Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

  Journal Fullview

Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1994/3

Vol. 2, No.1  p.1-37

Enterprise Modeling and Decision Support
Enterprise Modeling and Decision Support
(633621933678437500.pdf 1,302KB)

Sulin Ba、Karl Reiner Lang、Andrew B. Whinston/The University of Texas at Austin, USA、The University of Texas at Austin, USA、The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Sulin Ba、Karl Reiner Lang、Andrew B. Whinston/

The University of Texas at Austin, USA、The University of Texas at Austin, USA、The University of Texas at Austin, USA


This paper analyzes the computational requirements of enterprise modeling, and presents a framework for reasoning with enterprise-wide models. Enterprise modeling studies complex systems which are normally only partially known, and focuses on studying the interactions among the components of the system, and the underlying modeling assumptions thereof. We discuss some major design issues for the next generation of enterprise modeling systems (EMS), that is, organizational-wide computing systems, and indicate the direction future research could take to support enterprise-wide problem formulation and problem solving. The focus of this paper is chiefly on investigating the question of how can we do model building in an enterprise-wide environment, and on proposing ideas which we see as promising steps towards accomplishing this difficult endeavor.

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Enterprise Modeling Systems, Decision Support, Artificial Intelligence


This paper analyzes the computational requirements of enterprise modeling, and presents a framework for reasoning with enterprise-wide models. Enterprise modeling studies complex systems which are normally only partially known, and focuses on studying the interactions among the components of the system, and the underlying modeling assumptions thereof. We discuss some major design issues for the next generation of enterprise modeling systems (EMS), that is, organizational-wide computing systems, and indicate the direction future research could take to support enterprise-wide problem formulation and problem solving. The focus of this paper is chiefly on investigating the question of how can we do model building in an enterprise-wide environment, and on proposing ideas which we see as promising steps towards accomplishing this difficult endeavor.

(633621933677812500.pdf 37KB)


Enterprise Modeling Systems, Decision Support, Artificial Intelligence

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)
