

中山管理評論  2006/6

第14卷第2期  p.517-549

The Impact of Customer Value on Customer Relationship Quality: An Empirical Study of Online Shopping
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Pui Lai To、Rui-Nan Chen/

Department of Management Information Systems, National Chiayi University , Graduate Institute of Marketing and Logistics Management, National Chiayi University


在網路購物風氣愈趨盛行的情況下,網路創造的價值是否與傳統通路所 提供的有所不同,是否僅能滿足人類較低層次的需求,包括提供核心產品功 能,亦或能滿足較高層次的情緒性及社會性需求,少有研究探討此一主題, 本研究目的是要瞭解網路購物俱有哪些顧客價值,探討何種價值會影響顧客 關係品質。本研究提出網路購物顧客價值的研究架構,影響線上顧客關係品質的顧客 價值分屬功能、情緒、社會與網路等四個層面,共十一個構面,滿意、信賴、 承諾、顧客導向及投機主義等五個構面是衡量關係品質的指標。本研究以問卷 調查法,以學生、業界及街頭方式三方面發放問卷,共發出問卷 349 份,回收 有效問卷 232 份,有效回收率為 66.5%。 研究結果發現四大類十一種網路購物顧客價值對關係品質均有影響力,其 中功能面的價值是影響線上顧客關係不可或缺的一環,但是要提昇企業與顧客 間的關係,網路及情緒面的價值更俱影響力,其中,安全與隱私價值是顧客最 重視但感受最不足者,因此是提升關係品質最關鍵的因素。同時,網路購物新 手易被情緒及社會因素所吸引,但要留住舊有顧客就必須提供全面性的價值; 研究也發現,男性網路購物者重視功能價值,女性網路購物者較重視情緒價 值。總結而言,網路消費族群不同,對於顧客價值的評價是有所不同,網路購 物者所追求的並非只有較低層次的人類需求,也相當重視較高層次的情緒性及 社會性需求,研究結果打破了過去學界的迷思,應可喚起學術界及實務界對網 路購物非功能性價值的重視。

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Internet shopping can be viewed as a new way of value creation and provision. It can offer new and different value to customers compared to conventional methods. Thus, customer value plays an important role in the success of the Internet business. The purpose of this study is to investigate the customer value of the Internet business. A model for online customer value is proposed. This study suggests that four broad customer values—functional value, emotional value, social value, and Internet value—affect relationship quality between customer and seller. The survey instrument was distributed to the Internet shoppers from three kinds of sources. Three hundred forty-nine questionnaires were distributed and two hundred thirty-two questionnaires were responded. The valid response rate is 66.5%. Results indicate that all four broad customer values are significant predictors in terms of improving customer relationship quality. The functional value is the fundamental customer value while the emotional and Internet values have the most powerful impact on relationship quality. Customer perceived security and privacy value as the most significant but the least provided value. Results also show that while the new customers focus on the emotional and social values, the experienced customers consider all the customer values are essential for relationship maintenance. The male customers highly regard functional values and the female customers view emotional values as the key. The study suggests that organization should take account of differences among customers when managing customer value. The results of the study enable an organization to understand the roles of customer value on Internet relationship maintenance and to develop Internet strategy effectively. The study will definitely serve as a basis for further research on related topics.

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Internet Shopping, Customer Value, Relationship Quality, Online Customer Relationship


在網路購物風氣愈趨盛行的情況下,網路創造的價值是否與傳統通路所提供的有所不同,是否僅能滿足人類較低層次的功能性需求,亦或能滿足較高層次的情緒性及社會性需求?本研究發現網路顧客認為網路購物較能獲得功能價值,網路創造的價值强調滿足顧客較低層次的需求(即功能價值),對於較高層次的需求(即社會價值及情緒價值)卻不易滿足。另一方面,雖然功能面的價值是影響線上顧客關係不可或缺的一環,但是要提昇企業與顧客間的關係,網路及情緒面的價值更重要,也更俱影響力。這點是過去學界與業界所忽略的現象,研究結果將可喚起學術界及實務界對網路購物情緒面價值的重視,也打破了網路購物只能滿足較低層次需求的迷思。 在實務應用方面,我們發現新顧客群易被情緒及社會因素所吸引,而加入網路購物的行列,但要留住舊顧客就必須提供全面性的價值;低額消費顧客群網路購物的主因是因為喜歡科技化的購物環境,高額消費顧客群不只重視網路購物的功能性價值,娛樂自主性是最主要的因素之一;在性別方面,男性在網路購物時較為務實與理性,女性在網路購物時卻是較為感性,這些網路消費行為的差異都是過去業界所忽略的現象,因此,企業若要開拓網路購物,必須做好顧客價值分析及顧客關係管理,例如鼓勵顧客加入會員,藉此取得顧客的個人資料,以便對顧客的個人資料與消費行為進行交叉分析,甚至資料採礦,對於瞭解網路顧客及加強顧客關係是相當有幫助的。
