Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2004/12

Vol. 12, No.6  p.65-91

The future telemedicine system in Taiwan: a lesson from past 9-year experience
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Hsiu-Fen T. Tan、Ming-Ron Wu、Hung-Fu Tseng/

Graduate Institute of Health Care Administration, Chang Jung Christian University , Department of Health Care Administration, Chang Jung Christian University , Department of Health-Business Administration, Fooyin University


台灣遠距醫療進行了已近十年,衛生署補助的計畫經費超過兩億,會診總 次數僅近九千。偏遠地區因遠距醫療受益了嗎?遠距醫療的執行成果合理嗎? 本研究即對台灣地區遠距醫療先導應用計畫進行成本分析評估。由於病患之就 醫資料取得困難,為求盡量精確推估各項成本,本研究以遠距醫療的執行中心 會診人次為計算基礎,摩擬該群病患四種不同的就醫模式,進行成本比較。儘 管遠距醫療成本驚人,會診人次逐年漸減,平均每個連結點的執行人次數大幅 下滑近 80%,但從成本比較中發現,若非計畫經費如此之高,遠距醫療相較 於鄉外就醫事實上是可以節省就醫成本。且若越多比例的鄉外就醫民眾轉而使 用遠距醫療,則可能降低的成本越多。未來遠距醫療應與現有偏遠地區醫療遞 送系統結合,成為台灣偏遠地區常態之醫療利用模式,以期能降低成本、提高利用。

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It has been almost ten years since the beginning of telemedicine application system in Taiwan. Although the overall investment reached 200 million NT dollars, the total number of visits seen by the system was only around 9000 times. Is this system really helpful or is the investment reasonable? The purpose of this study is to analyze the cost of telemedicine application system in Taiwan over the past nine years. Data from the Department of Health and the final running reports from five medical centers were analyzed to compare the potential costs of four different delivery models.Despite of the surprisingly huge investment, the usage of the system declined every year. The average number of visits of each connecting point has declined 80% since the beginning. However, if running costs of the system could be neglected, the cost associated with each telemedicine visit has been shown to be less than that of out-village visit. Therefore, if the usage of the system can be increased, the overall costs of delivering health care services to remote areas can be reduced. The telemedicine application system can be integrated into the remote health delivery system in Taiwan to further lower the running costs and efficiently increase its utilization.

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Telemedicine, Cost analysis, Remote health, Policy evaluation

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

台灣衛生署自1995年起執行「遠距醫療先導計畫」,經由全台五大醫學中心利用遠距醫療為偏遠地區民眾提供醫療服務,著重於提供偏遠地區專科醫療、緊急醫療及對醫師的診療諮詢。經過十年,衛生署補助的計畫經費兩億,照護的鄉村由5個陸續增至24個,但平均每個鄉會診人次數由1997年的217次大幅下滑至2003年的45次,減少了緊80%。台灣的遠距醫療似乎面臨推廣的困難。 本研究進行了10年來第一次全台遠距醫療計畫的評估,目的於進行台灣地區遠距醫療先導應用計畫成本分析評估。 本研究之政策與管理意涵在於:經過評估之後,本研究認為唯有使遠距醫療與偏遠地區醫療體系落實結合,才能增進政府偏遠地區醫療照護經費的效能,並強化遠距醫療持續提供的適切性。因此本研究建議一個結合IDS與遠距醫療的新的台灣偏遠地區醫療遞送系統。 本系統是由衛生所及基層診所提供一般門診、巡迴醫療及預防保健等初級照護,IDS執行中心所屬之區域級教學醫院負責提供偏遠地區醫療站人力的支援、專科醫療的提供、急診、轉診的服務,IDS醫療站尚可建立遠距會診系統,提供醫療站醫師第二意見諮詢,免除不必要之後送轉診。遠距醫療執行中心則負責轉移、培育IDS執行中心的遠距技術,進行遠距醫療硬體的研發、及對醫療人員遠距會診的教育訓練。最後,IDS執行中心與遠距醫療執行中心應建立遠距連結,當發生三級醫療的需要時,可以由IDS醫院與遠距醫學中心進行遠距會診,必要時則進行轉診。
