Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1997/9
Vol. 5, No.3 p.505-536
National Taiwan University
本文從企業生態體系與廠商問策略聯盟動態過程的角度,來探討我國資訊業分工體系的形成與成長。台灣資訊業自成一格的綿密分工體系充分發揮了彈性創新的企業經營優勢,也在全球資訊產業中取得重要的地位。我們採用的是以學理為基礎的比較個案分析方法,來分析我國資訊產業分主體系發展過程。 企業生態體系的群體密度代表生態內規範廠商間競爭的驅動力與使廠商得以得到社會認同與支持的正當性,進而影響生態內廠商的組合。生態內的廠商各擁有不同的組織能力,能力適於生存的廠商將主導生態體系的發展。也就是說,群體密度、產業競爭與正當性、與生態內廠商組合存在關聯性。 為進一步分析分工體系形成與成長,我們籍也策略平台觀點來闡釋生態體系內廠商間策略聯盟的動態過程。策略平台是廠商經由策略聯盟等內外部學習所獲得、難已被競爭者所模仿運用的獨特組織能力。擁有獨特組織能力的廠商在市場機會出現時可兌現執行策略聯盟所含有的實質選擇權,而較競爭者優先掌握市場機會。 我們得到如下的結果。在企業生態的分析架構中,台灣資訊業分工體系的形成與成長過程應與廠商如何回應產業競爭與正當位有關。擅於運用策略聯盟的台灣資訊廠商在減少競爭威脅與增進正當性上優於同業。
(633513717315937500.pdf 51KB)企業生態體系,正當性,群體密度,策略聯盟
This paper attempts to explore the formation and development of the industrial systems in Taiwan's information industry by employing the concepts of business ecosystems and strategic'alliance dynamics. Due to its well-established industrial systems, Taiwan's information industry is capable of exerting its innovation-based competitive advantage. Hence, it has well positioned itself in the global information industry. We drew on the rationale-based comparative case-study method to implement this research task. Population density in the business ecosystem represents the driving forces for inter-firm competition and the legitimacy for providing firms with social resources and support. In turn, inter-firm competition and strive for legitimacy jointly affect the combination of the member firms within the business ecosystem. Member firms display differential capabilities: those who have the capabilities that are favorable for survival will lead the development of the business ecosystem. That is, there should be relationships between population density, competition and legitimacy, and member firms' combination within the business ecosystem. To shed further insight into the formation and development of the industrial systems, we studied the dynamics of inter-firm strategic alliances through the lens of the strategic platform. Unique organizational capabilities that are acquired through external learning and that are hard to be imitated by competitors constitute the strategic platform. Those firms equipped with unique organizational capabilities are able to strike real options embedded in the strategic alliances whenever market opportunities emerge. We came up with the following results. In the framework of business ecosystems, the formation and development of the industrial systems in Taiwan's information industry could be related to how firms respond to industry competition and legitimacy. Also, Taiwan's information firms that are proficient in utilizing strategic alliances as vehicles for reducing competitive threat and for enhancing legitimacy could outperform their counterparts.
(633513717315937500.pdf 51KB)Business ecosystem, legitimacy, population density, strategic alliance, strategic platform
本文的目的是希望節由運用企業生態體系與策略聯盟動態過程的觀點來闡釋台灣資訊業發展的歷程與特色,此產業自成一格的綿密分工體系充分發會了彈性創新的企業經營優勢,也在全球資訊產業中取得重要的地位。我們採用的是以學理為基礎的比較個案分心法,來分析我國資訊產業分工體系的形成與成長過程應與廠商如何回應產業競爭與正當性有關;善於運用策略聯盟的台灣資訊廠商在減少競爭威脅與增進正當性上優於同業。 本文的研究結果應可對經理人員提供下列啟示。我國資訊產業的形成與成長受到非經濟因素的影響,這些因素包括產業政策的重點取捨、科技人員的素質、廠商事業與人際網路、高階經理人的策略思維與價值觀、生態演進的階段與篩選過程等。廠商的創立與消滅並不只單純地受到廠商間的競爭程度所影響,應也受到廠商是否能正當地融入於外在環境中已取得所需的資源與支持。而生態體系內廠商創立/消滅和產業競爭/正當性的關係並不是直線的,這意味要理解台灣資訊業廠商數目/組合的變化應考慮的因素應是多元化的─非經濟性的因素也應納入決策思維中。 此外,經理人員應注意策略聯盟對增進其廠商對外在資源的掌握與避免競爭威脅的用處。策略聯盟的夥伴可能是異業、同業、供應商、客戶、甚至是集團內的關係企業。策略聯盟有助廠商以外部組織學習的方式建立或強化其獨特的組織能力,進而有力領先競爭者進入新市場、取得新技術、接獲大訂單等。