Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2023/3
Vol. 31, No.1 數位轉型教學個案專刊 p.47-76
Department of Civil Engineering,National Chi Nan University; Department of Information Management,National Chi Nan University; Department of Civil Engineering,National Chi Nan University; Department of Civil Engineering,National Chi Nan University
個體農民的資源皆有限,要靠自身力量進行農業數位化的門檻及風險皆很高,因此,政府及學術研究單位在農業數位化的轉型上扮演重要角色。 本個案描述埔里的茭白筍農藉助於大學及政府研發能量及資金,透過科學方法以LED燈取代高壓鈉燈,以科學方法及資訊科技輔助茭白筍的種植。本研究目的有三,首先,探討創新擴散的整個過程,藉由個案分析政府補助及大學對於創新初期的研發及形成的促進及後期擴散的影響。第二,不同研究單位在農作物燈照系統創新投入所形成的技術及知識外溢。最後,以創新擴散理論探討農民採用LED燈系統的溝通管道及擴散過程,藉由意見領袖農友的影響力以及創新普及所形成的社會規範,LED燈系統透過正式與非正式的社會結構擴散及普及。
(161_M6437671b985dd_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))創新擴散、農業數位化的轉型、知識外溢、茭白筍農、政府補助
As individual farmers have limited resources, the threshold and risk for agricultural digital transformation by their own ability are very high. Therefore, the function of government and academic research units in the digital transformation of agriculture becomes very important. This case describes how the water bamboo farmers in Puli, Nantao are using public R&D resources to assist in the cultivation of water bamboo with scientific methods and information technology. LED intelligent light system was used to replace the traditional high-pressure sodium lamp used by farmers. The purpose of this study is threefold. First, we examine the entire process of innovation diffusion by analyzing the impact of government subsidies and universities on the promotion and formation of innovation in the early stages of R&D and its later diffusion. Second, we discuss the technological and knowledge spillover result from the investment in LED systems by different units such as ITRI and Agricultural Research Institute. Finally, we use the innovation diffusion theory to explore the communication channels and diffusion processes of LED systems adopted by different farmers.
(161_M6437671b985dd_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))Innovation Diffusion, Digital Transformation of Agriculture, Water Bamboo Farmers, Knowledge Spillover, Government-Sponsored
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