Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Dynamic Panel Data Analysis of Performance and Market Competitiveness of Taiwanese Non-Life Insurance Industry
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Guan-Chin Chen/

Department of Insurance and Finance, National Taichung University of Science and Technology


本研究透過Lerner 指數衡量其台灣產險市場競爭力,以動態追蹤資料分析公司績效與市場競爭力之關聯性,並探討不同公司型態之產物保險公司在績效與市場競爭力之關聯上是否存在差異。實證結果發現台灣產險業為寡占性競爭市場,產險公司之核保獲利績效、投資績效與業務績效在第三階段實施前後皆對市場競爭力均有顯著正向影響且具正向遞延效果。第三階段費率自由化實施前,金控體系與非金控體系產險公司當期之市場競爭力對營運績效皆有顯著負向影響,且金控體系產險公司之負向影響更為強烈。而在第三階段費率自由化實施後,整體產險業當期之市場競爭力對營運績效轉變為顯著正向影響,且外商產險公司與非金控體系公司更有顯著正向之遞延效果。

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This research measures the competitiveness of Taiwanese non-life insurance market through the Lerner index to explore the relationship of performance and market competitiveness by dynamic panel data analysis and the difference of the relationship between different corporate types. The empirical results show that Taiwanese non-life insurance market is an oligopolistic competitive market. The underwriting profitability performance, investment performance and business performance of non-life insurers all have a significant positive effect on the market competitiveness and have a positive deferral effect before and after the third phase rate liberalization. Before the third phase rate liberalization, the market competitiveness of financial holding insurers and non-financial holding insurers had a significant negative impact on operating performance, and the negative impact of financial holding insurers was even stronger. The market competitiveness of the current property and casualty insurance industry had a significant positive effect on operating performance with a positive deferral effect after the third phase rate liberalization.

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Non-life Insurance Industry, Lerner Index, Performance, Market

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)


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