

中山管理評論  2018/9

第26卷第3期  p.415-452

DOI:DOI: 10.6160/SYSMR.201809_26(3).0002

遊戲化學習機制與模式的設計與成效初探 - 以某高職為例
An Exploratory Study on the Effects of a Gamification-based Design Mechanism and Model on Learning Outcomes in a High School Context
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Pei-Chun Yeh, Chien-Liang Kuo/

Computing Center, Kai Ping Culinary School; Department of Information Management, Chinese Culture University







Fostered by the broad adoption of social community and online games, gamification has attracted considerable attention in the education context. Recent studies have reported the value and effects of applying gamification in learning; however, most of them have focused on measuring on short-term effects from the perspective of students. The issues of how the broader needs for holistic learning should be addressed or whether gamification is valuable in leading the paradigm shift of pedagogy remains unclear. To react to the above-mentioned gap, the present study determined whether a gamification-based design mechanism can achieve a win–win situation in a high school context, thus ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of this gamification-based system. First, a gamified prototype in a Taiwanese high school was implemented, which was designed by referring to the education goals, instructional design, and teaching needs of this school. Results from a field test on two classes were used to measure learning outcomes; students’ performance and perceptions of teachers and school administrators were all considered. The preliminary results revealed that in addition to providing an attractive user interface, the proposed gamification-based mechanism does capture the learning dynamics of students. The results also indicated that a competing status among peers indeed help foster proactive, participatory learning. Moreover, determining how to streamline current teaching practices with the newly designed mechanism without substantial changes is crucial for attracting the active participation and contribution of both teachers and students.



Gamification, Service Design, Application in Education, Sustainability, System Development


遊戲化(Gamificaiton)設計的潛力與重要性自2011年正式受到關注,它致力翻轉原有產業與服務模式,讓使用者在服務體驗歷程中可以更積極投入、改變行為、共創多贏價值,因此在教育領域被視為重要應用課題。但是,現有研究多偏重微觀層次的元素與情境效果探討,且有關成效之結論仍未臻一致;可能原因之一,可能和既有研究多聚焦學生視角、衡量標的多著重課程層次,導致相關研究對教育服務生態系中各利害關係人感知與中長期反饋效果掌握相對不足所有關。因此,本研究從學校學習活動角度探究遊戲化學習機制與模式設計,並透過為期半年的觀察,分析導入後的學生、教師及校方的態度與認知成效分析,藉此對此議題進行回應及貢獻。依據研究結果,提出如下實務管理意涵,期作為未來設計和應用之參考。 1. 在社群與行動裝置都已融入生活與學習環境的時代,如欲打造具特色且能誘發質變的數位創新應用,應跳脫著眼教材與設備e化的傳統思維,轉向槓桿學生理解及興趣項目,進行數位學習應用設計及導入方法規劃。 2. 相較於課程成效衡量及單一科技應用導入,串聯「學生-教師-學校教育系統」方為創新教育永續經營的關鍵,因此,如學校期望透過導入遊戲化學習機制翻轉既有教育模式,應具備下述思維︰(1)學校全力支持,且家長及師生需對遊戲化概念有一定理解和認知;(2)將校方設定的總學習目標、現有教學與管理機制、課程教學教案,及校方配套活動與遊戲化應用進行串聯;(3)需將教師參與獲得之效益納入。 3. 遊戲化設計的落實,可善用價值共創(Value co-creation)與生產性消費者(Prosumer)概念,輔以虛擬人物形象建構與成果視覺化設計,讓參與者透過虛實學習活動,誘發主動學習和參與行為。 4. 致力導入遊戲化設計進行應用的企業和資服業者,面對遊戲化服務創新與設計策略,應以「策略調校(Strategic alignment)」思維取代「魔術子彈(Magic bullet)」觀點,方能藉此創造和企業需求搭配,同時亦能喚起使用者參與的服務應用,確保解決方案的可持續性。


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