

中山管理評論  2009/9

第17卷第3期  p.685-713

Bunun Leisure Farming: Designing Cultural Products and Affection Processes
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Syming Hwang、Lanyin Hwang/

Department of Business Administration, National Chengchi University, Department of Teaching, Kung-Hwa Management Foundation


70年前,日本政府強迫布農族人放棄傳統的打獵與小米文化,遷移至目前的居住 地,但因缺乏融入工商社會的環境背景與學習機會,生活艱困苦悶,死亡率高達全國平 均的3倍。本個案記錄一個在台東縣延平鄉已經營了14年的在地產業—「布農部落休閒 農場」轉型的過程。藉由文化產品的再造與行銷通路的創新,企圖把許多年才來一次的 顧客變成一年來許多次的顧客。 轉型的主軸是感動的設計,利用服務科學的原理,定義並反覆測試可被遊客接受的文化 產品,讓來園遊客透過文化體驗活動,形成深刻的感動與記憶,再藉由活動照片上網及 小天使行銷信函等e化的設計,長時間延續此感動與記憶。初步成果顯示遊客在園區停 留的時間與消費的金額有成長的趨勢,遊客回家後與園區在網上互動也開始形成,2009 年初金融海嘯對旅遊業造成重創,但布農部落休閒農場仍然穩定成長。

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The Bunun tribes were forced to move to the current habitation and abandon their hunting and millet cultivating traditions 70 years ago by the ruling Japanese government. Lacking background and skills to fit into the modern industrial society, many Bununs lived miserably. Statistics show that Bunun’s death rate was as high as three times the national average. This case reports a transformation attempt made by Bunun Leisure Farming (BLF), a local enterprise in Yanping, Taitung. By re-creating the traditional culture, BLF defined new service products and marketing channels, and tried to turn the customers who visited once in many years into the ones who visit many times a year. The main idea of the transformation was the design of affection processes. Appling principles from service sciences, BLF defined and tested the acceptable cultural products so that the customers would be deeply moved and filled with memories. In addition, BLF prolonged their customer’s affection and memory by e-designs such as putting customer’s activity snapshots on-line for download and e-mailing a warm letter from little Bunun boys and girls. The immediate results showed that both the time period of customer’s stay and amount of consumption increased. Interactions between customers and BLF on-line started to develop. Despite the financial tsunami hit the tourism heavily, the BLF continued its growth.

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Marketing Management, Service Management, Cultural Products


1940年,日本發動太平洋戰爭,為了便於管理,將居住於內本鹿地區(在今南投、高雄、花蓮交界處的高山)的布農族人驅趕下山,部份族人遷移至現今台東縣延平鄉,一個位於花東縱谷南端、中央山脈山腳下的山坡地。70年來,這一群布農族人被迫放棄傳統的打獵與小米文化,但因缺乏融入工商社會的環境背景與學習機會,生活艱困苦悶,死亡率高達全國平均的3倍。 本個案記錄在這樣的環境中,一個已經營了14年的在地產業—「布農部落休閒農場」奮力向前,力圖轉型的過程。此轉型有2個工作重點:文化產品的再造與行銷通路的創新,其目的為把這偏遠原鄉產業的顧客,從許多年才來一次的顧客變成一年來許多次的顧客。 布農部落休閒農場地處偏僻,大部分顧客由遊覽車載來,在園區停留1-2小時即再被遊覽車載走。十多年來客來客往,絕大多數一生只來過一次,如何將這些客人轉型成經常造訪的常客,是本個案最主要的課題。 轉型的主軸是感動的設計,他們觀察到來園遊客對原住民傳統文化的好奇,因此重新尋訪已軼失的打獵與小米文化,利用服務科學的原理,定義並反覆測試可被遊客接受的文化產品,讓來園遊客進行多次的文化體驗活動。透過親身體驗及活動主持人的解說,形成深刻的感動與記憶,再藉由活動照片上網及小天使行銷信函等e化的設計,長時間延續此感動與記憶。 這些設計於2008年底陸續推出,初步的成果顯示遊客在園區停留的時間與消費的金額有成長的趨勢,遊客回家後與園區在網上互動也開始形成,2009年初,金融海嘯對旅遊業造成重創,但布農部落休閒農場的營運仍然穩定成長。
