
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 2001 ) 29/842

期別 題目 頁數 作者
2001 / 第1期[財務管理]影響創業投資事業投資報酬因素之研究(Determinants of Venture Capital Performance in Taiwan)(981KB)11邱正仁、陳文進、高蘭芬(Jeng-Ren Chiou, Wen-Ching Chen, Lan-Feng Kao)
2001 / 第1期[組織管理]公司成長機會對經理人持股與董事會組成影響之研究(The Impact of Growth Opportunity on Managers’ Stock Holding and The Structure of Board of Director)(790KB)37黃旭輝、陳隆麒、謝劍平(Hsu-Huei Huang, Long-Chi Chen, Joesph C. P. Shieh)
2001 / 第1期[其他]台商赴大陸投資進入模式影響因素之研究─中小企業之實證分析(Critical Influencing Factor of Entry Mode of Taiwanese SMEs in Mainland China)(945KB)61李文瑞、曹為忠、陳旭銘(Wen-Ruey Lee, Wei-Chung Chao, Shiuh-Ming Chen)
2001 / 第1期[組織管理]資源依賴與交易成本對海外子公司控制機制之影響─台灣企業與大陸子公司之實證研究(The Effects of Resource Dependence and Transaction Cost on Overseas Control Mechanisms – An Empirical Study for Taiwanese Companies and Their Subsidiaries in Mainland China)(812KB)87趙琪(Chyi Jaw)
2001 / 第1期[生產管理]環境因素不確定性對製造彈性能力之影響關係研究─以台灣資訊產業為例(The Impact of Environment Factor Uncertainties on Manufacturing Flexibility Capabilities: An Empirical Study in Taiwan Computer Industry)(938KB)111張世佳、林能白(Shih-Chia Chang, Neng-Pai Lin)
2001 / 第1期[組織管理]公平性認知對組織成員工作滿意度與組織承諾影響之實證研究(The Effect of Perceived Justice on Organizational Members’ Behavior: Using Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment as the Factor)(953KB)135張瑞當、徐漢祥、倪豐裕(Ruey-Dang Chang, Han-Sheun Hsu, Feng-Yu Ni)
2001 / 第2期[組織管理]台灣地區工業區廠商創新擴散及其空間互動之探討(A study on Innovation Diffusion and Spatial interaction of Firms in the Industrial Zones Firms of Taiwan)(849KB)179吳濟華、陳協勝(Jih-Hwa Wu, Heish-Sheng Chen)
2001 / 第2期[組織管理]群體支援系統環境中層級分析法與任務型態對群體決策之影響(The Impacts of AHP and Task Types on Group Decision Making in GSS Environment)(819KB)201黃興進、張仁雄、李幸秋(Hsin-Ginn Hwang, Jen-Hsiung Chang, Hsing-Chiu Li)
2001 / 第2期[策略管理]動態決策案例中標的設定與策略輔助的效果(The Effects of Goals and Intervention Strategy in Dynamically Complex Environment)(952KB)221楊仁壽、莊世杰(Jenshou Yang, Shin-Chieh Chuang)
2001 / 第2期[資訊管理]資訊革命與技術演化(Information Revolution and Technology Evolution)(1,105KB)245洪世章、徐玉娟(Shih-Chang Hung, Yu-Chuan Hsu)
2001 / 第2期[組織管理]公司內部創業統治機制選擇之實證研究─交易成本之觀點(An Empirical Study on the Governance Mode of Internal Corporate Venture: A Transaction Cost Perspective)(1,032KB)271洪廣明、史習安、廖珮如(Kuang-Peng Hung, Hsi-An Shih, Pei-Ju Liao)
2001 / 第2期[會計]會計師事務所之廣告問題研究(Should CPAs be Allowed to Place Advertisement on Media – An Analytical Investigation)(562KB)297李文智(Wen-Chih Lee)
2001 / 第3期[策略管理]環境不確定情況下策略聯盟管理對績效影響之研究(Performance Impact of Alliances Management under Uncertainity Condition)(1,500KB)335唐順明(Shung Ming Tang)
2001 / 第3期[資訊管理]個人資訊隱私:倫理效能之量表的發展與驗證(Personal Information Privacy: Development and Validation of Ethical Self-Efficacy Measure)(800KB)373許孟祥、郭峰淵、林杏子、朱彩馨、游佳萍(Meng Hsiang Hsu, Feng Yang Kuo, Cathy S. Lin, Tsai Hsin Chu, Chia Ping Yu)
2001 / 第3期[組織管理]服務業員工角色壓力、自我效能、工作滿意度與內部服務品質之關係─以百貨業為例之實證研究(Role Stress, Self-efficacy, Job Satisfaction and Internal Service Quality: An Empirical Test of Their Relationships in The Department Store Context)(1,134KB)395簡俊成、翁志成、楊玲惠(Chung-Cheng Chien, Chin-Cheng Weng, Ling-Huey Yang)
