

中山管理評論  2023/3

第31卷第1期 數位轉型教學個案專刊  p.109-140

DOI: 10.6160/SYSMR.202303_31(1).0004

The Journey of Digital Transformation: DIGIBIONIC’s Cloud-based Innovation Service System
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Mei-Chih Hu, Chih-Hsien Wu, Yi-Ching Hsu/

Institute of Technology Management,National Tsing Hua University; Institute of Technology Management,National Tsing Hua University; Institute of Technology Management,National Tsing Hua University







When 90% of the global hearing aid market has been dominated by five leading companies for nearly a century, this case explores the growth trajectory of a Taiwanese firm, DIGIBIONIC, in transforming itself from focusing on original equipment manufacturing (OEM) to creating its own brand and moving into the digitalized business model. We address how DIGIBIONIC seized digital transformation opportunities to launch a cloud-based service innovation system that has overturned the existing business model of the global hearing aid industry. By means of entrepreneurial awareness theory, transaction cost theory, and business model theory, we elaborate how DIGIBIONIC successfully evolved through two transformational stages and implemented the novel digitalized business model. This case provides managerial and practical insights for Taiwan’s SMEs aiming to embark on the digital transformation and compete in the global market.



OEM Transformation, Digital Transformation, Hearing Aid Industry, Entrepreneurial Alertness, Business Model



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