

中山管理評論  2023/3

第31卷第1期  p.171-200


Caware Filtering Corporation- SME Use Digital Technology to Prevent BEC Fraud
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Min-Hua Chang, Tzu-Chia Huang, You-Zhen Dai/

Department of Business Administration,National Sun Yet-sen University; Department of Business Administration,National Sun Yet-sen University; Department of Institute of Marketing Communication,National Sun Yet-sen University


網際網路、電子郵件其無國界、低成本、即時性及多元互動等特點,是凱舟跨國商務溝通高度依賴的科技媒介。2019年變臉駭客利用「社交工程技巧」,獲取凱舟業務部員工電子郵件帳密,並接管其帳戶長期監看。根據與客戶往來郵件中洩漏的信息,設定縝密且合理的攻擊手法,多方交叉發信。詐騙客戶將貨款匯至其所預設的假帳戶,造成財損、客戶關係破裂和高管引咎辭職等刻不容緩的挑戰。 透過凱舟BEC攻擊始末,主旨在培養學生辨識與學會防範BEC的能力,提升資安意識。這包括理解駭客使用的技術與非技術性的手法,體會凱舟與客戶遭受經濟與非經濟面的損害。以有限資源組合有效的解決方案,強化商務經濟活動的安全,並帶來數位應用思維質變的成果。





Caware’s international business highly relies on the convenient benefits from internet-web tech due to its features of cross border, low cost, real time and multi-parties communication. In 2019, The BEC hackers alter "social engineering technics" to snatch the log access of Caware sales employee's email account, and follow with consequently surveillance all emails within this account. By monitoring the leached messages and information of emails back-and-forth between Caware & her customers, the hackers locate the target customer & timing with a logical and meticulous manner written scrip. The hackers played the role of customer and supplier between Caware and her customer by sending-and-replying emails in order to hitch the trust of Caware & her supplier. Eventually, the fraud of BEC with hitched trust of Caware & her customer works to let the customer wire order payment into a new bank account which is a fraud bank account. The loss of money, infringement of customer relationship, and job quitting of some related core staffs are all timely crucial challenges for Caware's business operation. From understanding the story of Caware's BEC case, the main goal of this case coaching is to develop the students' sensibility and judgement against BEC attack, prevention skill, and to raise cyber security sensibility therefrom. The acquisition from this coach session includes majorly the illustration of BEC hacker technics of either technical or non-technical manner and to figure the loss of Caware and her customers in the economic-wise or non-economic-wise as well. The side effect of coaching goal shall also shape out how to propose the most optimized solution portfolio by leverage limited resource, the security enhancement of business trading, and to alter the digitalization transformation in decision maker's mindset.



Business Email Compromise(BEC), Digital Transformation, Information Security, Social Engineering, Cyberattack



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