

中山管理評論  2003/12

第11卷第4期  p.707-738

Using Scenario Analysis to Analyze the Financial Impact of Licensing Fees/Auctions Prices on Government Revenue and Operator Profitability in Taiwan
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Zon-Yau Lee, Joseph Z. Shyu, Hsiao-Cheng Yu, Shih-Chi Chang/

Institute of Management of Technology, National Chiao-Tung University


我國3G 電信執照採取何種發放方式,對於政府稅收、通信技術之提昇、電信 服務應用之發展及資本市場資金之排擠效應都有深遠的影響。3G 市場未來走 向,實際上受到太多變數及不確定性因子的影響。本文以國外發放3G 執照之 各種方式及金額作為參考指標,模擬國內三種反映高度、中度及低度3G 市場 成長的情境,並假設未來3G 營運的諸多變數,利用投資報酬率的分析15法針對3G 執照各種發放方式下,政府規定的相關3G 執照費率以及競標金額,分 別估計政府收入與業者獲利之影響。本文提供模式假設之變數以及在不同情境 下估算之金額,可供電信總局未來在擬訂執照發放方式與執行細節時之參考, 可模擬不同競標金底價或執照費對政府與業者之影響;業者亦可以利用此模 式,估算在財務可行的範圍內適宜參與競標金額之上限。

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The release of third-generation (3G) mobile communications licenses signals the beginning of a new telecommunications era and the birth of new players in a potentially enormous market. The 3G licensing mechanism a country selects will impact both the income to the government as well as the competitiveness and profitability of 3G operators. Possible licensing policies include Auction, Beauty Contest, Tender, and Beauty Contest with Fixed License Fee. Inevitably, unknown variables and uncertain factors will affect future 3G markets. This paper hypothesizes three 3G-market-growth scenarios for Taiwan: the optimistic scenario of high growth, the pessimistic scenario of low growth, and the middle-ground scenario of normal growth Hypothetical licensing fees/bidding prices are estimated by taking averages out of the outcomes from countries that have already awarded 3G licenses. Investment return indicators of Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) are calculated from the perspectives of both the government and the 3G operators for each of the four licensing echanisms. Scenario analysis model is used to study the financial impacts of the licensing fees/bidding prices of alternative 3G licensing policies on government income as well as on the profitability of 3G licensees. The results could serve as references to government regulators in term of setting up reasonable 3G licensing fees/lower bounds of bidding prices. As to 3G license contenders , this model can be used to assess the upper bound of financially feasible bidding prices.

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3G, Auction, Beauty Contest, Tender, Scenario Analysis, NPV, and IRR


3G市場未來走向實際上受到太多的變數及不確定性因子的影響,包括設備廠商的供應能力、2G和3G之間的競合關係、3G業者龐大資本支出、消費者對3G服務的接受度、以及政府對無線通訊產業未來政策走向,本研究模擬可能反映高度、中度以及低度市場成長的情境,利用投資報酬率的分析方法,盡量採用實證或推論的數據資料,針對3G執照各種相關費用與業者競標金額在不同發放方式下進行模擬分析及預估,探討對政府收入與業者投資報酬率的影響,以期作為我國政府制定3G電信執照發放策略與3G執照相關費用時之參考,也可提供其它國家在發放3G電信執照之參考。本研究亦提供有意競爭3G執照的業者一個評估最高競標金之計算模型。 我國3G執照發放結果經由六家競標團隊19天180回合的競標過程,於2002年2月6日產生五家3G執照得標者。從美日競標變化,執照E始終是個業者的偏好,故其每日執照競標執照費也最高,因為頻寬2 x 20MHz為五張值找中最寬有利其未來行動通訊服務的推展,其次為40MHz的頻寬位於900MHz,就算3G的技術發展受阻,也可利用現有2G的通訊系統設備提供數據及語音服務。 台灣3G執照發放進六家團隊競標五張3G執照,但競標回合次數為全球最高,主要原因有三:一、現有的2G業者們獲利都很高;二、想要持續經營或進入電信服務市場的業者,必須獲得執照始可經營電信服務業;三、採用「多回合競標制」方式發放3G執照。 電信業者的發展是依靠電信服務業及電信製造業兩股力量相互配合、掌管電信服務業的交通部,應積極主動與掌管電信製造業經濟部應相互協調,你訂有助於我國電信製造業發展的電信執照釋出政策,行政院更應主動積極介入整合。
