Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2001/12
Vol. 9, No.4 p.513-539
Soochow University、Yang-Ming University、Yang-Ming University
(633500867732968750.pdf 41KB)醫院產業、藥品供應商、主要物流服務、加值物流服務、重要度
In the hospital cost structure, the number one cost item is the personnel expenses, next to it would be the medicine and medical supplies expenses. lf the logistics activities can be effectively integrated between the hospital and its upstream medicine suppliers, the logistics costs relating to the medicine supply and inventory carrying cost can be reduced dramatically, thus, result in great savings on the hospital expenses, better patient and internal medical unit services and larger profits. Any level of hospitals must provide many different types of medicines to their clients(patients). Therefore, the medicine administration task is a great load for the hospitals. By understanding the logistics service requirements of the hospitals on the medicine suppliers and their relative importance to serve as the reference for the medicine suppliers in formulating their service strategy, the efficiency of the total medicine supply chain can be increased. This paper will discuss an intensive survey results on the importance of the medicine supply logistics service requirements of the hospital industry. The logistics services include order service, physical distribution service. warehousing service, exceptional service, and value-added service. The survey results should provide a good reference base for the hospitals to select good suppliers and the medicine suppliers to formulate ideal logistics service strategy.
(633500867732968750.pdf 41KB)Hospital Industry、Medicine Suppliers、Major Logistics、Value-Added Logistics Services、Importance
在醫院收入與成本結構面中,成本結構以人事費用最高,其次為藥品成本。若有效整合醫院與其上游供應商的物流活動,藉由物流體系支援,將可降低藥品取得與存貨持有等相關之物流成本,為醫院節省費用的支出,提供更好的病患及內部醫療單位服務,並創造出更大的利潤空間。 藥品在運送過程中不容易出現差錯,更必須能有效地供應各醫院、診所和藥局。由於醫藥用品之單價高、品項多,時效性重要,且技術性亦高,因其附加價值較高,相對所需提供的物流服務也就特別重要,物流費用亦較一般產品為高。未來結合物流、資訊管理、自動化連線,醫療產業間之合縱連橫,並提供專業、迅速、便捷高品質配送服務,進而降低流通及庫存成本,以達物美價廉之目標,將是另一波的醫藥產業革命。同時在全民健保實施後,醫療給付的改變,影響病人的就醫行為,再加上台灣已開始試行醫藥分業及藥價基準制度,對藥品的行銷通路、通路業者的市場佔有率都有直接的影響。 不同層級醫院所需具備的藥品品項種類多,造成行政作業很大的負荷。藉由了解醫院產業對藥品供應商物流服務需求要素及其相對重要性,進而提供藥品供應商作為擬定服務策略的參考,必能提升整體藥品供應鏈活動的效率。 本文就目前醫院對藥品供應商之訂單服務、實體配送服務、倉儲服務、異常服務等四項主要物流服務相關之需求要素以及供應商可提供的物流附加價值服務之需求要素重要性程度,作一深入調查與探討,研究結果可提供醫院產業選擇供應商及藥品供應商發展理想物流服務策略的參考。