

中山管理評論  2018/12

第26卷第4期  p.657-690

DOI: 10.6160/SYSMR.201812_26(4).0004

Kobayashi Optical – A Smart Strategy for New-store Development in the Eyewear Industry
(141_M5c21df2c324df_Full.pdf 1,716KB)

Pi-Hui Ting, Zhao-Hong Cheng, Hui-Ling Huang/

Department of Business Administration, Chang Jung Christian University; Departmant of International Business, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology; Department of Business Administration, Chang Jung Christian University







Developing a good location strategy is the biggest challenge faced by the retail industry. Poor selection of new locations may affect the performance of existing stores and produce erosion effects, except that new stores cannot be profitable. Kobayashi Optical is good at using information systems to solve the management problems of the retail industry. In 2015, Kobayashi Optical developed the new information system that integrates the map of Taiwan, the demographic database of the Ministry of the Interior, and the internal customer database of Kobayashi Optical. The newly developed information system can display the total population, the number of men and women, and the population of all ages of the marked area. It can also list, for a specific store, the number of customers in the selected area, the total number of customers, and the existing customer's place of residence. Moreover, the system can provide information on the area's accessibility, business activity density, influx activity density and living density. This paper guides students to use the information provided by the new information system of Kobayashi Optical to make decisions about new-store development. Through problem guidance, students can learn how to conduct business district analysis and select the appropriate new locations. The financial analysis and capital budgeting decision of opening a new location is also discussed.



Location Strategy, Business District Analysis, Break-even Analysis, Capital Budgeting


展店策略是零售業面臨的最大挑戰,分店地點選擇不佳,新店無法獲利事小,更可能影響現有分店的業績,產生侵蝕效果。然而,大部分公司的展店決策常是憑經驗,缺乏客觀數據佐證。本個案公司小林眼鏡有嚴謹的展店制度,每年5月及11月,各區主委提出可開發商圈名單,於每月例行區委會議中審查。通過審查的商圈則於每年6月及12月初,開放具申請開發展店資格之店經理申請,每一可開發商圈僅核准一位申請者。取得可開發商圈展店資格的店經理於選定展店地址後,再送總公司審查地點是否合宜。以往可開發商圈審查會議,營業部都須耗費許多心力,多方蒐集各式來源的資料,方能做出評估決策。為解決此一問題,一向善於利用資訊系統,解決零售業管理問題的小林眼鏡,於2015年開發彙整全省地圖、內政部的人口統計資料庫與小林眼鏡內部客戶資料庫的圖資系統。小林眼鏡新開發完成的圖資系統,可以完整顯示所標示區域之人口總數、男女人數,以及各年齡人口數,並可列示各門市於所選擇地區之顧客數、該門市顧客總數,與現有顧客居住地方,亦可提供該地區交通易達度、商業活動密度、人潮活動密度與居住密度等資訊。 本個案介紹小林眼鏡圖資系統提供之各項資訊,並討論5個展店相關議題:(1)影響商圈規模的因素為何,分析小林眼鏡圖資系統涵括哪些評估商圈時的因素。(2)針對目前可能的門市位址作競爭分析,選擇較適合的店址。(3)評估新門市成立後對鄰近門市可能造成的侵蝕效果。(4)進行開設新門市的損益兩平分析。(5)由總公司觀點進行是否應開設新門市的投資計畫評估。藉由問題引導,學生可學習應蒐集小林眼鏡圖資系統的哪些資訊,及如何利用這些資訊做出上述相關分析。 本個案藉由圖資系統之介紹,讓學生理解到企業可以利用資訊系統,有效整合既有資源,提升決策的效率。其次,透過議題討論,讓同學學習如何客觀地選擇店址,也理解完善的零售業展店決策不但應該考量單一門市的損益狀況,更應該由總公司立場進行更全面的評估,方能避免導致錯誤決策。


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