Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

  Journal Fullview

Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2011/6

Vol. 19, No.2  p.387-421

Decompose the Relationship of Network Competence and Service Innovation Performance
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Wen-Hsien Chang, Shyh-Rong Fang, Wu-Zheng Liao, Hui-Chi Huang/

Department of Marketing & Logistic Management, Chung Chou Institute of Technology , Department of Marketing & Distribution Management, Hsiu-Ping Institute of Technology , Department of Marketing, Kai-Nan University , PH. D Program in Management, D


網絡能耐㈲助於㈽業獲取創新㈲關的㈾源與知識,對創新績效㈲重要的影 響。過去的研究將網絡能耐㈽業層次的任務及個㆟層次的㈾格結合,無法深入 瞭解網絡能耐如何影響創新績效。本研究以服務創新為脈絡,經實證分析發 現,網絡能耐與服務創新績效㈲正向關係,其㆗㈽業層次的網絡管理任務(管 理㈽業網絡所必須執行的任務)對服務創新長期績效㈲顯著的影響,而個㆟層 次的網絡管理㈾格(執行任務所必備的㈾格)對服務創新短期績效㈲顯著的影 響。最後,本文根據研究結果提出理論與管理意涵,並說明未來研究建議。

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Network competence helpful to access the resources and knowledge related to innovation for firm, have significant contribution to performance of innovation. Unfortunately, past researches combine the network management tasks that refer to the firm’s level and network management qualifications that refer to individual level, mitigate understanding how network competence help to innovation. The study verifies the positive relationship between network competence and innovation performance in the context of service innovation. Moreover, we find the network management tasks, necessary tasks to manage network, have significant contribution to long-term performance of service innovation and the network management qualifications, necessary qualifications to executive the tasks, have significant contribution to short-term performance of service innovation. Furthermore, the study discusses the theoretical and managerial implications and the future research directions.

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network, network competence, and service innovation performance

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

服務創新是建構與維持競爭優勢的有效方法,企業進行服務創新應以策略性的眼光,並預先設定創新欲達成的長、短期目標。其中短期目標應包括創新的成本、報酬率及對銷售額與市場佔有率的貢獻等;長期目標則應包括服務創新對公司未來發展的貢獻、能否與長期策略配合及能否提供其他創新機會等項目。 企業的外部關係網絡是獲取與運用有關服務創新資訊、資源與知識的重要管道,企業應具備開創、發展、利用與終止與外部夥伴的能力(即網絡能耐),持續地透過各種管道尋找可行的合作夥伴,藉以發展與實現提高顧客價值的服務創新機會。這種能力是專屬於組織,因此競爭者難以模仿與複製,對企業的持久性競爭優勢有正面的助益。 具體而言,企業必須任用與訓練具備專業與社會能力的關係管理者,專責處理企業與外部夥伴的關係,才能獲取有益於服務創新的資源與知識,提高新服務的銷售額及市場佔有率等短期績效。此外,企業亦必須將外部關係網絡的管理工作提昇為策略層次,以長遠的眼光規劃、執行與控制;亦即應將網絡關係視為策略性資產,妥善規劃如何開始、建立與維持與某特定夥伴的關係,同時亦應考慮不同夥伴關係之間的互補性及可能的衝突,提昇企業網絡管理任務執行的能力。
