Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2022/3

Vol. 30, No.2 FSSR-以人為中心的智能服務與創新專刊  p.367-408


線上社交圈中敏感性社會議題參與:沉默螺旋與社會資本影響關係之 探索性研究
Participation in Online Social Networks for Sensitive Social Issues: An Exploratory Study on the Influence of Spiral of Silence and Social Capital
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Kai Wang, Meng-Hsuan Kan/

Department of Information Management, National University of Kaohsiung; Department of Information Management, National University of Kaohsiung



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Online social platforms are common field for discussing sensitive social issues. How to strengthen personal intentions for opinion expression or participation in discussions is key to civic engagement and nation development. This research integrates the spiral of silence and social capital theories to investigate the issue of opinion expression for sensitive social issues. Also, this research also explores the moderating effects of social capital on the main effects. Results show that (1) consistency of perceived climate of opinion positively affects intention for opinion expression, (2) fear of isolation and self-presentational concern negatively affects intention for opinion expression (the influence of the latter, however, was insignificant for same-sex marriage issues), (3) for emerging and transitory opinion types, social capital negatively moderates the negative relationship between self-presentational concern and intention for opinion expression, and (4) the moderating effect of social capital on the influences of either consistency of perceived climate of opinion or fear of isolation on intention for opinion expression failed to be supported.

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Spiral of Silence, Social Capital, Sensitive Social Issues, Intention for Opinion Expression

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

本研究主要發現可以提供實務意涵上的討論。首先,不論議題類型,「感知意見氣候一致性」與「害怕孤立感」兩項因素對於意見表達意願而言均有重要影響。透過Hashtag、關鍵字、以及贊助曝光等方式有助於塑造「同溫層」現象或感知氣候一致性的操作。此外,針對個人可能因個性上擔心被社交圈孤立,因此避免參與敏感性社會議題的討論,因此有效地掌握人格特質,有助於敏感性社會議題在線上社交圈中的發酵。匿名機制、標記 (tag)、或是娛樂心理測驗等方式,皆有助掌握或發掘具特定人格特質的社交圈成員,對症下藥達到吸引參與議題討論的目的。另外,許多社團或贊助貼文中常見邀請標示朋友,亦是降低害怕孤立感對於意見表達或活動參與負向影響,同時也有助於拉出同溫層的雙重效益操作。 新興型與過渡型敏感性社會議題的意見表達意願,還會受到「自我呈現疑慮」以及「社會資本」的影響。從這個研究結果顯示,實務上開放、理性討論的議題氣氛反較單一、極端式的議題氛圍有助於網路社交圈中對於敏感性社會議題的討論熱度。這個現象對於新興型與過渡型敏感性社會議題特別突顯,應是由於這類議題並未如同持續型議題般,經過時間的沈澱,衝擊或新奇度較低,社交圈中通常也已發展出一套平衡的應對模式。新興型與過渡型敏感性社會議題由於出現時間相對較短,因此如何避免網友間因擔心個人印象或形象而傾向沉默,值得議題推動者進一步思考。 在一個具有良好關係的社交圈中,成員間具有緊密的連結,同時彼此之間的信任程度高,更具有彼此理解的共同語言,有助於減輕個人因為對於自我形象的憂慮,以致於迴避參與敏感性社會議題的討論。實務操作上,不同屬性的社團(例如興趣為主或社交關係為主)所呈現出的社會資本屬性不同,對意見領導者或社會運動發起人而言,社交圈屬性是在推動議題討論時必須考量的因素,社會資本高的社交圈中,個人對呈現形象的疑慮對其參與討論意願的影響力相較較弱,因此更容易提升議題於社交圈中的討論,以及公民參與程度。


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