Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2001/9
Vol. 9, No.3 p.373-393
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology、National Sun Yat-Sen University、National Sun Yat-Sen University、National Sun Yat-Sen University、National Sun Yat-Sen University
資訊科技的發展使得資訊得以快速的匯集與流通,其加深個人資訊的利用價值,但也因此形成個人資訊隱私權的議題。個人資訊隱私(personal information privacy)是指個人對自己相關資訊具有自我控制能力與免於公開之自由,本研究根據Albert Bandura 在其社會認知論(Social Cognitive Theory)中所提出的自我效(selfefficacy)為基礎,提出資訊隱私權倫理效能之心理構念,其意指在各種可能導致某人資訊曝光的情境下,人們所反應出來保護該人之資訊隱私的自信心。本研究再依據資訊隱私相關文獻,依量表發展程序來發展資訊隱私權倫理效能量表,最後以驗證性因素分析法來驗證量表之信度與效度。結果發現,資訊隱私權倫理效能量表為一個二階因素模式。第一階因素模式有四個因素, 包括:(1)不取得他人隱私資訊、(2)不使用他人隱私資訊、(3)不分享他人隱私資訊、以及(4)不以他人隱私資訊圖利,而這四個因素叉組成第三階因素(即資訊隱私權倫理效能)。
(633505273804531250.pdf 175KB)社會認知論、自我效能、個人資訊隱私
Personal information privacy,“the ability of the individual to personally control information about one-self", is fast becoming one of the most important ethical issues of our information age. Social cognitive theory asserts that self-efficacy is one of the primary self-regulatory mechanisms that serves behavioral change. The concept of self-efficacy is concerned with people's beliefs in their ability to produce given attainment. Ethical self-efficacy (ESE) is defined as beliefs in personal efficacy linked to ethical conduct. To measure individuals' ESE concerning use of personal information, an ESE scale was developed. The measurement model of the construct was rigorously tested and validated through confirmatory factor analysis. The results suggest that ESE concerning use of personal information can be operationalized as a second-order factor model. The first order constructs are termed browse (browse one's personal information) acquire (profile one's personal information), share (share one's personal information with others), and profit (transfer one's personal information for profit). These factors are governed by a second-order construct of ESE. This construct could be useful to research a wide range of information ethics in the future.
(633505273804531250.pdf 175KB)self-efficacy, social cognitive theory, information privacy
資訊科技的發展使得資訊得以快速的匯集與流通,其加深個人資訊的利用價值,但也因此形成個人資訊隱私的議題。所謂「個人資訊隱私(personal information privacy)」指的是個人對自己相關資訊具有自我控制能力與免於公開之自由。本研究根據Albert Bandura在其社會認知論(Social Cognitive Theory)中所提出的自我效能(self-efficacy)為基礎,提出資訊隱私權倫理效能之心理構念,其意指在各種可能導致某人資訊曝光的情境下,人們所反應出來保護該人之資訊隱私的自信心。再依據資訊隱私相關文獻,依量表發展程序來發展資訊隱私權倫理效能量表,最後以驗證性因素分析法來驗證量表之信度與效度。此一研究的探討可使資訊隱私的議題有深入的瞭解與分析;並且,嚴謹的量表發展將可作為未來從事資訊隱私相關研究使用上的客觀工具。