
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 1996 ) 15/846

期別 題目 頁數 作者
1996 / 第1期[組織管理]探索企業主管的親信關係(Exploring Confidant Relationships of Business Managers)(6,188KB)1戚樹誠(Shu-Cheng Chi)
1996 / 第1期[其他]台灣地區技術轉移輸出方案評估決策模式以─自動化產業為例(The Decision Model for Evaluation the Technology Export Alternatives in Taiwan- The Case of Automation Industry)(1,557KB)16王泰裕、陳穎川(Tai-Yue Wang, Yin-Chuan Chen)
1996 / 第1期[其他]台灣發光二極体上游產業技術發展策略之研究(Studies on the Technology Strategy of Upstream LED Industry in Taiwan)(7,856KB)42劉尚志、徐炯升(Shang-Jyh Liu, Chiung-Sheng Hsu)
1996 / 第1期[策略管理]從策略觀點探討製造與行銷策略之互動對績效影響─電子/資訊業的實證研究(The Impact on Performance for the Interaction between Manufacturing and Marketing from a Strategic Perspective-An Empirical Research of Electronic and Information Industry)(11,510KB)63方世榮(Shyh-Rong Fang)
1996 / 第1期[行銷管理]價格定位、促銷方式對市場佔有率與獲利率關係之研究─國內三大產業之實證研究(Interrelationships between Price Position, Promotion Strategies, Market Share and Profitability-An Empirical Study of Three Major Industries in Taiwan)(9,477KB)89吳志正、吳萬益、張淑昭(Jyh-Jeng Wu, Wann-Yih Wu, Su-Chao Chang)
1996 / 第1期[財務管理]台灣地區外匯市場與股票市場互動關係之實證研究─聯立方程式模型(An Empirical Study on the Interactions of Foreign Exchange Market and Stock Market in Taiwan-Simultaneous Equations Models)(8,999KB)113康信鴻、初家祥(Hsin-Hong Kang, Jia-Shyang Chu)
1996 / 第1期[財務管理]公司上市後首次支付股利對股東財富影響之研究(The Impact of Initiating Dividend Payments on Shareholders Wealth)(8,119KB)135陳隆麒、闕河士、黃國誠、黃旭輝(Long-Chi Chen, Her-Shih Chuei, Kuo-Cheng Huang, Hsyu-Huei Huang)
1996 / 第2期[其他]The Four Dimensional Visual Information Universe: An Illustration(The Four Dimensional Visual Information Universe: An Illustration)(4,665KB)1Cheng Hsu, Lester Lee(Cheng Hsu, Lester Lee)
1996 / 第2期[資訊管理]Group Collaboration Effort in Information Systems Project(Group Collaboration Effort in Information Systems Project)(3,225KB)15Dien D. Phan(Dien D. Phan)
1996 / 第2期[資訊管理]Obstacles and Benefits of Electronic Data Interchange: Hong Kong Experience(Obstacles and Benefits of Electronic Data Interchange: Hong Kong Experience)(4,387KB)25Man Kit Chang, Tony C. K. Wong(Man Kit Chang, Tony C. K. Wong)
1996 / 第2期[會計]A Security Valuation Study of Cash Flows and Accrual Earnings(A Security Valuation Study of Cash Flows and Accrual Earnings)(5,720KB)35Shih-jen Kathy Ho(Shih-jen Kathy Ho)
1996 / 第2期[行銷管理]An Empirical Study of Service-based Customer Dissatisfaction: Sources and Consequences(An Empirical Study of Service-based Customer Dissatisfaction: Sources and Consequences)(3,757KB)51L. P. Douglas Tseng, Bruce L. Stern(L. P. Douglas Tseng, Bruce L. Stern)
1996 / 第2期[財務管理]Daily U.S. Federal Funds Rate and Pacific Rim Stock Markets(Daily U.S. Federal Funds Rate and Pacific Rim Stock Markets)(2,675KB)63Daniel W.W. Cheung(Daniel W.W. Cheung)
1996 / 第2期[計量分析]A Link between Neural Networks and Mathematical programming(A Link between Neural Networks and Mathematical programming)(3,410KB)71Ray R. Tsaih(Ray R. Tsaih)
1996 / 第2期[行銷管理]The Buying Behavior and Marketing Practices of Fast Food Market in Metro Manila, Philippines(The Buying Behavior and Marketing Practices of Fast Food Market in Metro Manila, Philippines)(7,004KB)79Kuang-Jung Chen(Kuang-Jung Chen)