
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 2022 ) 22/842

期別 題目 頁數 作者
2022 / 第1期[梁定澎講座教授紀念特刊]以推力-拉力-繫住力理論探討消費者對純網銀之轉換意圖(Understanding the Drivers of Switching to Internet-Only Bank from the PPM Perspective)(1,463KB)3鄭鈞、邱兆民、梁定澎、徐士傑、陳怡蓁(Jacob Chun Cheng, Chao-Min Chiu, Ting-Peng Liang, Jack Shih-Chieh Hsu, Yi-Chen Chen)
2022 / 第1期[梁定澎講座教授紀念特刊]企業資訊系統採用:基於TOE模型之整合性分析(Organizational Adoption of Information Technology: A Meta-Analysis Based on the TOE Model)(2,009KB)37周彥君、黃冠傑、梁定澎(Yen-Chun Chou, Guan-Jie Huang, Ting-Peng Liang)
2022 / 第1期[梁定澎講座教授紀念特刊]朋友的朋友如何影響網路購買意願:兩個Facebook研究(How Friends’ Friends Influence Online Purchase Intentions: Two Facebook Studies)(1,073KB)81張景惠、王俊程、嚴紀中、吳肜泰(Ching-Hui Chang, Jyun-Cheng Wang, David C. Yen, Rung-Tai Wu)
2022 / 第1期[梁定澎講座教授紀念特刊]粉絲價值:社群商務持續互動途徑之形塑(Value of Fans: Shaping Path of Continuous Interaction in Social Commerce )(967KB)125羅家倫、曾筱珽、林淑瓊、沈岱祥、徐郁琇(Chia-Lun Lo, Hsiao-Ting Tseng, Shu-Chiung Lin, Tai-Hsiang Shen, Yu-Hsiu Hsu)
2022 / 第1期[梁定澎講座教授紀念特刊]以SOR理論探討廣告訴求對直播拍賣下標意圖之影響(Understanding the Impacts of Appealing Strategies on Online Bidding Intention: A Stimulus-Organism-Response Perspective)(766KB)170張簡郁庭、黃恊弘、許秋萍、林東清、魏旭言( Yu-Ting Chang Chien, Hsieh-Hong Huang, Ciou-Ping Syu, Tung-Ching Lin, Wiyata)
2022 / 第1期[梁定澎講座教授紀念特刊]基於環境依賴和組織學習模式的知識管理策略(Knowledge Management Strategies Based on Environment -Dependent and Organizational Learning Patterns)(1,538KB)203侯君溥、洪為璽、張益誠、周昭正、吳文雄( Chin-Fu Ho, Wei-Hsi Hung,I-Cheng Chang, Jau-Jeng Jou, Wen-Hsiung Wu)
2022 / 第2期[其他]以ADDIE為基礎之職能專家知識地圖建構法(An ADDIE-based Knowledge-Mapping Method for Finding Expert Support to Develop Competency-Based Programs)(3,932KB)259鄭滄祥、曾智義、丁淑方(Tsang-Hsiang Cheng, Chih-Yi Tseng, Shu‐Fang Ting)
2022 / 第2期[其他]企業客戶語音業務流失預測之研究(The Research on the Prediction of Enterprise Customer Churn on Voice Services)(7,131KB)293黃三益、林彥君、賴佳瑜(San-Yih Hwang, Yen-Chun Lin, Chia-Yu Lai)
2022 / 第2期[其他]化舊助新:反向型師徒、知識分享與組織創新之個案研究(Turning Old to Enable New: A Case Study on Knowledge Sharing of Reverse Mentoring for Organizational Innovation)(2,241KB)325陳登煌、陳蕙芬(Teng-Huang Chen, Hui-Fen Chen)
2022 / 第2期[其他]線上社交圈中敏感性社會議題參與:沉默螺旋與社會資本影響關係之 探索性研究(Participation in Online Social Networks for Sensitive Social Issues: An Exploratory Study on the Influence of Spiral of Silence and Social Capital)(1,012KB)367王凱、甘孟玄(Kai Wang, Meng-Hsuan Kan)
2022 / 第3期[行銷管理]以送禮者或收禮者為中心的禮物:自我建構的角色( Giver-Centric or Recipient-Centric Gifts: The Role of Self-Construal)(436KB)421葉明義、Anisa Larasati(Ming-Yih Yeh, Anisa Larasati)
2022 / 第3期[行銷管理]健康功效認證影響購買意願: 道德情感評價之關聯中介效果( The Effects of Health Functions Certification on Purchase Intention: The Relational Mediation of Moral and Affective Evaluations )(1,419KB)469謝致慧(Chih-Hui Shieh)
2022 / 第3期[財務會計]避險是否能增加家族企業的公司價值?(Does Hedging Really Increase Family Firms’ Value? )(1,373KB)515黃柏凱、林玉君、張淑菁(Po-Kai Huang, Yu-Chun Lin, Shu-Ching Chang,)
2022 / 第3期[財務會計]台灣產險業績效與市場競爭力之動態追蹤資料分析(Dynamic Panel Data Analysis of Performance and Market Competitiveness of Taiwanese Non-Life Insurance Industry )(804KB)555陳冠志(Guan-Chin Chen)
2022 / 第4期[行銷管理]考慮第三方賣家下,品牌商之最適網路平台通路策略(A Brand Vendor’s Optimal Channel Strategy on the Online Platform under the Existence of Third-Party Sellers)(1,902KB)605謝承勳、沈庭葳、蕭櫓(Cheng-Hsun Hsieh, Ting-Wei Shen, Lu Hsiao)
2022 / 第4期[一般管理]減少失誤能贏球?團隊熟悉性對團隊失誤之影響(Winning by Making Fewer Errors? The Effects of Team Familiarity on Errors in Teams)(586KB)643陳建男、胡宛仙、田正利(Chien-Nan Chen, Wan-Hsien Hu, Chengli Tien)
2022 / 第4期[財務會計]股市波動性是否引發熊市?(Does Stock Market Volatility Induce Bear Stock Market? )(953KB)673吳淑貞(Shue-Jen Wu)
2022 / 第4期[財務會計]關鍵查核事項揭露與審計品質及審計報告時效性之關聯( The Association between Key Audit Matter Disclosures, Audit Quality, and Audit Report Timeliness)(741KB)705官月緞、史雅男、曾家璿(Yue-Duan Guan, Ya-Nan Shih, Chia-Hsuan Tseng)
2022 / 第5期[其他]意會重塑:博物館服務設計中的導意作法(Sense Reframing: Sensegiving within a Museum’s Service Design)(1,073KB)767徐嘉黛(Chia-Tai Hsu)
2022 / 第5期[其他]制度邏輯之演化:從企業社會責任的發展探討商業永續(The Evolution of Institutional Logics: Investigating the Development of Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Sustainability)(1,566KB)809翁晶晶、易莉翔(Jing-Jing Weng, Li-Hsiang Yi)
2022 / 第5期[其他]與機器共舞:以交織理論探索人機協作的能動性(Dancing with Machines: Exploring Collective Agency of Human-Machine Collaborations from an Assemblage Perspective)(1,495KB)857周信輝、方世杰、李慶芳、蔡馥陞、劉亭蘭(Hsin-Hui Chou,Shih-Chieh Fang,Ching-Fang Lee,Fu-Sheng Tsai,Ting-Lan Liu)
2022 / 第5期[其他]融合邏輯:創新再脈絡的轉譯過程(Synthesizing Logics: The Process of Translating in Innovation Recontextualization)(1,394KB)899林雅萍(實踐大學創意產業博士班)