

中山管理評論  1997/3

第5卷第1期  p.49-74

Business Ethics in Traditional Culture: A Study of Chinese Ancient Books
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Mu-Lan Hsu, Kung-Don Ye, Chieh-Wen Sheng/

Graduate Institute of Business Administration National Taiwan University、Graduate School of Shipping and Transportation Management National Taiwan Ocean University、Graduate Institute of Business Administration National Taiwan University


倫理是文化的產物,而企業倫理也受到歷史與文化的指引。因此,對傳統企業倫理的研究是有其必要性的,然而過去關於企業倫理之研究,卻少有這方面的探討。因此,本文乃針對中國傳統企業倫理進行研究;首先依據文獻,釐清中國傳統之企業倫理系統;繼而根據余坤章和徐木蘭( 1993 )的研究架構,選用代表性的古籍,包括貨殖列傳與鹽鐵論,並篩選出語幹共317個,進行內容分析;以了解在中國傳統文化中,經營者價值觀與社會對企業之要求的類別為何?並說明這些類別對傳統企業倫理系統的影響。 經由內容分析的結果,並配合相關文獻的討論,本研究獲得三個命題,命題1:社會各階層對企業在道德方面之要求並不一致,而會受其他方面價值觀的影響;命題2:經營者會以本身的道德觀為主,配合社會要求,而選擇最佳的企業倫理行事準則;命題3:企業若採低理想性之道德標準,會使其企業倫思系統之建立,以內部倫理為優先,反之,當企業採用高理想性之道德標準時,其企業倫理系統之建立,會以外部倫理為優先考慮。

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Ethics is the cultural production, and the business ethics is also influenced by history and culture. It is important to understand traditional business ethics. Even so, few research of business ethics concerns the traditional culture which is important for the evolution of business ethics. Therefore, through literature review, this research is trying to figure out the chinese traditional business ethics system, and then, using the framework proposed by Ye and Hsu ( 1993 ) to analyze the content of selected ancient books. There are 317 themes derived from the ancient books to be used for content analysis. The primary purpose of this research is to classify the category of chinese traditional business owner's moral value and the social expectation for firms, and try to understand the influence they made for chinese traditional business ethics system. After the analysis, 3 propositions are proposed. Proposition one: different social levels will have the different moral expectation for firms, and the social moral expectation is influenced by other values. Proposition two: the business owner will fulfill business ethics system accdording to both his/her own moral value and the social expectation. Proposition three: if the business take the low-level moral standards, it will concern the internal business ethics first, and on the other side, if the business take the high-level moral standards, it will concern the external business ethics first.

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Business Ethics, Content Analysis


本研究發現,傳統中的社會各階層對企業的道德要求並不同,於是經營者會以自身的道德觀為主,再配合數會的不同需求,而選擇適當的企業倫理準則。同時,企業如果採用低理想性的道德標準,則在企業倫理方面,往往會以內部倫理為優先;反之,當企業採用高理想的道德標準時,則其企業倫理系統會優先考慮外部倫理。 透過上述的研究發現,產生了兩點管理意涵。首先,企業會面臨不同社會團體之要求,而這些要求彼此之間可能會有所衝突:因此,企業也續無法滿足所有的社會期望。然而,由於企業的倫理準則,除了考慮本身的道德觀之外,仍必須配合社會的需求。所以,對現代企業而言,最重要的是定義其利害相關的群體(stakeholders),而認真考慮這群體的需求,並納入企業本身的道德體系之內,才能建立適當的企業倫理系統。 除此之外,如果傳統的低理想性例外主義道德觀,仍然普遍存在於企業之中的話,企業倫理糾比較適合由內向外的建立。而如果想要加強企業對外部倫理的關懷,則最好能輔以道德觀念的改變,透過提高道德的理想程度,例如將例外主義的道德觀音導致高理想性高相對性的情境主義道德觀,則方有助於督使企業發自內心的重視外部倫理。
