Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2022/12
Vol. 30, No.5 跨領域質性研究特刊 p.809-856
Graduate Institute of Technology Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology; Institute of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University
(159_M63a54f0cdcaf0_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))企業社會責任、永續轉型、制度邏輯、制度同構、質性研究
The concept of business sustainability has become a global trend, with companies actively seeking to develop corporate social responsibility (CSR) and construct organizational change to achieve this. Organizational change is often accompanied by the interaction, conflict, or integration of different institutional logics. Institutional theorists are paying increasing attention to the changes and the interaction between multiple institutional logics. However, given the critical role of logics in organizations, there have been few researches regarding how companies develop business sustainability through the interaction and transaction of multiple logics in light of the global CSR trend. This study seeks to narrow the research gap by exploring the changes of institutional logics through a case study of a financial holding group in Taiwan, investigating how different institutional logics develop and evolve through CSR development stages in response to the changing institutional environment. Our findings show that CSR acts as a critical trigger of institutional change when a corporation seeks to achieve business sustainability, which incubates the new domain logic identified as business sustainability logic. The proposed corporate sustainability and logic evolution model contributes to the CSR literature and institutional theories, and has important implications for managers.
(159_M63a54f0cdcaf0_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability Transformation, Institutional Logic, Institutional Isomorphism, Qualitative Research
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