

中山管理評論  2017/9

第25卷第3期  p.587-616


Crowdfunding and the Music Industry: the Entrepreneurship Journey of Lin Sheng-xiang
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Hui-Yin Lin/

Graduate Institute of International Business and Cultural Practices, Wenzao Ursuline University of Language


本文為音樂人以群眾募資(crowdfunding)方式獨立出版和發行唱片的田野個案。很早林生祥就確立自己生命的方向,大三那年他就想要成為一位獨立音樂人。1992年在淡江大學就學期間,林生祥組了第一個樂團;1993年暑假林生祥寫下第一首客家歌曲;1998年年底林生祥回到家鄉,以音樂參與美濃反水庫社會運動;返鄉18年後,短短兩個月內,林生祥在flyingV平台獲得2555位歌迷支持,成功募集兩百六十多萬元完成獨立製作和發行《圍庄》雙唱片的夢想。本個案是台灣音樂史上,唱片預購模式(pre-purchase model),最大金額的群眾募資計劃,透過個案群眾募資與背後音樂創業努力過程,本個案教學將引導學生認識什麼是群眾募資,與個案從問題解決、方案設計、展現信任感、到設計回饋層(reward tier)等決策過程。





This article provides a detailed analysis on how one entrepreneurial Taiwan-based musician utilized rewards-based crowdfunding to publish and distribute records during his career. Lin Sheng-xiang decided early on in his junior years of schooling that he wanted to become a musician. His musical style fell outside the mainstream hits of the day but Lin persisted in following his independent vision. Lin Sheng-xiang wrote his first song in 1995. Just three years later in the summer of 1998, a protest movement against the construction of a dam near Lin Sheng-xiang's hometown led him to return and use his music to add to the social debate. The road for Lin has been long. Some 18 years after slowly developing a crowdfunding platform, Lin Sheng-xiang now has over 255 committed supporters and patrons, while successfully raising more than NT$2.6 million to complete the independent production and distribution of his double album "Wai Zhuang".The case is currently a pre-purchase model locally and holds the record for funds raised through crowdfunding within the Taiwanese music industry. This teaching case serves as a guide for crowdfunding and the entrepreneurial process, beginning with elementary problem-solving and program design to demonstrating the trust finally bestowed on reward-tier design.



Crowdfunding, Music Industry, Entrepreneurship, Lin Sheng-xiang, flyingV


本文為作業層級的田野個案。個案本文描述音樂人 - 林生祥以「群眾募資(crowdfunding)」方式獨立出版和發行唱片的創業過程。個案討論提供教師於課堂上進行兩階段「群眾募資」議題討論,第一階段為群眾募資基本資料討論,主要讓學生認識群眾募資與平台選擇策略;第二階段以林生祥為案例,讓學生了解群眾募資重要決策過程。本個案可延伸以下兩點政策與管理意涵。 第一,在「互聯網+」與社群媒體(Facebook、YouTube)帶動下,「群眾募資」平台被視為文化創意產業在創作、生產、製作與發行民主化的催化劑。「互聯網+文創」這股運用科技,進行文化創意產業商業模式變革的現象,是政府推動產業發展不可漠視的潮流。因此,本個案針對音樂產業,透過個案主角如何透過「群眾募資」平台完成夢想的過程,希望提供政府相關部會對「互聯網+文創」這股運用科技讓創意民主化現象的關注。 第二,自2011年底台灣第一個群眾募資平台成立後,透過群眾的力量,讓台灣設計、音樂、電影、創意商品等,多了一個向社會大眾宣傳與尋求資金的管道。本個案是台灣音樂史上,採取唱片預購模式最大金額的成功募資計劃,透過個案帶入音樂人進行群眾募資計劃的籌備與思考過程,以及群眾募資成功關鍵因素的討論,讓讀者可以從不同角度思考文化創意產業在資金籌募、社群行銷、創意民主化等創業管理議題。 最後,過去二十年來,互聯網已經從資訊與網路產業本身發展,逐步向實體產業滲透,實體產業也透過「互聯網+」被吸納到網路的經濟範疇。「互聯網+」正在翻轉實體產業的網路化、線上化、數據化,過去十年,我們看見無論音樂、書店、廣告業、零售業、旅遊業、物流業甚至交通運輸業,都相繼因為「互聯網+」而產生商業模式變革或典範轉移。本個案希望能啟發更多實務界隨著「互聯網+」走進創業經濟,延續台灣繼資通訊硬體發展後,下一波科技創業高峰。


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