Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2004/12

Vol. 12, No.4  p.675-707

Opportunistic Behavior Analysis— Effects of Value Gap,Information Gap, and Potential Punishment Power
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Dah Hsian Seetoo、Hsin-Hua Hsiung/

Department of Business Administration, National Chengchi University , Department of Business Administration, National Dong Hwa University


投機主義在交易成本理論的研究中早已被視為相當重要的概念,但此概念 有值得再加以深入思考之處。本研究認為傳統交易成本理論的觀點在處理投機 主義時確有不足,故綜合其他理論觀點,提出 VIP 模型將影響投機行為的因 素加以整合。VIP 模型包含三個主要構念:價值差距、資訊差距以及潛在懲罰 力。當交易雙方的價值差距與資訊差距愈大時,廠商對交易對象所知覺到的投機行為機率就愈高,但是當廠商潛在懲罰力愈大時,就可以降低投機行為的發 生機率。VIP 模型對過去理論提到的相關因素,可以做有系統的與邏輯的歸納 (包括技術面、經濟面、社會面、環境面與管理面等因素),以瞭解各因素對 投機行為所扮演的角色。對於投機行為的管理,本研究主張廠商會同時考量投 機行為的機率、管理成本與經濟效益,採取適當程度的管理行動。

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Researches and studies have long regarded opportunism to be a significant concept in transaction cost perspective. However, further thought suggests that the traditional transaction cost perspective is insufficient in dealing with this complicated concept. After coming up with a combination of other perspectives, this research proposes the VIP Model, which integrates the factors that might affect opportunistic behavior. There are three core constructs in the VIP Model: value gap, information gap, and potential punishment power. The larger the value gap and information gap get between transaction parties, the higher the probability the firm perceives the occurring of opportunistic behavior of its transaction partner. On the other hand, the greater the potential punishment power the firm possesses, the lower the probability of its partner’s opportunistic behavior. Literatures have identified many factors that influence opportunistic behavior, and since the VIP Model classifies them in a systematic and logical manner(including technical, economic, social, environmental, and managerial factors), it helps to get a better understanding of the roles of each of the factors. As for the management of opportunistic behavior, this study proposes that the firm consider the probability of opportunistic behavior, the cost of management, and related economic benefits at the same time, before they manage transactions on appropriate levels.

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Opportunistic Behavior, Value Gap, Information Gap, Potential Punishment Power.

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

企業無可避免地需從事多種合作與交易,方能取得資源、能力或新的市場機會,但合作與交易要有成效,首先要避免投機行為的發生。過去研究對投機行為的分析大多以單一理論角度著手,因此對投機行為的理解與管理難免有所不足,易產生見樹不見林的現象。本文則以系統性的、整合性的觀點來分析投機行為,指出了投機行為產生的要件以及管理投機行為的方法。 投機行為的發生與雙方「價值差距」和「資訊差距」有關,因此促進雙方價值的一致或減少資訊不對稱可作為管理之目標。然而當價值差距與資訊差距難以降低時,企業需要藉助於「潛在懲罰力」,使得從事投機行為者付出較大代價,方能進一步抑制投機行為。 而價值差距、資訊差距與潛在懲罰力的來源各異,歸納後可分為技術面、經濟面、社會面、環境面與管理面等因素。企業在進行交易之前,可依此架構分析本身所處的先天或外在條件,評估目前雙方的價值差距、資訊差距,以及自己所具備的潛在懲罰力。假設經濟面、環境面等因素無法變更的話,廠商仍可設法在技術面、社會面或管理面進行調整。因此企業若能有效瞭解投機行為的成因與來源,則便能夠透過多元而彈性的管理方式,妥善處理合作或交易中投機行為的風險。
