

中山管理評論  2009/3

第17卷第1期  p.195-228

Affecting Factors of Organization’s Dynamic Capabilities—the Knowledge Management Perspective
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Yung-Chih Liou、Yao-Chieh Yang、Kuei-Ing Wang/

Department of Information Management, National Kaohsiung Marine University , Department of Software Engineering, Data Systems Consulting Co., Ltd. , Department of Information Management, Minghsin University of Science and Technology


動態能力理論(Dynamic Capabilities Theory),可用以指導組織建立內、外 部知識與流程的㈿調、重整能力,以便快速反應環境的高度變化,從而建立與 維持組織的競爭㊝勢。過去研究顯示組織知識管理的績效會直接㆞影響組織的 創新能力、掌握商機能力、反應環境變動能力、內外部㈿調能力等㈽業績效。 ㈲鑑於尚未㈲相關研究針對動態能力的內涵與影響因素建立影響因素模式。本 研究由知識管理的觀點切入,以知識路徑相依性(Path Dependence)與吸收能力 理論(Absorptive Capacity Theory) 架構研究模型,探討組織動態能力的內涵及 其影響因素。研究結果顯示,組織的知識吸收能力對於動態能力的建立㈲顯著 的正面影響;而實踐性吸收能力較潛在性吸收能力對動態能力㈲較大的影響; 同時,知識吸收能力的培養高度受到過去經驗和知識累積的影響,驗證了組織 在能力發展㆖的路徑相依性。對㈻術貢獻而言,本研究驗證組織吸收能力與動 態能力的關係,從而深入瞭解動態能力的本質,提昇動態能力理論的應用範 疇;組織可以知識管理的角度,強化其相關知識的累積與吸收能力的提升,來 建立其組織的動態能力,以因應快速變化的競爭環境,則是本研究在實務㆖的 意涵。

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Dynamic Capabilities Theory (DCT) guides an organization to develop the capabilities of collaborating and integrating internal and external knowledge as well as workflow by which an organization could rapidly respond to environmental changes and sustain its competitive advantages. However, the practical meaning and affecting factors of dynamic capabilities have not yet been built a model for illustrating its causality and received specific academic profound understanding. Since knowledge management performance of an organization will have a direct impact on the organization performance. This research constructs a research model, in the perspective of knowledge management, by using the Path Dependence and Absorptive Capacity Theory to explore affecting factors of Organization’s Dynamic Capabilities. The results of this research indicate that the absorptive capacity has significant and positive impact on dynamic capability; meanwhile, absorptive capacity is highly affected by the past accumulation of experience and knowledge, highlighting the feature of path dependence while an organization is in developing its capabilities. The academic contribution of this study is the verification of the positive relationship between absorptive capability and dynamic capability, then the application of dynamic capability could be progressively expanded. In practice, the result implies the guidance of how an organization applies the concept of knowledge management to strengthen its accumulation of related knowledge and promote of absorptive capability, and consequently builds its dynamic capability; hence it could adapt to the rapidly changing competitive environment.

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Absorptive Capabilities Theory, Knowledge Management,


動態能力強調企業經理人必須整合、建立和重組內部和外部的能力,將動態能力轉換成企業持續競爭優勢,以解決快速變動環境所產生的問題。本研究由知識管理的觀點切入,以知識路徑相依性(Path Dependence)與吸收能力理論(Absorptive Capacity Theory) 架構研究模型,探討組織動態能力的內涵及其影響因素。研究結果顯示,組織的知識吸收能力對於動態能力的建立有顯著的正面影響;實踐性知識吸收能力較潛在性知識吸收能力對動態能力有較大的影響;以及知識吸收能力的培養高度受到過去經驗和知識累積的影響,驗證了企業在能力發展上的路徑相依性。因此企業必須注意外部新知識的取得和利用,保持對環境的警覺,透過「強化知識吸收能力,來改善企業動態能力」策略的施行,強化企業的競爭優勢;而由於「路徑相依」特性的存在,反映出企業必須從過去累積的經驗中不斷地吸納新的知識。一旦企業停止對外部新知識的吸收,企業將逐漸喪失對新知識的發現與應用能力。當企業欲再重新累積新知識、培養動態能力,企業將發現先前的斷層會形成重大的阻礙。另外,從資源基礎觀點作出發,將組織知識型的靜態性資產/資源透過吸收能力的轉化機制,轉變成組織的動態能力,才能順利調整、整合、重組企業的其他的策略性資產/資源,進而使之成為價值創造的策略根本,作為企業創造價值和存活的憑藉。
