

中山管理評論  2023/3

第31卷第1期  p.77-107


Hermin Textile Import AI Pattern Recognition Create New Business Models
(161_M643769cddbf5a_Full.pdf 1,614KB)

Ming-Chang Huang, Chia-Hung Hsieh, Ya-Hui Lien, Hwei-Chieh Yen/

Department of Business Administration, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology; Graduate Institute of Business Administration, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology; Department of Business Administration, National Chung Cheng University; Graduate Institute of Business Administration,National Chung Cheng University







This study addresses a case study on a current scenario on a traditional textile company that uses new technology AI-pattern recognition to shorten lead time and solve the inventory management issues. This paper demonstrates a successful digital transformation case. The case company conceives a solution through the new technology and constructs an AI pattern recognition model through machine learning, and in the process, starts to build a digital image database, which, as a result, leads to new business opportunities. What’s more, new technology effectiveness analysis and cost-benefit analysis from a financial perspective are also discussed. According to Google, Hermin Textile released the "TEXTIP" digital fabric platform in March 2018, which is the first successful case of investing in machine learning in Taiwan's manufacturing industry. Since then, Hermin Textile has gradually stepped into digital transformation, adding a new B2C business model in addition to the original B2B business model.



AI-Pattern Recognition, Digital Transformation, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Business Model



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