

中山管理評論  2013/9

第21卷第3期  p.479-509


Is Service Quality Enough? The Impact of Customer Experience on Website Satisfaction
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Yi-Cheng Ku、Chia-Ying Li、Hsiang-Ling Huang/

Department of Computer Science and Information Management, Providence University , Department of Business Administration, National Taichung University of Science and Technology , Department of Computer Science and Information Management, Providence Univer


網站服務品質影響顧客滿意度及忠誠度的議題,已有許多學者研究與討論 過,但本研究認為顧客需要的不只是好的產品或服務,更希望消費的過程中, 能有令人難忘的「體驗」。本研究以網站服務品質模型為基礎,加上體驗感受 構念後,建立影響顧客對於網站滿意度及忠誠意向之研究架構,並以某新聞網 站為體驗個案進行問卷調查,有效樣本數為 148 人,經採用 PLS 分析方法驗 證研究架構後發現,能提升顧客滿意度的因素包括體驗感受、知覺價值與網站 服務品質,而當顧客對網站有高滿意度時,將會提升其對網站的忠誠意向。此 外,體驗感受構念能補充解釋部分網站服務品質構念對於知覺價值與滿意度之 未解釋變異。此研究結果具有二項具體的貢獻:第一是發現建構良好的網站服 務品質與提供顧客優質的體驗感受,已成為成功電子商務網站的重要條件,建 議電子商務網站經營者除了應持續改進網站的系統功能外,應提供能加深顧客 體驗感受之服務。第二是以二階形成構念來衡量體驗感受構念,利用多元的體 驗構面來評估顧客對於網站的體驗感受,可做為相關研究探討體驗感受構念之 基礎。

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Several previous studies have investigated the interrelationship among customer loyalty, customer satisfaction and website service quality. However, what customers need are not only high-quality products and services, but also memorable shopping experience. A research model is proposed by this study to investigate the influences of customer experience and website service quality on customer perceived value and customer satisfaction. The influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty intention is also explored. An experiential survey was conducted. The voluntary respondents were asked to answer the questionnaire based on their experiences of surfing a news website. By using PLS analysis with 148 sample users, the results of this study indicate that customer satisfaction will be affected by customer experience, website service quality, and customer perceived value. Furthermore, customer loyalty intention will be positively affected by customer satisfaction. In addition, the results of this study also find that adding customer experience as an antecedent variable can enhance the explanation power of SERVQUAL model on perceived value and consumer satisfaction. The contributions of this study are two-fold: 1) this study reveals that customer experience can be regarded as an important determinant for successful e-commerce website in addition to high service quality. Practitioners have to design website functions which can make memorable shopping experience. 2) This study measures the multi-facets of customer experience by a second-order formative construct. This method provides implications for the related research.

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Experiential marketing, website service quality, customer satisfaction, perceived value, loyalty intention


許多網路商店致力於網站功能開發與維持系統穩定,認為良好的網站服務品質是網路商店的成功關鍵,然而,有良好的服務品質就足夠嗎?事實上,隨著資訊科技的進步,若只建構良好服務品質的網站已無法成為網路商店的競爭優勢,因為顧客需要的不只是好的產品或服務,更希望消費的過程中,能有令人難忘的「體驗」。近年來,隨著線上消費習慣的普及和互動式網頁技術的發展,消費者在網路商店的消費過程中,會被多媒體網頁內容(例如:表情符號、聲音、影片或虛擬店員等)激發體驗感受,所以體驗行銷不僅應用於實體商店,亦適用於網路商店。 本研究以網站服務品質模型為基礎,加上體驗感受構念後,建立影響顧客對於網站滿意度及忠誠意向之研究架構,經受測者體驗某新聞網站的實證分析後發現,提供顧客優質的體驗感受能增進顧客的知覺價值與滿意度,進而提升顧客對於網站的忠誠意向。因此,讓顧客在網站購物的過程中,能夠經由感官體驗、思考體驗、情感體驗與關聯體驗等途徑產生體驗感受,已成為成功電子商務網站的重要利器,建議網站經營者除了持續改進網站的系統功能外,應提供能加深顧客體驗感受之服務。
