Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2004/3

Vol. 12, No.1  p.63-91

The Impact of Support Systems of Enterprise Organizationson Taiwanese Expatriates’ Work-family Conflict
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Graduate Institute of Human Resource Administration, National Sun Yat-Sen University , Graduate Institute of Human Resource Administration, National Sun Yat-Sen University , Graduate Institute of Human Resource Administration, National Sun Yat-Sen Univers


進入 21 世紀的我國,國內包括高科技產業大量外移大陸,企業外派大陸 幹部的管理,對企業在大陸市場經營成敗,負有決定性的關鍵地位。國外許多 文獻顯示,外派人員的工作績效優劣,除了當地市場因素外,外派員工的本國 家庭因素實為一項不可忽視的因素。當我國企業西進大陸的同時,外派大陸幹 部的組織各項支援系統,對彼等的「工作─家庭衝突」有無影響,經實證研究後發現: 1. 台商幹部的配偶與子女隨台商赴大陸,會使台商幹部的「工作─家庭衝突」 壓力降低;配偶有工作的台商幹部,感受到的「工作─家庭衝突」壓力大。 2. 「工作調適支援」」、「家庭協助支援」與「個人特徵」的交互作用,對於 台商幹部的「工作─家庭衝突」壓力,具有減緩的作用。 3. 「工作調適支援」、「後勤性與社會性支援」、「家庭協助支援」與「派駐特 徵」的交互作用,對於台商幹部的「工作─家庭衝突」壓力,具有減緩的 作用。 綜觀之,提供「組織支援系統」對於台商幹部的「工作─家庭衝突」壓力, 具有減緩作用;台商幹部與其配偶在對「工作─家庭衝突」壓力的知覺上有顯 著差異,配偶高於台商幹部。建議企業應配合外派幹部與派駐地區不同,彈性 提供「組織支援系統」活動,幫助台商幹部降低其「工作─家庭衝突」壓力。

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In Taiwan’s 1st year of the new millennium, the exodus of hi-tech and traditional industries to Mainland China have caused serious high unemployment inland-wide. An increasing important strategic approach to corporate investment in China and Taiwan, long geographically separated by the Taiwan Strait, the same culture, though the performance of Taiwanese expatriates in Mainland entirely hold the key point rule in success of business or not. Many literatures reveal obviously the the expatriates’ family factors will affect their performance. As soon as companies in Taiwan rush to The West─Mainland China, how the organizational supporting systems will affect these middle-high level expatriates’ managers on their work─ family conflict, the findings of this empirical analysis indicate as follow: 1. Taiwanese expatriates in Mainlnd China living with their spouse or children perceived lower work-family confict than other factors showed on this paper. Besides, expatriate in Mainland China indicates higher work-family conflict. 2. The effects of relationship between work-adjusted support, family support and work-family conflict are moderated by demographic variables. 3. The effects of relationship between work-adjust support, logistic and socil support, family support and work-family conflict are also moderated by the characteristics of expatriate in Mainland China. To sum up, expatriates in Mainland China and their spouses, perceptions of organizational support to them would decrease work-family conflict efficiently. In addition, work-family conflict is perceived differently by expatriates in Mainland China and their spouses. This research suggests organization should emphasize practices of both expatriates themselves and dispatched places which could supply flexible organizational support activities to abate the pressure of their work-family conflict.

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Organizational supporting system, Expatriate’s manager,

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

我國在進入千禧年後,外在環境漸漸形成以中國為世界製造中心的雛形,國內政治、經濟環境快速改變;基於與大陸同文同種以及價格的考量,我國包括高科技產業在內的所有產業,都以不同速度的進度,將產業西移大陸。長期以來,國內企業在國際市場經濟的考驗下,創造出傲人的成績,同時也培育出大批具有競爭力的人力資源。如今這批活力充沛的台灣人又要跨海回唐山,繼續創造另一波台灣奇蹟。 企業在投資大陸時,必須對大陸市場作一全面性評估,其中最具關鍵性之一的人力資源管理;也就是外派大陸的台商企業中堅幹部,必須作一審慎的安排。根據國內外文獻瞭解,企業外派的幹部中,不乏外派失敗的案例;他們大都提到「工作—家庭衝突」是外派主失敗原因之一。因此,對於台商企業在外派幹部到大陸時,此項變數是否同樣會造成台商幹部的壓力,以致於發生外派失敗,是本研究關注的焦點。研究構面包含:「工作調適支援」、「後勤性與社會性支援」、「家庭協助支援」與「派駐特徵」等五項。希望能夠從中發現台商企業外派大陸的幹部,他們心中最關心的是什麼?這對企業考量外派幹部至大陸時,有所參考依循的方向。
