
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 2018 ) 21/846

期別 題目 頁數 作者
2018 / 第1期 哲學與創業專刊[尚未定義]在「哲學」與「創業」之間:從「概念創造」到「創造真實」的開創學習(Between Philosophy and Entrepreneurship: From Concept Creation to Reality Creation through Entrepreneuring Learning)(2,754KB)11劉育忠、李至昱(Yu-Chung Liu, Chih-Yu Lee)
2018 / 第1期 哲學與創業專刊[尚未定義]創業實踐教育與傅柯倫理主體論(Entrepreneurship Practice Education and Foucault’s Ethical Subject Theory)(1,019KB)35楊士奇、吳孟珍 (Shi-Chi Yang, Meng-Chen Wu)
2018 / 第1期 哲學與創業專刊[尚未定義]「聆聽」與「詮釋」交錯的主體介入:以老屋敘說開創之案例研究(Subjective Intervention through Alternating Listening and Interpretation: Explaining Entrepreneurship through Case Studies Involving Old Buildings)(3,459KB)55洪世謙、李慶芳(Shih-Chian Hung, Ching-Fang Lee)
2018 / 第1期 哲學與創業專刊[尚未定義]Pokemon Go 玩家經驗作為一種開創歷程:詮釋現象學取徑(Pokemon Go Player’s Experiences as An Entrepreneuring Process: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology Approach)(1,071KB)85蔡偉鼎、王致遠(Wei-Ding Tsai, Chih-Yuan Wang)
2018 / 第2期[行銷管理]沉浸戀愛氛圍將左右著消費者的思維與行為?(Do Love Moods Influence Consumers’ Minds and Behaviors?)(1,856KB)135蕭至惠、蔡進發、曾千桓(Chih-Hui Hsiao, Chin-Fa Tsai, Chien-Huan Tseng)
2018 / 第2期[行銷管理]愛屋及烏?品牌依附對於品牌延伸評價之影響(Love Me, Love My Dog? The Influence of Brand Attachment on Brand Extension Evaluation)(2,195KB)173李家瑩、王禹驊(Chia-Ying Li, Yu-Hua Wang)
2018 / 第2期[一般管理]探討新進護理人員職場導師制度之負面經驗(Exploring the Negative Experience of Mentoring Programs among New Nurses)()211黃靖媛、吳宗晉、翁瑞宏、蔡育真(Ching-Yuan Huang, Tsung-Chin Wu, Rhay-Hung Weng, Yu-Chen Tsai)
2018 / 第2期[資訊與作業管理]整合多準則決策與資源基礎理論建構行動通訊基地台資源規劃模式之研究(Hybridizing MCDM with Resource-based View toward Resource Planning in Mobile Telecommunications)(1,645KB)239周瑋千、李昇暾(Wei-Chien Chou, Sheng-Tun Li)
2018 / 第2期[財務會計]財務報表品質檢驗:外國企業與本國企業之比較(Financial Reporting Quality Investigation: Evidence from Foreign Companies vs. Domestic Companies)(1,660KB)277王登仕、黃劭彥、林鳳儀、張森河(Teng-Shih Wang, Shaio-Yan Huang, Fengyi Lin, Shen-Ho Chang)
2018 / 第2期[資訊與作業管理]質量融合:基於複雜科學觀點下的探索(The Mix of Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies: A Research Exploration Based on Complexity Science)(1,169KB)331洪世章、曾詠青、賴俊彥(Shih-Chang Hung; Yung-Ching Tseng; Jiun-Yan Lai)
2018 / 第3期[其他]社會企業商業模式關鍵成功因素之研究(Key Success Factors in Social Enterprise Business Models)(1,046KB)381陳隆輝、薛昭義、黃子明(Long-Hui Chen, Chao-Yi Hsueh, Zi-Ming Huang)
2018 / 第3期[其他]遊戲化學習機制與模式的設計與成效初探 - 以某高職為例(An Exploratory Study on the Effects of a Gamification-based Design Mechanism and Model on Learning Outcomes in a High School Context)(1,642KB)415葉佩君、郭建良(Pei-Chun Yeh, Chien-Liang Kuo)
2018 / 第3期[其他]以劇場理論觀點探討消費者體驗對品牌忠誠之影響(The Influence of Experiential Elements on Brand Loyalty from the Theory of Theater)(930KB)453高義芳、劉上嘉、唐珮琳(Yie-Fang Kao, Shang-Chia Liu, Pei-Lin Tang)
2018 / 第3期[資訊與作業管理]社群商務網站上之自我揭露行為:以Fashion Guide時尚美妝傳媒為例(Self-disclosure Behaviors in Social Commerce Websites: An Empirical Validation of Fashion Guide)(889KB)479李家瑩、戴婉如(Chia-Ying Li, Wan-Ju Tai)
2018 / 第3期[財務會計]台灣銀行業經濟成本管理與實質盈餘管理替代性之研究(Substitution between Economic Cost Management and Real Earnings Management: Taiwan Banking Industry)(1,011KB)511陳椿鶯、李春安(Chun-Ying Chen, Chun-An Li)
2018 / 第4期 我國產業個案專刊[個案]補立達社會企業股份有限公司: 社會企業的抉擇(Bulida Social Enterprise: Dilemma of a Social Enterprise)(1,751KB)579劉士豪、廖秀莉(Su-Houn Liu, Hsiu-Li Liao)
2018 / 第4期 我國產業個案專刊[個案]瑞利軍工-窗外有藍天(Mitwell: Project Based or Product Oriented Strategy Dilemmas)(1,670KB)603官志凱、張棱衡、邱光輝(Chih-Kae Guan, Lin-Heng Chang, Kuang-Hui Chiu)
2018 / 第4期 我國產業個案專刊[個案]安麗臺灣:創世代-搶救老化危機(Amway Taiwan: “Startup Generation” Rejuvenate Ageing Brand)(2,051KB)631林雅文、陳小芬、周至宏、林維綉(Ya-Wen Lin, Jessica H. F. Chen, Chih-Hung Chou, Wei-Hsiu Lin)
2018 / 第4期 我國產業個案專刊[個案]小林眼鏡-連鎖眼鏡業的聰明展店策略(Kobayashi Optical – A Smart Strategy for New-store Development in the Eyewear Industry)(1,716KB)657丁碧慧、鄭兆宏、黃慧玲(Pi-Hui Ting, Zhao-Hong Cheng, Hui-Ling Huang)
2018 / 第4期 我國產業個案專刊[個案]家誠全球數位醫材-訂戶制賣假牙行不行?(Jia Chen Dental Co., Ltd. How to Sell Digital Intraoral Scanner to Dentist?)(1,751KB)691傅大煜(Ta-Yu Fu)
2018 / 第4期 我國產業個案專刊[個案]龐貝氏症的新藥開發:中國合成 橡膠公司的管理實踐(The Orphan Drug Development of Myozyme®: The Managerial Practices of the China Synthetic Rubber Corporation)(1,966KB)719謝英哲、張元杰、王健航、李孟哲(Ying-Che Hsieh, Yuan-Chieh Chang, Jian-Hang Wang, Meng-Che Li)