Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

  Journal Fullview

Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2000/6

Vol. 8, No.2  p.325-344

Determinants of Volume Flexibility Capability: An Empirical Study
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Shih-Chia Chang, Neng-Pai Lin/

Ming-Chuan University、National Taiwan University


在面對顧客需求量急邊變化的競爭環境下,積極提昇產量彈性能力,已成為廠商迅速反應市場變動的重要策略之一;因此,廠商直叫可正確地從事製造系統之投資或管理活動之投入,以強化其產量彈性能力,係決策者目前面臨的重要課題之一;本研究將產量彈性能力區分為三種不同類型﹒產量範疇彈性、產量機動彈性及產量一致彈性,並探討該三種產量彈性類型之決定因素,以作為廠商提昇或發展產量彈性能力之決策依據;本研究以國內35家主機板廠商之資料,利用極且歸模式進行實證分析,研究結果如下: 1. 可程式化生產設備使用程度及良好供應商關係對產量範疇彈性具顯著正面影響作用;2. 可程式化生產設備使用程度、員工技能多樣化程度及良好供應商關係對產量機動彈性具顯著正面影響作用;3. 員工在品質改善活動參與程度及零件裝用程度對產量一致彈性其顯著正面影響作用。

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In the environment of large fluctuations in customer demand, increasing volume flexibility capability is a critical issue for firms to improve market responsiveness. Production managers have to decide on how to adequately invest in manufacturing systems in order to enhance volume flexibility capability. This research use multiple regression model to analyze the determinants of volume flexibility capability based on the data collected from 35 mother board manufacturing firms. Volume flexibility capability was divided into three distinct types named volume range, volume mobility and volume uniformity flexibility. Our findings are as follows: l. the degree of using programmable equipment and close supplier relationship are significantly positive associated with volume range flexibility; 2. the degree of using programmable equipment, multi-skill employee, and close supplier relationship are significantly positive associated with volume mobility flexibility; 3. the degree of work force involved in quality improvement programs and the ratio of part commonality are significantly positive associated with volume uniformity flexibility.

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Volume Flexibility Capability, Volume range Capability, Volume mobility Capability, Volume uniformity Capability

Policy and management implications
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