
期刊全文瀏覽 ( 搜尋條件 : 2017 ) 24/842

期別 題目 頁數 作者
2017 / 第1期[財務會計]自願性揭露企業社會責任資訊之決定因素與其資訊後果(The Determinants and Consequences of Voluntary Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure)(2,841KB)13吳幸蓁、廖蕙儀(Shing-Jen Wu, Hui-Yi Liao)
2017 / 第1期[財務會計]月營收宣告與行為偏誤(Monthly Sales Announcements and Behavioral Bias)(1,312KB)63顧廣平(Kuang-Ping Ku)
2017 / 第1期[財務會計]電影資本市場失靈與匡正機制之探討(Study on Film Capital Market Failure and Corrective Mechanism)(1,203KB)101董澤平、廖志峰(Tse-Ping Dong, Chih-Feng Liao)
2017 / 第1期[財務會計]公司治理對於企業社會責任、公司價值之影響(The Impact of Corporate Governance on the Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Values)(10,579KB)135陳振遠、王健聰、洪世偉(Roger C. Y. Chen, Jan-Chung Wang, Shih-Wei Hung)
2017 / 第1期[一般管理]交換關係對於知識分享以及創造力影響之多層次研究:一個整合社會兩難困境與代理問題之分析(A Multi-level Investigation of the Effects of Social Exchange on Knowledge Sharing and Creativity: An Integrated Framework for Solving the Social Dilemma and Agency Problem)(1,515KB)177翁良杰、童惠欣(Liang-Chieh Weng, Hui-Hsing Tung)
2017 / 第1期[一般管理]逆勢拼湊:化資源制約為創新來源(Making-do within Adversity: Resource Constraints as a Source of Innovation)(1,898KB)219蕭瑞麟、歐素華、吳彥寬(Ruey-Lin Hsiao, Su-Hua Ou, Yen-Kuan Wu)
2017 / 第2期[財務會計]製藥公司藥品許可證、研發與分析師盈餘預測關聯性之研究(Drug Permit License, Research and Development, and Analyst’s Earnings Forecasts: A Study of Pharmaceutical Firms)(1,178KB)291陳光政、紀信義(Guang-Zheng Chen, Hsin-Yi Chi)
2017 / 第2期[財務會計]以組織倫理氣候調節預算寬列前置變數與預算寬列的關係(Organizational Ethical Climate as Moderators of the Relationships between Budgetary Slack and its Antecedents)(879KB)337邱炳乾(Bing-Chyan Chiou)
2017 / 第2期[財務會計]董事會政治關聯、客戶重要性對財務報導舞弊之影響(Impacts of Board Political Connection and Client Importance on Fraudulent Financial Reporting)(1,399KB)367劉若蘭、李旻育(Jo-Lan Liu, Min-Yu Li)
2017 / 第2期[一般管理]美學行銷訓練知覺對員工工作質感表現之影響-以工作投入為干擾變數探討(The Effect of Aesthetic Marketing Training toward Quality Sense – Moderating Variable on Job Involvement)(1,169KB)399劉仲矩、羅奐妤(Chung-Chu Liu, Huan-Yu Lo)
2017 / 第2期[行銷管理]品牌形象、情感性品牌依附、知覺品質、滿意度與購後行為關係之探討—兼論自我一致性的干擾效果(The Relationships among Brand Image, Emotional Brand Attachment, Perceived Quality, Satisfaction, and Post-purchase Behavior: Self-congruence as a Moderator)(1,166KB)443蔡進發、蕭至惠(Chin-Fa Tsai, Chih-Hui Hsiao)
2017 / 第2期[資訊與作業管理]從選擇性注意力觀點探討產品置入型態與遊戲平台之廣告效果(Examining the Advertising Effects of Product Placement Strategies and Gaming Platforms from the Selective Attention Perspective)(1,322KB)489徐淑如、董和昇、戴基峯、詹永承(Shu-Lu Hsu, Her-Sen Doong, Chi-Feng Tai, Yung-Cheng Jhan)
2017 / 第3期[個案]『弱勢創新』之路,勝利基金會為例(The Case on Victory Social Welfare Foundation, how to Innovation on Disadvantage)(7,005KB)557岑淑筱(Shu-Hsiao Tsen)
2017 / 第3期[個案]群眾募資與音樂產業:林生祥的創業歷程(Crowdfunding and the Music Industry: the Entrepreneurship Journey of Lin Sheng-xiang)(1,884KB)587林慧音(Hui-Yin Lin)
2017 / 第3期[個案]趣吧Tripbaa旅行社—顧客導向的行程設計(Tripbaa! Online Travel Agency — Customer-Oriented Travel Tours Design)(2,258KB)617王耀德(Wang, Yao-Ter Owen)
2017 / 第3期[個案]家登精密—晶舟盒模具最佳設計(Gudeng Precision — Optimization of Cassette Mold Design)(1,913KB)643邱銘乾、管郁君 (Ming-Chien Chiu, Eugenia Y. Huang)
2017 / 第3期[個案]台灣大車隊—內部市場服務創新的美麗與哀愁(Taiwan Taxi Corporation — The Beauty and Sadness of Service Innovation in Internal Market)(2,933KB)671洪柳益、許建隆、張四薰(Liu-Yi Hung, Chien-Lung Hsu, Sze-Hsun Sylcien Chang)
2017 / 第3期[個案]台華旅行社—讓大家都賺錢(Formosa Travel Service Ltd. — Let Everyone Makes Money)(2,876KB)705張嘉齡、黃鐸銘、陳春希、黃麗金、范錚強(Chia-Ling Chang, Tuo-Ming Huang, Chun-Hsi Chen, Lih-Jin Hwang, C. K. Farn)
2017 / 第3期[個案]日正食品—掀開客戶服務成本面紗的ABC系統(Sunright Foods Co. — ABC Unveils the Customer-Level Service Cost)(2,069KB)731劉惠玲、郭翠菱(Hui-Ling Liu, Tsui-Lin Kuo)
2017 / 第4期[一般管理]選擇產品自有品牌/OEM商業模式之動態(Dynamics of Choosing Brand and/or OEM Product Business Models)(7,040KB)791郭重松(Chung-Song, Kuo)
2017 / 第4期[行銷管理]誰是社會企業的消費者?─基於生活型態分群範式之研究(Who are the Potential Customers of Social Enterprises? The Research on the Value, Attitude and Lifestyle (VALS))(3,643KB)829王捷邑、周學雯(Chieh-i Wang, Hsueh-wen Chow)
2017 / 第4期[財務會計]董事會在新會計準則過渡期間所扮演之角色:以發行員工認股權為例(The Role of Board in Adopting a New Accounting Standard: Evidence from the Issuance of Employee Stock Option in FAS 39 Transition Period)(2,628KB)875陳昭蓉、許崇源、何里仁(Chao-Jung Chen, Chung-Yuan Hsu, Li-Jen He)
2017 / 第4期[財務會計]商譽減損之決定因素與市場反應(The Determinants and Market Reaction of Goodwill Impairment Losses)(1,062KB)935高蘭芬、陳瑀君(Lanfeng Kao, Yu-Chun Chen)
2017 / 第4期[財務會計]CEO雙重性、公司治理與公司績效─外部環境的角色(CEO Duality, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance – The Role of External Environment)(854KB)967湯惠雯(Hui-Wen Tang)