2001 / 第3期[組織管理]文化類型、強度、均衡性及集群對經理人工作適應影響之研究(Cultural Type, Strength, Balance, and Cluster: Relationships to Managers Work Adjustment)(878KB)425繆敏志(Min-Chih Miao)
2001 / 第3期[經濟]歐元十一國利率互動關係探討─德國與美國支配臆說之比較(Dynamic Relationship among Eleven Interest Rates of Euro Countries – The Comparison of GDH and ADH)(835KB)447聶建中、劉嘉玟(Chuen-Chung Nieh, Chia-Wen Liu)
2001 / 第3期[財務管理]衍生性金融商品在公司風險管理上的使用情形:台灣與其他國家之比較(Derivatives Usage by Taiwanese Non-financial Firms: A comparative analysis)(883KB)471張紹基、黃薏萍(Shoa-Chi Chang, Yi-Ping Huang)
2001 / 第4期[其他]醫院產業對藥品供應商物流服務需求要素及其相對重要度之研究(A Study of the Hospital Logistics Service Reqirements for the Medicine Suppliers and Their Relative Importance)(908KB)513蘇雄義、錢慶文、林文德(S.I. Ivan Su、C.W. Richard Chien、Uen-De Lin)
2001 / 第4期[組織管理]我國非營利組織責任及透明度提升之研究:德爾菲法之應用(On the Promotion of Accountability and Transparency of Nonprofit Organizations in Taiwan-An Application of the Delphi Method)(1,110KB)541許崇源(Chung-Yuan Hsu)
2001 / 第4期[策略管理]華語區域市場中,跨國與獨立唱片公司的產製策略比較分析(Comparative Analysis of the Production Strategies between Transnational Recording Companies and Independents in Chinese Language-Based Regional Markets)(1,198KB)567蕭蘋、周昭平(Ping Shaw、Chao-Ping Chou)
2001 / 第4期[策略管理]多點競爭之僵固性分析(Rigidity Analysis of Multipoint Competition)(1,177KB)595王俊如、林文鼎、于卓民(Chun-Ju Wang、Wen Ting Lin、Chwo-Ming Joseph Yu)
2001 / 第4期[人力資源]製造業人力資源專業職能之研究(Hunan Resource Professionals Competencies for Manufacturing)(1,166KB)621林文政(Wen-Jeng Lin)
2001 / 第4期[財務管理]創業投資事業對高科技產業上市上櫃之影響(The Influence of Venture Capital to High-Tech Industry for IPOs)(1,451KB)655徐守德、黃瑞靜、陳宗民、王毓敏(David Shyu、Jui-Ching Huang、Zung-Ming Chen、Yu-Min Wang)
2001 / 英文特刊[其他]Gender Difference in Persuasibility: The Moderating Role of Product Type and Source Expertise(Gender Difference in Persuasibility: The Moderating Role of Product Type and Source Expertise)(431KB)3Nai-Hwa Lien(Nai-Hwa Lien)
2001 / 英文特刊[其他]The Information Transmission between the Stock Market and the Options Market─The Case of IBM(The Information Transmission between the Stock Market and the Options Market─The Case of IBM)(691KB)19Min-Hsien Chiang(Min-Hsien Chiang)
2001 / 英文特刊[財務管理]The Stock Market Reactions to the Bank Business Tax Reduction Act in Taiwan: A Multiperiod Event Approach(The Stock Market Reactions to the Bank Business Tax Reduction Act in Taiwan: A Multiperiod Event Approach)(530KB)49Robert K. Su, Huoshu Peng, Kuei-Hui Cheng(Robert K. Su, Huoshu Peng, Kuei-Hui Cheng)
2001 / 英文特刊[會計]Earnings Management around Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from Taiwan(Earnings Management around Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from Taiwan)(710KB)71Wann-Cherng Wang(Wann-Cherng Wang)
2001 / 英文特刊[組織管理]Executive Compensation, Ownership, and Firm Performance(Executive Compensation, Ownership, and Firm Performance)(588KB)95Chung-Jen Fu(Chung-Jen Fu)