Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2001/6

Vol. 9, No.2  p.179-200

A study on Innovation Diffusion and Spatial interaction of Firms in the Industrial Zones Firms of Taiwan
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Jih-Hwa Wu, Heish-Sheng Chen/

National Sun Yat-Sen University


隨著國內經濟的持續成長,企業的經營環境也逐漸改變,在以科技為主要競爭優勢的經濟實體中,研發創新活動已是企業存活的必備條件。而向來國內產業因自設研發部門不足,使得大學與研發機構必須扮演著相對重要的角色。本研究調查分析台灣不同類型工業區廠商所依賴之技術研發資源及創新之擴散現象,探討我國產業創新來源與工業區區位考量是否相關,俾提供未來工業區開發規劃或工業區發展轉型之政策參考。經本調查分析發現國內科學園區內廠商顯然對創新意願及創新採用較強烈,藉與學研機構之研究聯繫做為創新擴散之主要來源,且多以當地學研機構為主,明顯的與學研機構有聚集現象。而加工出口區和一般工業區廠商與學研機構聯繫方式大多為非正式關係,其創新擴散之關聯較不顯著。經x2 統計檢定顯示廠商研發創新行為和其與學研機構之互動有顯著關係,廠商研發創新行為與廠商聚集度也有顯著關係。

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Along with the continued growth, the production environment of enterprises have also been changed. While the industrial competition has been continuously increased, R&D and Innovation become necessary for an enterprise to survive. In the past, due to the lack of the capitalization and R&D investrnents of the domestic industries. Universities and the like R&D institutes thus played an important role in technology transfers. The purpose of this investigation is to study the various firms in the industrial zones of Taiwan, how is the technology transfers and innovation sources diffused among the firms and those Universities as well as other R&D organizations of Taiwan This study also intends to investigate the possible connection between the innovation source of firms and their location. Our investigation discovered that the firms in the technology science park are more innovative aspiration and move willing to adopt innovations. Through universities and R&D institutes as innovation sources, it diffused among firms and all kinds of R&D institutes by the appearance of industry-university agglomeration. Although the firms in the export processing zones and other non-technology science parks have connection with universities and R&D institutes mostly through informal linkage relationship. Their appearances and desires of innovation diffusion were less than those firms in the technology science park. This study also discovered a strong connection between the firm's innovation behavior and the universities and R&Dinstitutes by use the statistical test. Evidence also show that there is connection between the firm's innovation behavior and the firm 's agglomeration.

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Innovation Diffusion, Agglomeration

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

就實務上的涵義而言,本研究發現,廠商研發創新動機越高其與鄰近學研機構之互動越明顯有關,科學園區廠商及有此一現象,因此為提昇廠商的創新能力,尤其科學園區的推動,應建立廠商、大學與研究機構間之整合關係,讓區內廠商可以快速的取得市場資訊,並可提供區內廠商人力訓練、管理諮詢等服務,以提昇其整體競爭力。而一般工業區與加工出口區之創新意願、創新採用、及與學研機構合作研發關係明顯較科學園區內廠商為低,未來加入WTO,傳統產業勢必面臨更大的競爭壓力,加工出口區和一般工業區廠商似應多與學研機構合作加強研發與創新,以提昇其生產力與競爭力。顯然未來工業區之規劃開發不只在區位之選擇上參酌此一空間互動因素,尤其從政策面鼓勵廠商與學研機構或區內廠商或各工業區廠商之互動(鏈結)關係,以提昇工業區廠商之競爭力。 產業廠商之創新行為與產業聚集度有明顯相關,本研究發現廠商之創新行為意向越高,其區內廠商間互動關係越密切,科學園區內之廠商有較高的互動關係,尤其是研發合作鏈結度更強,印證較頻繁的互動關係與鏈結關係,肯定有助於創新行為的產生與加速創新擴散之論點。因此,工業區之規劃設計宜深入考量如何強化區內廠商之互動關係,包括網路連結、園區內研討會或展示活動之舉辦,與互動空間之規劃設計,都將有助於提高區內(或區間)廠商之互動關係。
