Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1999/9
Vol. 7, No.3 p.771-794
Department of Business Administration National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
宗教能對民泉提供一套價值系統,影響消費者的行為。然而宗教性變數在行銷的研究上,常被忽略掉。對於宗教的探討,由於我國民間傳統觀念影響深厚,國人自認之信仰歸屬,常有混淆之情形,故本研究嘗試對民眾之宗教性,而非以其聲稱之宗教信仰為分群之基礎。因此本研究之目的主要在瞭解宗教性、價值觀及商店評估準則間是否有關聯,繼而做宗教性的區隔變數,驗證價值觀及商店評估準則在不同宗教性區隔間是否有顯著差異。 本研究採電話訪問隨機撥號法,以調查大台北地區之居民,研究結果 如下: 宗教性與價值觀爾群變數、以及價值觀與商店評估準則兩群變數間,均有顯著典型相關,證實宗教性、價值觀與商店評估準則間之關聯確實存在。 依個人信仰、數術、報應、宗教活動四個構面做集群分析,本研究得到傳統遵循者、宗教追求者、獨善其身者及自主定見者四個宗教性集群。 消費者最重視的價值觀在不同宗教性集群間有顯著差異。不同宗教性集群注重的商店評估準則有顯著差異。
(633510608358125000.pdf 189KB)宗教性、價值觀、商店評估準則
Religiosity offers an inherent value system which influences consumer's behavior. Religious variables, however, are often ignored in marketing studies. Speaking of religions, due to the deep grounded impact of traditional concepts or beliefs, the self-proclaimed religions of Chinese people always exhibit confusing patterns. As a result, this study attempts to classify respondents based on their religiosity rather than the religions reported by them. The goals of this study include: (I) figuring out if relationship exists among religiosity, values and store selection criteria, (2) using religiosity as a basis to segment and (3) examining the differences of values and store selection criteria among those segments. A random-digit-dialing telephone survey was undertaken to collect the data from residents in Taipei area. The findings are: Canonical variates resulted from religiosity and values variables show significant canonical correlations. The same case occurred to values and store selection criteria variables. Relationship among religiosity, values and store selection criteria do exist. Cluster analysis was used to categorize the respondents based on four religiosity dimensions. Four segments were obtained: tradition followers, religion pursuers, own moral minders, 1-am-me. Significant differences were found in the choices of the most important value among various religiosity segments. Store selection criteria emphasized by the four religiosity segments vary significantly.
(633510608358125000.pdf 189KB)Religiosity, Values and Store Selection Criteria
宗教態度與傾向對消費者提供一致的信念體系,進而影響到消費者購買行為。本研究希望探討宗教態度不同的消費者,是否在價值觀念,及對商店特性的選擇上有所異同。 本文將消費者的宗教傾向,劃分為四個群體,分別為傳統遵循者、宗教追求者、獨善其身者與自主定見者。傳統遵循者多半認同傳統術數觀念,宗教追求者對於信仰較投入且虔誠,獨善其身者較相信因果循環與善惡報應,而自主定見者則偏向不認同宗教信仰。在價值觀的顯現方面,發現傳統遵循者與自主定見者較重視歸屬感與安全感,宗教追求者較重視自我充實與成就感,而獨善其身者較重視自尊心與人際關係的培養。在商店的評估選擇方面,傳統遵循者較重視商店人員的服務品質,宗教追求者不僅在意人員服務,亦重視產品品質與店內的寬敞舒適,獨善其身者與自主定見者,則較無特別重視之商店特性。 本文反應出的管理意涵為:宗教信仰程度不同的消費者,在價值觀上有所差異,對選擇商店的偏好條件亦有不同。因此,企業在考慮目標顧客群時,不容忽視消費者的宗教性,且應針對顧客群的特性而設計商店屬性,訂定有效的行銷策略。