Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Giver-Centric or Recipient-Centric Gifts: The Role of Self-Construal
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葉明義、Anisa Larasati/國立台灣科技大學企業管理系
Ming-Yih Yeh, Anisa Larasati/

Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology



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In gift-giving, will people like to give/receive something that reflects themselves? We proposed a critical factor of self-construal. Using five studies, this research examines the interaction effects of self-construal and gift type on givers’ purchase intentions as well as on recipients’ preferences. Interdependent-self givers are more likely to buy recipient-centric (vs. giver-centric) gifts while independent- self givers have equal purchase intentions for both types of gifts (study 1). This interaction effect holds only for the case when givers have weak ties with receivers, not for the case when the tie strength is strong (study 2). Moreover, when independent-self givers feel obligated, they tend to buy giver-centric (vs. recipient- centric) gifts (study 3). From the receivers, interdependent-self recipients have equal preferences for both types of gifts, while independent-self recipients prefer receiving recipient-centric (vs. giver-centric) gifts (study 4) and this effect is mediated by thoughtfulness (study 4). In addition, if the gift is solicited, both interdependent-self and independent-self recipients have higher preferences for recipient-centric (vs. giver-centric) gifts, but the effect in independent-self recipient is stronger (study 5).

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Self-construal, gift, giver-centric, recipient-centric, motivation

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)


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