

中山管理評論  2023/3

第31卷第1期  p.141-170


Food Mapping: Digital Transformation of Ningxia Night Market
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Su-Hua Ou, Ding-Kung Lin, Sin-Mei Su/

Department of Business Administration,Soochow University; Department of Business Administration,National Taipei University of Business; Graduate Institute of Business College,Feng Chia University







This case study focused on the digital transformation of Ningxia Night Market (Ningxia) between 2019 and 2022. In response to a reduced customer base, a shortage of workers, and decreased revenue, Ningxia partnered with the delivery platforms, e-commerce platforms, and smart vending machine operators to leverage key digital resources. During its digital transformation process, Ningxia demonstrated customer agility by adapting to digital technologies and market dynamics; process agility by providing innovative products, services, and experiences; partnership agility by redefining the interactive mechanisms of internal and external communities; and the ability to explore new revenue sources. This case study provides meaningful insights into the digital transformation of night markets and a reference for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seeking to develop agile capabilities. The teaching objective is to direct students to analyze the appropriate methods for implementing delivery platforms, e-commerce, and smart vending machines. Customer needs, products, internal research and development, and external partnerships are the key elements that enable SMEs to leverage digital platforms for effective digital transformation.



Digital Transformation, Small Enterprises, Agile, Innovation Practices, Night Market



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