

中山管理評論  2017/9

第25卷第3期  p.671-704


Taiwan Taxi Corporation — The Beauty and Sadness of Service Innovation in Internal Market
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Liu-Yi Hung, Chien-Lung Hsu, Sze-Hsun Sylcien Chang/

The Ph.D. Program in Strategy and Development of Emerging Industries, National Chi Nan University; Department of Marketing Management, Takming University of Science and Technology; Human Resources and Public Relations Department, Da-Yeh University


本個案描述台灣大車隊在經營及開發內部市場時,為隊員解決服務需求之過程與決策問題。原本林村田董事長在接手車隊後,以建構icall平台、強化品牌價值與提升乘客載客率,進而達成擴大隊員收入為主要經營策略。但面對經濟不景氣所帶來的乘客叫車量減少,以及隊員人數成長停滯的內憂外患,大車隊把經營重心轉向內部市場,希望利用少花錢就是多賺錢的服務來爭取隊員的認同感,用來吸引司機加入車隊,成為隊員。大車隊提出「租售車服務、車輛保養、日常所需」三大服務,從降低隊員的營業成本著手,但在執行過程中,「車輛保養」這項服務卻讓隊員抱怨聲浪不斷,林董事長陷於兩難。 個案討論透過服務產品創造與感動服務的角度,創新商業模式,由聚焦增加隊員營業收入轉向提供「降低隊員支出,使實質會員費為負數」的有感服務。藉由個案,學生可以對服務的特性、白地策略、內部市場及車隊管理有更深的了解及認識。本個案的主題包含 (1) 服務金三角;(2) 整體擁有成本;(3) 服務產品創造;(4) 感動服務。





This case study explores the process of how Taiwan Taxi Corporation addresses and meets the needs of its employees and its decision-making process during its operation and development of its internal market. After taking over the company, its chairman, Cun-Tian Lin, focused on the development of the icall platform and brand value, increase of passenger load rates, and of employees’ income. But in response to the decline in number of passengers caused by the economic downturn, as well as the stagnation in the growth of employees, the company decided to shift its focus to the internal market with the expectation of attracting more drivers to join the business. Thus, attract employees’ higher level of identifying himself with the company by offering services based on the idea of less money spent is more money made, so that more employees are willing to join the company. The company also proposed a low-cost service for its employees in terms of offering rent and sell, repair, and maintenance services of the employees’ taxis. But the repair and maintenance services have led to complaints from employees which put Chairman Lin into a dilemma situation. This case reviews how an innovative business model has been developed through the perspectives of creative service products and “touching services” strategy and how Taiwan Taxi Company has shifted its focus from increasing employees’ operating income to reducing employees’ expenditures so that their membership fee is actually declining and even becoming negative. Through this case, students will have a better and in-depth understanding of the characteristics of service, white space strategy, internal market and taxi company management. Main themes explored in this case include: (1) service marketing triangle; (2) total cost of ownership; (3) development of services and products; (4) touching service strategy.



Inner Market; Service Innovation; White Space Theory; Service Marketing Triangle; Total Cost of Ownership


隨著經濟的變遷,企業總會面臨經營成長停滯的瓶頸,為維持企業前進的動力,「變」才有生存和未來,在此前提下,創新是企業求新求變的一個重要課題。 從內部市場、行銷金三角與服務金三角的觀點來看,本個案陳述大車隊原本著墨在外部市場乘客之經營,建立icall平台、強化品牌價值、提升乘客載客率,主打車隊與乘客之外部市場,以「增加隊員收入」為主要服務重心。但在遭遇不景氣,車隊面對經營危機情況下,發現人數眾多的隊員,是有規模經濟的,具形成優質內部市場的先決條件,故以「降低隊員支出」為主要訴求,提供感動服務,執行車隊與隊員間內部市場服務方案。 若以「總體擁有成本」分析,隊員的生財工具是車子,除了購車成本外,還包括購車後運營和維護的費用。大車隊原本僅想從降低隊員的營業成本及日常花費著手,提出租售車服務、車輛保養、日常所需三大服務,故以隊員所形成的內部市場為關鍵資源,結合關鍵流程、價值主張、利潤公式,應用白地策略於內部市場之商業模式,希望隊員加入車隊後有利可圖,可以「省卡多」,達到「實質會員費為負」的有感服務。 但實際執行後,在車輛保養這項任務遇到挫折,由於委外提供,外包保養服務品質參差不齊,隊員有抱怨聲浪;但若要收回自辦,同樣會有種種困難待克服,更何況此非本業之範圍;故大車隊陷入「想喝杯牛奶,得自己養頭牛,還兼種植牧草」的困境。 車輛保養收回自辦對大車隊而言,是一個全新型態且過去無例子可循的經營模式。在收回自辦的發展與討論過程中,引導學生了解,大車隊如何評估可能面對的利弊與風險,以及欲推動收回自辦的關鍵成功因素:「高品質」、「方便性」與「降成本」,並整合公司相關規定的巧思,缺一不可。 本個案在循著開發內部市場發展與討論的主軸中,讓學生學習到,雖然有完善的評估作業以及前置規劃,但商場如戰場,一路走來,有很多變數並不會在事先規劃之內,風風雨雨中,只能見招拆招,在每一個當下,做出最好的策略選擇,讓企業可以持續往永續經營的路走下去。


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