Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2000/9
Vol. 8, No.3 p.479-510
National Sun Yat-sen University
(633506310136093750.pdf 169KB)資訊系統發展、政治行為
Information system Development (ISD) involves the activities of resource relocation in the organization. During the development process, resistance often arises as a result of disagreement over different goals between users and the whole organization. Resistance usually appears in political forms, which means that users or the MlS department may present some unnecessary, irrational behavior purely for one's own purposes. Such political behavior would distort resource allocations, misguide project goals, aggravate the problem of time and money involved, and make the whole project fall behind the schedule. This study focllses on: (1) In theISD, which political behavior will take place in which stage, and by whom it is caused. (2) What kind of business characters, such as the organization culture, would affect political behavior and to what degree. And (3) how different political behavior, such f.S deviation of goals, dissipation of energies, and diversion of resources, would affect the whole organization. After detailed discussion, the study expects to make system developers aware of what irrational behavior might appear in the course of development, 80 that they can reduce or prevent any negative consequences.
(633506310136093750.pdf 169KB)Information System Development (ISD), Political Behavior
政治行為是任一組織、任一活動中一定會存在而且很難掌控其衝擊的因素,對於一向以技術掛帥的MIS或資訊系統開發領域中,這種較行為面的研究,不似政治學域、社會學域、組織行為學域一般,較少有人去探討。以社會技術學派(Socio-Technical School)的論點來說,資訊系統的開發必須將技術及人文方案整合起來考慮,以尋求最佳的配套方案,系統的推動才會順利成功;而在人文方案中,使用者的權力、恐慌、抗拒、工作滿意度的變數都會反映在他們的配合度與是否會運作政治行為上。因此政治行為是果,其背後存在著更多、更複雜的動機、意向、態度、文化、期望等認知構面的因素,亦即政治行為是個徵兆、是一個管理單位要發掘、要瞭解、要分析的重要議題 本研究目的是從文獻與個案的訪談中,去了解下列課題:(1)在資訊系統發展過程中,不同階段有哪些政治行為發生,由哪些人主導;(2)什麼樣的企業特質,例如組織文化等,會影響政治行為程度的高低;(3)不同的政治行為對於整個資訊系統發展產生何種影響,例如目標的移轉、資源的耗損、專案的成本、完成的期限、及專案的成敗等。希望藉由本研究讓資訊開發人員了解資訊系統開發過程中有哪些重要非理性的行為,以期能預防它對系統造成破壞性的影響。