Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

  Journal Fullview

Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1999/6

Vol. 7, No.2  p.413-436

A Study on Demand of Firms for Business Information Service – A Case of Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park and Hsinchu Industrial Park
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Ming-Yeu Wang, Benjamin J.C. Yuan, Chen-Chien Wang/

National Chiao Tung University、National Chiao Tung University、Telecommunication Laboratories Chunghwa telecom



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The abilities to collect and analyze business information have become necessary weapons for enterprises to maintain their competitive advantages. As most firms in our country are small and medium in size, they lack the economies of scale and skilled professionals in collecting and analyzing business information in their business environment. Under such circumstances, more and more information service organizations are emerging. This paper focuses on the study of the demand of firms for business information services. Through questionnaires investigation, this paper aims to analyze firms' awareness of business information services, their motives of demand for such services and how they evaluate organizations providing such services. After questionnaire analysis, it is found that there are two types of motives that firms have when they out source information services. They are knowledge motives and decision motives. Types of information which firms are interesting in are classified into supply-demand information, task environment information and macroeconomics environment information. The service items which firms are interesting in are classified into unique project services and general information broker services. The evaluation criteria of the firms on the service organizations are quality of analysts, quality of information, goodwill of organizations, quality of service, and completeness of database.

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Information Broker Service, Business Information, Intelligence, Demand

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

資訊實為企業最重要的商業資源。企業若能迅速地蒐集、評估,並萃取適當的資訊,它將比其他的競爭者享有更多的競爭優勢。為了瞭解最主要客戶對專業的經營資訊的需求,本研究以組織購買理論為基礎,再從問卷中瞭解企業對經營資訊服務的需求動機、認知、興趣、評估項目,與購買意願。從分析中可看出,目前處於轉型朝或升級廠商對於資訊的需求程度都相當高,但在假設在所有資訊服務內容皆符合廠商需求時,多數廠商的態度是有點興趣,表示多數廠商仍處於猶豫與觀望的心態。由於一般人對服務的品質會充滿不確定性,且企業目前對此服務的認知仍不高,因此針對服務提供者有下列行銷建議: 1. 加強資訊對企業產生的效益 由於企業在評估服務機構時,最在乎仍為資訊品質,因此需提高資訊的正確性、深入性、時效性、完整性與前瞻性,以滿足需求。更特別是應著重於滿足客戶在決策上的需求。 2. 建立服務品質的認定制度 專業服務的知覺風險主要來自對品質的難以認定,因此加強品質的認定是相當重要的課題。故為降低客戶的知覺風險,建立對專業人員的認証制度就顯得非常重要。此舉也有助於服務品質的控制。 3. 積極建立優良口碑 服務的購買者較依賴口碑的流傳,因此口碑在資訊服務業就更顯得重要。除了業間彼此相傳外,專家的推薦亦是一很好的行銷方式。 4. 瞭解各產業的需求,切入利基市場 應該瞭解市場特性、所需的資訊層級,及所需的服務內容等來區隔市場,繼而利用本身優勢切入利基市場。 5. 增加顧客信心 現階段可從低價的資訊提供切入市場,並建立客戶的信心與依賴,再漸漸地推廣至其他資訊與高附加價值的專案服務 6. 善加利用資訊科技 從研究廠商中可發現公司辦公室電腦化程度非常高,有網路設備的廠家更高達88.4%,而且資訊科技更在不斷的進步中,因此應善加利用資訊科技以服務客戶。 7. 配合環境提供服務 由於獨特性專案服務的附加價值較高,而一般性資訊仲介服務的普遍性較高、市場量較大,因此對於這兩項服務,建議不妨採行銷手法80~20法則。則將80%的業務集中在一般性資訊仲介服務,20%的業務致力於獨特性專案服務。
