織管理]我國上市公司家族控制力與董事會運作關係之探討(Relationships between Family Control and Board Process in Taiwan’s Public Companies)(994KB)341鍾喜梅、劉韻僖、葉匡時(His-Mei Chung, Yun-Shi Liu, Kuang S. Yeh)
2003 / 第2期[會計]會計師錄取率提高對台灣地區審計市場成本結構與規模經濟之影響(The Effect of Increasing Passing Rate of CPA Exam on the cost Structure and Scale Economics in the Taiwan Audit Market)(880KB)367李文智、侍台諴、蔡彥卿(Wen-Chih Lee, Tai-Cheng Shih, Yann-Ching Tsai)
2003 / 第3期[知識管理]組織文化與知識分享動機對知識分享之影響研究(The Impact of Organizational Culture and Knowledge Sharing Motivation on Knowledge Sharing)(844KB)409王誕生、徐其力(Dan-Shang Wang, Chi-Lih Shyu)
2003 / 第3期[行銷管理]促銷聯盟管理的實證研究(An Empirical Research on Managing the Promotion Alliance)(1,103KB)433方世榮、許淑寬、方世杰(Shyh-Rong Fang, Shu-Kwan Hsu, Shih-Chiech Fang)
2003 / 第3期[行銷管理]新產品預告訊息與消費者延宕滿足意願:知覺機會成本與延宕程度分析(New Product Preannouncement and Consumer’s Intention of Delay of Gratification: The Analysis of Perceived Opportunity Cost and Delay Times)(1,042KB)463顧萱萱(Hsuan-Hsuan Ku)
2003 / 第3期[電子商務]電子商務網站的隱私權揭露與其決策因素之探討(The Status and Decision Factors of Web Sites Privacy Disclosures)(1,890KB)489楊亨利、邱顯貴(Heng-Li Yang, Hsien-Kuei Chiu)
2003 / 第3期[資訊管理]資訊分享以強化時機競爭力:台灣半導體產業供應鏈資訊整合之研究(The Study of Information Sharing for Time-based Competition: The Empirical Analysis on Supply Chain Information Integration in Taiwan IC Industry)(1,569KB)533林福仁、林煌基(Fu-Ren Lin, Edward Lin)
2003 / 第3期[財務管理]最適投資決策與產品生命週期-實質選擇權分析法(The Optimal Investment Decision and Product Life Cycle-A Real Options Approach)(717KB)571廖四郎、陳坤銘、鄭宗松(Szu-Lang Liao, Kun-Ming Chen, Tsong-Sung Cheng)
2003 / 第4期[財務管理]未預期匯率變動對股票報酬率及波動性影響之研究(The Impact of Unexpected Change of Exchange Rate on Taiwan Stock Return and Volatility)(1,088KB)613周麗娟、林靖中、陳勝源(Li-Chuan Chou, Ching-Chung Lin, Sheng-Yuan Chen)
2003 / 第4期[行銷管理]虛榮特性、物質屬意與強迫性購買關係之研究(The Relationship among Vanity Trait, Materialism and Compulsive Buying)(1,506KB)641黃營杉、張重昭、張威龍(Ing-San Huang, Chung-Chau Chang, Wei-Lung Chang)
2003 / 第4期[行銷管理]網路行銷市場區隔變數之研究—以網路購物為例(The Comparison of Market Segment Variable on the Internet Marketing-Taking Web-Patronage as an Example)(1,429KB)673凌儀玲、傅豐玲、周逸衡、李振妮(Amy Y.L. Lin, Fong-Ling Fu, Jacob Y.H. Jou, Jannie Lee)
2003 / 第4期[科技管理]我國3G行動電話執照發放方式對政府收入與業者獲利之影響(Using Scenario Analysis to Analyze the Financial Impact of Licensing Fees/Auctions Prices on Government Revenue and Operator Profitability in Taiwan)(1,145KB)707李宗耀、徐作聖、虞孝成、張世其(Zon-Yau Lee, Joseph Z. Shyu, Hsiao-Cheng Yu, Shih-Chi Chang)
2003 / 第4期[科技管理]策略型態和角色模糊對預算制度效能的影響(The Impact of Strategy Type and Role Ambiguity on Effectiveness of Budget Systems)(672KB)739蘇志泰、倪豐裕(Jyh-Tay Su, Feng-Yu Ni)
2003 / 第4期[組織管理]權力運作對組織承諾之影響研究(The Study on the Influence of Power in Use upon Organizational Commitment)(916KB)759吳志正、張淑昭、李啟誠、李海輝(Jyh-Jeng Wu, Su-Chao Chang, Chi-Cheng Lee, Hai-Huei Lee)