Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2022/12

Vol. 30, No.5 跨領域質性研究特刊  p.767-807


Sense Reframing: Sensegiving within a Museum’s Service Design
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Chia-Tai Hsu/

Graduate Institute of Technology Innovation & Intellectual Property Management, National Cheng-Chi University



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What enterprises should worry is not about the none-adoption of service innovation, but adoptions that are used inaccurately. Users often make false senses during unfamiliar situations, which leads to undesirable outcomes. In this circumstance, understanding the cognitive dynamics underpinning the innovation process becomes critical. This research investigates the service design of a museum’s guided tours and analyzes how designers redirect audiences’ sensemaking, while facilitating cognitive reframing of artifacts. This article examines the interaction between designers and users, elaborating the three phases of sensemaking: initial sensemaking, sensegiving and sense-remaking, in order to apprehend the process of cognitive shift. Theoretically, this article proposes new practices of sensegiving, assisting audiences to establish new sensemaking from their initial misinterpretation towards artifacts. Such analysis also points out the pivotal role of cognitive shift in sensemaking theories, tracing how designers’ sensegiving may reframe users’ cognition. Practically, this paper explains the use of sensegiving in building hybrid business model, and exploring the micro-journey in service design. As such, museum curating no more needs to be constrained in the traditional models of the static display, packaged tours and digital interaction, while allowing exhibitions to induce cultural inspiration. When designers could recognize the triggering process of sensemaking, it would be possible to turn startle into surprise, and sensemaking into appreciation. In so doing, service innovation would become more sustainable.

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Sensemaking, Sensegiving, Cognitive Shift, Sense Reframing, Service Design

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)


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