Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2022/2
Vol. 30, No.1 梁定澎講座教授紀念特刊~智慧商務的理論與應用 p.3-36
Department of Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University; Department of Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University; Department of Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University; Department of Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University; Department of Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University
金融服務不再侷限於傳統金融機構才可提供,各行業皆可投入於金融市場,藉由資訊科技營造出應景的服務體驗,使純網銀(Internet-only bank)成為國際追求的金融服務趨勢之一。純網銀在無提供實體通路的情況下,雖能依靠生態系優勢帶來許多創新思維,卻也存在著某些隱憂與風險性。本研究基於推力-拉力-繫住力理論探討台灣消費者從現有銀行轉換至純網銀的因素。研究結果發現推力效果(即不便利性、低感知價值)與拉力效果(即替代品吸引力、信任轉移)會正向影響純網銀轉換意圖;銀行繫住力效果(即感知安全隱私、實體互動需求)則會負向影響純網銀轉換意圖,且個人繫住力能抑制與促進此銀行繫住力。最後,本研究也根據研究結果提出理論與實務建議。
(154_M623d1d6f42490_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))純網銀、推力-拉力-繫住力理論、轉換意圖、銀行繫住力、個人繫住力
Financial business is no longer limited to traditional financial institutions, and companies from diverse domains (e.g., technology, retail, and telecom) have joined the financial service marketplace by employing advanced technologies. Internet-only bank provides new financial services to create a better experience for users. However, although it can rely on the advantages of the ecosystem, there are some concerns and risks. Through the lens of push-pull-mooring theory, we explore the factors which influence consumers to switch internet-only banks from existing banks. The results indicate that pull effects (i.e., inconvenience and low perceived value) and push effects (i.e., alternative attractiveness and trust transfer) positively impact switching intention. Moreover, banking mooring effects (i.e., perceived security and privacy and need for interaction) negatively impact switching intention. In addition, personal mooring effects can facilitate (i.e., inertia) and inhibit (i.e., personal innovativeness) banking mooring effects. Finally, the paper also provides some theoretical and practical implications on how our findings are helpful to financial practitioners and professionals.
(154_M623d1d6f42490_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))Internet-Only Bank, Push-Pull-Mooring Theory, Switching Intention, Banking Mooring Effects, Personal Mooring Effects
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