Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2001/9
Vol. 9, No.3 p.447-470
Tamkang University、Far East Commercial Bank
(633505280894218750.pdf 178KB)歐元、利率、支配臆說
Based on the concept of the international transmission, this paper intends to investigates the dynamic relationship of interest rates among eleven euro countries along with that of the U.S., with emphasis on the bearing of monetary power carried by the U.S. and the Germany. We empirically found that the influential powers of both the US and the German are not significant. This implies that both the GDH and the ADH are not supported. Nevertheless, whatever the long-run rates or the short-run rates, there exists a long-run equilibrium relationship between the U.S. and the 11 euro countries. The major difference is denoted in the forecast error variance (FEV) of each rate of euro countries, which can be explained more proportionally by the German rate, but this explanation power decreases with progression of time. On the contrary, although the U.S. rates carry a less accountability power for the FEV of euro countries in the first month, it gradually increases its credibility as time progress. Another interesting finding is that the German rate has a lowest accountability power in the fourth month. Meanwhile, the impulse response analysis finds that the response of the short-run rates to the shock is more irregular than the long-run rates. The reason for the irregularity is that the short-run rates are more subject to the macroeconomic and adjust fast with the expectation.
(633505280894218750.pdf 178KB)Euro, Interest Rates, Dominant Hypothesis
一九九九年元月一日正式開跑的歐洲單一貨幣-歐元(euro),對於國際間金融、貿易的往來,經濟實體的互動,及至各國政治動向、財經議題、金融改制,乃至一般人民的生活水準皆造成相當程度之影響,也影響到我國若干產業和貿易之發展,因此值得深入觀察。根據一九九九年的統計發現我國對歐聯國家出口值佔總出口量約百分之十七,其中以德國、法國、荷蘭及英國為我國在歐洲主要出口市場。 歐洲中央銀行(ECB)位於德國首府,組織架構又以德國聯邦央行(German Bundesbank)為藍圖,不得不令人置疑歐元國之貨幣政策受到德國主導之意味濃厚;另外,世界經濟大國-美國,亦有著領導世界財經走向的趨勢。本研究乃根據國際傳導機制的概念,透過歐洲市場利率做驗證,以歐盟中參與單一貨幣(歐元)的十一會員國以及美國的長、短期利率為樣本,選取一九八八年至一九九八年的利率月資料,進行德國與美國支配假說之比較,以探討美國的貨幣政策是否引導歐洲貨幣機制,抑或德國擁有著強大的貨幣影響力。 結合各項時間數列測試結果,本研究發現德國與美國兩大經濟強國對歐元十一國的貨幣影響力相似,對歐元國的主導地位皆不顯著。換言之,德國支配臆說(GDH)與美國支配臆說(ADH),並未能得到實證上之支持;然而,無論就長期利率或短期利率進行分析,美國利率及德國利率與其他歐元國利率皆存在顯著的長期均衡共整關係,且各國間的利率變化有著強烈相關互動。