Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

  Journal Fullview

Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2022/12

Vol. 30, No.5 跨領域質性研究特刊  p.899-946

DOI: 10.6160/SYSMR.202212_30(5).0004

Synthesizing Logics: The Process of Translating in Innovation Recontextualization
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林雅萍/Ya-Ping Lin

Graduate Institute of Creative Industries, Shih Chien University



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Enterprises should strive for original innovation, but due to various constraints, they need to transfer best practices through recontextualization. As such, how local adaptation may facilitate smooth transfer of innovation becomes current literature’s attention. Although prior studies have examined compatibility and localization issues, while explaining approaches to overcome acclimatization problems, we still know relatively little about local adaptation process. In cross-nation transfer, moving innovation from the original domain to the recipient side inevitably have to confront many constraints. How could firms develop solutions for local adaptation? This issue becomes the bottleneck for current research, as well as difficulties facing practical implementation. This study examines the transfer process of fresh food products from Japan to Taiwan in franchise convenient stores, in order to understand the dynamics of local adaptation. Theoretically, this research highlights concepts relating to the translation within local adaptation and coherence of recontextualization. This elaborates that smooth recontextualization relies on cognitive conversion, and depends on synthesizing conflicting logics, so that innovation may be assimilated with the local memories. Practically, this study indicates that effective recontextualization requires the translation of nostalgia from the output side and recollects acquaintances in the local habitation. Therefore, converting local constraints should not be superficial responses, but should leverage the translation of local signals. This article points out that before innovation transfer, we need to change local cognition so that we may identify possible synthesis from conflicting situation. This entails a change from replication to hybridization mentality, and a shift from mimicry to transcendental mindset.

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Recontextualization, Local Adaptation, Conflicting Logics, Translation, Cross-Nation Transfer

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)


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